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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

September 05, 2012

Labor Day Items!

Just added last of the Football themed items to the Labor Day Shops! Most will be returning and a few things are seasonal rares. Later we will be adding those football outfits as Red and Blue Team ones to the PvP shop. For Smashcoins you can also get Shadow versions of some of the gear while the Labor day Sale lasts. Next year we will thinking of new teams to add.

As mentioned before releases will be aimed towards Mondays instead of Fridays.

Tags: PvP Labor Day

Randor the Red

April 20, 2012

Spring Cleaning!

As our veteran players know, we are still in Beta which inevitably comes with the ever so popular bugs. Recently players have been seeing some overdue fixes to improve certain items (especially ones that carried over from Alpha). The bridge between artist and coder is not always clear; since Dumoose has been running me through the basics, I am able to be both when is comes to certain items starting with the guns. With this new-found knowledge, I have been tweaking long guns so that they will no longer look like they sticking in the ground and reposition them more correctly while keeping firing animation the same (though some items had to have "extra" animation to make more sense and run more smoothly). With help of our testers like PostMaster we are compiling a list of things to fix over the next few months such as CC (ie. color customization) errors in armors and items. This week there will be no extra release as we have been uber busy (eg. rolled out PvP and BP war begining of week *see last DN Post*) fixing and testing to get a new system of doing the guns which will now go much faster... go team go!

Next week we’ll be releasing some Player Suggestion Items! Polistar has already started on this project, and I myself will be doing some. The plan is to have player suggestions much more often, but our first priority is to clean out the older files and optimize the item system. After we get things organized we can move forward. Cinderella has been helping out with writing (as a testament to her infinite patience with me, she is correcting all my typos now) and with her help, we will be getting the HS storyline back in motion.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Yergen for his mentoring while he uses his amazing skills on AQ3D ( While working on AQ3D he still the time to make sure I don’t blow up HS anytime soon (he has dibs on that lol)!

Many players have been asking for a Movie Plex update, Soon as things speed up again, we will do a Summer Blockbuster themed update (I’m sure they not going to run out of those any time soon). To all our players who support HeroSmash we at Artix Entertainment thank you and will continue to provide best fun games possible. Battle On!

Tags: Randor the Red PvP Battle Polls Cinderella Polistar

Randor the Red

February 09, 2012

New Daily Shop!

Greeting Heroes (and Villians)! Randor the Red here with the latest news in the world of HeroSmash!

First up is the Random Shop! This special shop contains many random and crazy things. Each day the contents will be randomly selected from our database, so be quick to get something you like because we don't even know when it will show up again.


PvP updates:

Next is the Battle Poll which already in progress but we will be lowering the total votes required, to speed things up this time around so do not be surprised when the total changes.

New and previous Smashdome Champions will now have a badge in their HALdroid and character page to prove their hard work and prestige. When will you earn yours?

Several new powers and balance changes have been made. Check out the full list here.

PS Always click on your items to see if they have hidden actions to them, you never know until you try!

Tags: Randor the Red Dumoose Smashdome PvP Champion Random Shop Daily Shop


December 22, 2011

Merry Smashmas to all - And to all a good fight!

Mery Smashmas Everyone! Around this time I like to pop some popcorn, sit around the artificial palm tree, lit with artificial candles, and beat box to Smashmas tunes. It’s while I’m eating popcorn, and beat boxing that I ponder on family, and friends.  I consider all of the players my friends, and this year we went all out to make your Smashmas special.


Hermie and Doodie are back, and Doodie is up to no good again. This time she accidentally created a mass of mutated radioactive snow monsters.

There are so many that this means WAR. Battle and battle the onslaught of snow monsters and turn in the dropped snowballs to fill up a war meter.  When the meter is full – a special shop will open up!

**UPDATE** It’s amazing what the absence of a zero can do. There was a bug with the war meter. It’s fixed now, and everyone is POWERING through this war.


For Smashmas I made new maps for you to PvP in. They are winter wonderlands for you to beat your opponents faces in. These special maps will be around for as long as Smashmas is. Enjoy them!


While re-dated items from last year’s Smashmas have returned, even MORE items have shown up.  Everyone pitched in to make some really amazing items this year.


Merry Smashmas everyone!

Tags: Yergen Smashmas Holiday PvP Decipherment


December 11, 2011

PvP is Live for all players

Hey Power People! It’s time to smash some heads, big time. PvP has officially come to HeroSmash. All players can now head into the Smashdome and battle their friends, and destroy their enemies.

PvP Games Option

We have made 4 distinct PvP game styles that will require you to use different tactics, and strategies.

