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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

November 30, 2014

Developer Update ~ November

Developer Monthly Re-Cap!

SmashGiving! (Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday)

Some new items have been added including different variations of the Seasonal Rare Sword of Shadows (this year only) and a new Cranberry Sauce Slice Shield (say that three times fast) to the SmashGiving Shop. Hope you all had a great time with your families and friends and enjoyed your adventures at the mall!

HeroMart Specials!

Speaking of deals, HeroMart is now selling the 2015 Calendars! Be prepared for the new year and get your copy now. While you're at it, check out the pre-orders for the Paladin and Legion T-Shirts (they'll make great gifts for the holidays).

Park Chaos!

This past month, the park has been getting many new changes in the way maps are set up. I want to remove invisible wormholes that are causing flying headaches. We also changed some of the arrows to buttons in order to make flying easier. There are still a few more invisble pads to remove and then all the maps can be finally revised with a brand new template. Thanks for all your feedback. Once this phaze is complete, expect new zones and quests to follow!

Upcoming Events!

Titanical Promo Gear

Titanical Gear will soon be replacing the current promo set, so keep an eye out for updates on this.

Character Page Badges

Yes the character pages will soon be getting some lovin' very soon.


Last year, we added a few more monsters to the SmashMas quest map. This caused an issue where some monsters were very large. This year, the maps will be updated and a few more gift boxes added to help make sure quests can be completed without issues. Happy Holidays!


Let us know on the AE Forums what you think of the changes and ideas. I'm also doing my best to include your ideas all the time

Tags: Randor the Red SmashGiving HeroMart Smashmas Promo Gear Forums Feedback

Randor the Red

December 24, 2013

SMASHmas Evolving

SMASHmas has begun, but with a lot of changes this year. First off, is there no longer a War Meter, as they have caused issues in the past. War Meters will now only be used for special War events. Next year, the Main Street maps (East and West) will be updated with a setup like the Yergen Sewer Event (the map changes once you are on a quest). Some new items are already in the shop with much more coming later today. The rest are coming this Friday (and weekend). AE Staff were off Tuesday and Thursday for the Holiday season, but the Canadian staff are also off on Thursday (Boxing Day). To all I wish a safe Holiday season. With all the snow storms, we need to be extra careful. Be a true hero and help those in need of help.

Liberty Square map was changed from 'liberty' to 'libertysquare'. Map pads have also been updated. This is a part of the ongoing map changes and fixes.

Many have asked that items in promo badges be SC. This will no longer be the case (older SC items will remain as is), since once you unlock a promo/shop badge you can always get your items again if you accidently sold them.

We are also happy to say that while some artists are longer with us, some have returned. This keeps the number of artists at a needed level. We will post when and if we need more artists and writers here and on the forums.

Please also note to read about being a MOD before asking to be one (asking breaks rule #1)

Questions about account issues DO NOT go on Twitter. I use Twitter to keep players updated. You can find help here and info on the HS homepage.

New Years is coming next! After that, we focus on getting a new area done and updating older out of date maps.

So stay safe and Happy Holidays from all of us at AE and the HeroSmash team!

Tags: Randor the Red Smashmas

Randor the Red

December 20, 2013


Happy Holidays!

We're aiming for Monday to release SMASHmas! Artwork is still flowing while gift making E.L.F.s are working overtime. Unlike humans, the E.L.F.s (Engineered Life Forms) are genetically engineered for labor. Sadly, they are often mistreated and for long time have secretly (not to the MARShals!) been planning to take over the world. Who's not trying to take it over? Once again, Major Yergen hopes you all can keep SMASHmas a safe holiday from Doodie the Dark Elf.

Until then, we're adding a new Irony Mark III Helm and Armor to the cosplay shop! As we count down to the New Year, I hope all are having a wonderful holiday season.

Tags: Randor the Red Smashmas

Randor the Red

February 08, 2013

Final Smashmas War Showdown

This week is Smashmas! Er... Smashing Season? How do you make a new word from Winter and Smashmas? Anyways, on with the Design Notes! This week, we're running one last test of the Smashmas War. Wonderp Bread created a new monster AND a rare set! The drop rate is much lower than before, because you guys are WAY too good at finding them lightning-fast! (Must be those superpowers you unlocked!) This test will help us balance the new monster and give Wonderp Bread a chance to flex his monster-crafting muscles (so beware... monster size and animation may change slightly as he tweaks them)! 