1v1 – This is the classic duel. It’s you vs your opponent. You can either enter a 1v1 queue and battle a random player, or you can select an opponent, and then use the drop down menu to Duel that person directly. 1v1 is a fun, fast paced battle. What strategy will you use to dominate?

3v3 – This action packed game pits two teams of three. Teamwork is key in this battle. Help your teammates, while destroying the other team. The first team to 1000 points is the winner.

Battle Royal – This is a no hold barred action extravaganza. 6 players enter, and only one will leave victorious. Queue up and prepare for all out war. First player to 1000 wins this crazy all out tournament.

Power Defense – This is a unique game that pits two teams together in a giant ever changing map. There are three power nodes on the map, one will randomly open up. All players must find which one is open, and stand on it. Once they are on it, they will start absorbing the power from the node. The other team will want to get all the power too, so you will have to defend it like crazy to make sure your team gets all the power. Eventually the node will close and another node will open up, somewhere on the map. Run, Defend, Repeat. Once your team has absorbed enough the other team will lose.

Rise To The Top

You battle and battle and battle. Your score rises, higher and higher. Are you the best of the best? See the PvP Score Board to find out. Simpley click your avatar on the top of the screen and select PvP Score from the drop down menu.

You can see what your score is daily, for the month, and your all time score. You can also see if you have made it into the top 10 daily, monthly, and all time scorers.

Achievement Unlocked

Another new feature added is the Achievement Medals. As you play PvP you will earn medal as you complete achievements. The more you complete the achievement the more you medal levels up. You can access the medal list from the HALdroid.


There you can see the list, and what you need to do to obtain the one you need. Will you be able to get them all?

That’s it for my update on PvP – It’s a lot of stuff. Wow – All this in a month! Big props to the ENTIRE HeroSmash team. They continuously make HeroSmash better and better. Most importantly is Llussion. He has made PvP his life this past month, and he's not done yet. We have more stuff to add, and a lot more bgs to squash.

What’s next on the horizon? I hear the jingle bells of Smashmas in the distance. What will Hermie and Doodie have in store for us this year?

Tags: Yergen PvP Update


December 06, 2011

Countdown to PvP Has Begun

Hey Power People - Who’s ready for PvP in HeroSmash? I know I sure am! Let me give you the run down, on what we are working on this week. Let’s see, on my list for this week are leader boards, powers, achievements, rewards, new maps, pnpc, PvP Founder badge, new game option, and new smash coin package featuring a guest artist.


We are setting up leader boards for HeroSmash PvP as I type. The leader boards will keep track of your current PvP score, and also list the top 10 PvP players. You can sort the list by Daily, Monthly, and All Time. Do you have what it takes to be part of the elite? Battle your way to glory.


Another thing we are adding to PvP is Medal Achievements. We will track your game play and award you medals or trophies based on if you reach the achievement requirements. The Medal List will be found in your HALdroid as a new app. You can see what you have completed, and what is left to achieve. The medals and trophies can be upgraded as well. How cool is that?


When playing HeroSmash PvP you will receive tokens. Those tokens can then, in turn be traded in to gain xp, fame, items, or even powers. Did I just say you could buy xp? You bet I did. Wow, why am I doing that? Beats me. This game just got interesting.


This week we are doing a big balance overhaul on the current powers. Some that were too overpowered are getting adjusted, as well as those that are underpowered. Dumoose is working on those and will be posting a design note about that later today. As well as balancing the current powers we will be making 10-20 new powers. Some of these new powers will incorporate various elemental abilities into heals, allowing you to fine tune you powers to better suit you. There will also include some enhanced attacks, with new elemental animation. WOO HOO! I love animating effects!


To top it all off, we are adding a NEW game to the PvP line up, Power Defense. This giant map has three power portals somewhere on it.

When a portal opens up your team will have to run around and find which one is open, and stand on it to absorb its power. Once you have drained its power it will turn off, and another one will open up somewhere on the map. Run, and repeat. The other team is doing the same thing, so you must beat them up, and defeat them to get them off the portal. The first team to 1000 uses all that power to summon a wicked attack on the other team, and wins the game. This is a new and unique game that requires players to remember where the portals are, and work as a team to win.


Those that have helped us test HeroSmash PvP we thank you so much. I have made the PvP Founder Badge just for you all.

Remember those that want this badge must be a member and played HeroSmash PvP. If you were a member and your membership ran out before this Friday, but you were able to play PvP, then you are still eligible for the badge.


The Smashdome will have its own PvP shop. And this shop needs a shop owner. We decided to make this shop owner a guest PNPC (Player NPC) that would be there, until, well, until we get around to changing it. As a special thanks to our members the first guest shop owner will be chosen from those who our PvP Founder list. Who will it be?


We will be adding a special SmashCoin package to the list. It’s a $25 package (6000 SmashCoins) that will also include a special pack of rare items. The set will only last for a while, and then it will get replaced with a brand new set. The first set features a special set created by Dage the Evil, of AQW fame.

It’s the SkyFrost set, and it includes and armor, helm, gun, and cape. Once you purchase the SmashCoin package the items will automatically be put in your inventory. While you can buy the SmashCoin package as many times as you like, you will only get ONE COPY of the item set. This is one good lookin set, and not to be missed.


Whew – That’s a lot of stuff to do this week. I better get to work!

Tags: Yergen PvP Sneak Peek Bluster Dage


November 18, 2011

The Killer's Code and a PvP Update

A new movie has been releases in the Market Street Movie-Plex. This movie is about the hit game, Killer’s Code.

The items will make you part of an elite and mysterious group of killer assassins. Jemini, Randor, and Polistar really made some awesome items. Hope you enjoy them!

PvP Bug Update

Llussion has been working hard fixing some of the bigger bugs in the PvP matches. The first main bug he addressed was the helm bug. So that should be working again. The next big thing he tackled was lag. While there may still be lag, we have a better understanding of what is causing the lag. Your testing is telling us a lot, and helping make PvP better, and better!

On the PvP Horizon

Rolith has been helping us build the ground work for the leaderboards. Hopefully those will be up soon. I’ll keep you posted! Smash On!

Tags: Yergen Movie Release PvP Members Isostasy


November 10, 2011

HeroSmash PvP Member Testing Has Begun!

HeroSmash members (and those AQW VIP members) can now log in to HeroSmash, and have Dumoose take you to the Smashdome! There you can pick up your Ultra Rare PvP founder Armor and Sword, as well as some cool powers built with PVP in mind. Once you are itemed up – get in and start playing PvP!!!

Oh yes, there will be bugs

So the version members are going to be testing is most definitely a “work in progress”, but we are so excited that we had to let you check it out early. Remember that to make PvP we need YOUR input. Make sure you fill out all bug reports properly in the forums. Reporting to me or other team members via Twitter, will not make it get fixed any faster, Trust me, the forums is the most organized way to report PvP bugs.

Here are a list of know Bugs – just to keep an eye out for them and confirm them.

  • The Scores – Currently we are not tracking and saving your PvP score. The score system is working, and the score you are getting is correct, but we are just not tracking it… yet.
  • Some Map Issues – Sometimes the maps tend to not load up. It’s all right though – simply /join smashdome again and re-queue. Of course report the bug and let us know.
  • More Maps? – We will have more maps, but for the time being we just need to test the ones we have.
  • Leaving a Queue – If you leave a queue and then try to get back in – well, that’s a bug, and you won’t be able to. To fix this you can do two different things. One, Simply leave the Smashdome, and come back, and everything will be back to normal. Two, Wait a good 10 seconds after you leave the queue before you re-queue.
  • Always Say Yes - When you get asked to confirm loading into the match ALWAYS say YES. If you say no, then everyone gets lost in waiting limbo. If you really didn't want to play say yes, and then leave ove the match starts.
  • Death Gate Re-Entry – When you die in PvP you get sent to the Death Gate (obviously). Super Death has arranged a portal to get you back into the game. Running over the portal will get you back fighting, but the portal can be a little buggy, and may need a couple of tries running over it to make it send you.

What about the PvP founder Badge?

That’s going to get awarded when the Member PvP testing is over (December 8th). What happens if your membership ends between now and then? No worries, as long as you were a member and tested PvP at some point before your membership ended, you will still get your badge. If you become a member at some point between now and the 8th and test PvP, then you will also get your badge. See? We think of everything (or at least try to).


That’s all I can think of for now. So sit back, settle in, and time to get your Smash On!

Tags: Yergen Llussion PvP Smashdome Members Bonemeal


November 07, 2011

Big news on HeroSmash PvP

Hey power people; I have two really big announcements about HeroSmash PvP! 

The first announcement is that we are going to launch PvP for all players on HeroSmash’s Birthday! That’s right December 9th, will be smash time. I will announce some more of the new features as we get closer to the release, but mark those calendars!

Now so many people have been asking me if they can play, or try out PvP. Well have I got some news for YOU. This Thursday (11-10-11), HeroSmash members will be able to get in and TEST OUT HeroSmash PvP before everyone else! That’s right – You will be able to get in and test out what we have so far, let us know what you think, and if you find any bugs (Oh yes. There will be bugs). As an added bonus, for testing, members will have access to a special PvP rare shop, to get some cool items, and when the testing is over they will receive a special badge that states that they are PvP FOUNDERS! This amazing offer and opportunity is for members only. Our members are the best! This is our way of saying thank you.

We are making huge strides in developing it. Llussion is being a power house and making this one heck of a game. We are pushing the PvP beyond what so many of you are familiar with. It’s really going to be a blast. All of us who have been testing are having a lot of fun.  I look forward to having you all get in and beat the math out of each other.

~Yergen Out!

Tags: Yergen Llussion PvP Members Membership Rares


November 02, 2011

What time is it? PVP Adventure Time!

With PumpCON winding down, I have time to do a HSPvP update.

Llusion has got 1v1 working – it’s pretty sweet – but lately we have been testing the Battle Royal mode. Hatchi matchi what fun! A group of players in a no hold barred brawl against each other. It’s wonderful. We had a fun Battle Session while testing. Here are some screen shots Dumoose took.

As you can see, HSPvP is going strong. I’ll fill you in when I have some more cool stuff for you!

Yergen Out!

Tags: Yergen PvP Sneak Peek Brawl Rumpus


October 24, 2011

A PVP update, and new stuff for PumpCON

Hey power people! It's new day, at a new lab. How about some updates?

PVP secrets revealed!

HeroSmash PVP is going really good. Llusion has been cranking through it, and really doing a great job. He's made big steps, but we have a long ways to go. I thought I would fill you in on some stuff we have been talking about.

There are two main issues we have worked out. The first is that we are going to have scrollable maps in our HSPVP battles. There is no running and hiding in HeroSmash! It will help make the battles really feel like a battlefield that you can explore AND fight in. Speaking of battlefileds, is there any HeroSmash maps and locations that you would like to see turned into a HSPVP battlezone? Let me know!

The second big thing is we have determined what the main HSPVP playing options will be. There will be a 1-v-1 for battling a buddy. 3-v-3 for group battles. And then there is the one I am really excited about - BATTLE ROYAL!!! Imagine it. A mass group of heroes and villains fighting in one giant map. It will be utter chaos! Ahhhh - I love the smell of chaos. It's a mixture of cookies, and ginger. 

PumpCON secret unlocked!

That' it for the HSPVP updates. But there is going to be a game update this week. More PumpCON items will be arriving in the fairgrounds this week. Get yourself in the spooky mood! Keep sending in the PumpCON Cosplay contest entries. They are looking AMAZING! Well that's all not really a secret - but I was just sticking with the theme.

Tags: Yergen PumpCON PvP Llussion Grandeur


October 19, 2011

Three little letters – P – V – P!

We here at HeroSmash have been reading your requests, and it’s apparent that you want one thing – PVP. AQW already has PVP, but we here at HeroSmash know we can do it way better, so I had an idea. Let’s take and make HeroSmash a massive multiplayer online PVP game! It just makes sense. What do heroes and villains like to do, but beat each other up! Actually it makes the trailer I made earlier on make complete sense.

So here is the plan. We are going to take our time, and have Llussion build HeroSmash into a high octane, action packed, super hero PVP game, in which you can battle with friends and enemies in various PVP battles. In the meantime, in order to make this new update the HeroSmash release schedule will take on a more spontaneous nature, releasing items and armors here and there. This will be similar to how Epic Duel handles their release schedule.

You probably have some question, and I have some answers. What will the PVP be like? Good question. Not sure. I have some really cool ideas, so it should be amazing. What about the Clock Blocker story line? I am working on that now, and will be included in the spontaneous release schedule. What is a spontaneous schedule mean? Well HeroSmash was never meant to have weekly releases, but being the awesome team we are, we just couldn’t help but release stuff weekly, if not daily. The spontaneous schedule will probably be kind of a surprise. It may be a week, it may be a month. I will update the design notes when there are new releases – so always check in. Will it be like Epic Duel? Good Question – Next! No really, will it be like Epic Duel? It will be its own thing. We will look at all of our great games, and create something that will be really fun, and “battle-tastic”! What about members? Members will always get excusive content that will make being a member completely worth it. Will there be leader boards? If I get my way, then you bet! Why is Yergen Yellow? What other color would you expect Yergen to be? Will you keep us posted on the PVP development? You bet! In fact – I would love to hear YOUR ideas for what PVP in HeroSmash should be.

That’s it from me power people! I’m headed off to HeroSmash PVP land! Smash On!

Tags: Yergen Llussion PvP Battle Pueraria

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