Next week is Hero's Heart Day! All's fair in love and war, but how fair will YOU fight your battles? Have a great weekend, Smashers!

Tags: Randor the Red Smashmas War

Randor the Red

January 18, 2013

Smashmas War

Just like we continue to do in Beta, HeroSmash keeps getting improvements! This time, it's the Smashmas war! Merging old and new maps required us to re-code some parts of the map, but thanks to Dumoose and Llussion's code mastery, we're ready to release! 

Concept by Postmaster General
Instead of only one side (Good or Evil) winning this war, both will have to work together! Heroes need to protect the city while you Villains want something to rule! We learned from the Ebilcorp war that you all just love war, so this should be an epic one!
Concept by Polistar
This Battle Poll features two of our artists going head to head, skill to skill! Postmaster General and Polistar have created artwork (only the winning item will be finished) consisting of a weapon and shield!
Please note: Twitter and Facebook are not the places to report bugs. Please use our all-new Artix Entertainment Bug Tracker at

Tags: Randor the Red Smashmas

Randor the Red

January 01, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! This past week many of the staff had been enjoying Christmas, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. I on the other hand have been working steady to make an updated version of the Smashmas war to work. Old flash code and new coding as I learning can work against each other. Learning to make both of them work together is a real challenge to someone that for many years been an artist and not a programmer. Lucky for me I start to see how things work and break. So now I see how it can all come together. It takes a lot of time to work on maps while setting up and testing items. Something artwork needs to be tweaked and corrected. The art team indeed work very hard to get artwork in as quick as possible (many are still in school).

This week Artickiller is handling shop items until the war maps are updated and fixed. Then the real work begins as I need to update old items and remove permanent item rares. Setup and test the new items.

This year we will be working harder than the last to make HeroSmash bigger and more fun for all. Like to thank all who continue to support us.

Tags: Randor the Red Smashmas Randor

Randor the Red

December 21, 2012

Starting to look like Smashmas!

Today we updated Overlook with Smashmas snow. Also, Faith has added a shop for the "Are You Yeti?" t-shirt (HeroMart promotion item, the Yeti Head Morph! We are currently in the middle bringing Smashmas up to date with changes to the game over the past year. Still a lot to do, but soon as its ready we will let you know. One big change is the Upgrade and Get Smash Coins buttons are now gold and silver in color to stand out more from the general buttons on the pop-out menu.

Work is still ongoing to bring to you more new content.  There still is some bugs that need to be dealt with before we move forward. Our goal has always been the same, to make HeroSmash fun and great for everyone.

Originally for this week we wanted to release once again Smashmas PvP zones. Instead will be release later permantly to Smashdome giving more choices of places to battle! but the main menu needs to be redone to make room for the extra buttons.

The HeroSmash Wiki ( team continues to work hard to keep up with the changes. If you can help the Wiki team out that would be really awesome. Changes are to be expected in Beta as we work to put finishing touches on old areas and work on new areas and storyline ideas.

Have a Merry Smashmas my friends!

Tags: Randor the Red Smashmas


December 22, 2011

Merry Smashmas to all - And to all a good fight!

Mery Smashmas Everyone! Around this time I like to pop some popcorn, sit around the artificial palm tree, lit with artificial candles, and beat box to Smashmas tunes. It’s while I’m eating popcorn, and beat boxing that I ponder on family, and friends.  I consider all of the players my friends, and this year we went all out to make your Smashmas special.


Hermie and Doodie are back, and Doodie is up to no good again. This time she accidentally created a mass of mutated radioactive snow monsters.

There are so many that this means WAR. Battle and battle the onslaught of snow monsters and turn in the dropped snowballs to fill up a war meter.  When the meter is full – a special shop will open up!

**UPDATE** It’s amazing what the absence of a zero can do. There was a bug with the war meter. It’s fixed now, and everyone is POWERING through this war.


For Smashmas I made new maps for you to PvP in. They are winter wonderlands for you to beat your opponents faces in. These special maps will be around for as long as Smashmas is. Enjoy them!


While re-dated items from last year’s Smashmas have returned, even MORE items have shown up.  Everyone pitched in to make some really amazing items this year.


Merry Smashmas everyone!

Tags: Yergen Smashmas Holiday PvP Decipherment


December 20, 2011

Life imitating art = AWESOME!

My not so secret santa made this for me. it's a REAL LIVE YERGEN HAT!! Words cannot describe how awesome this is! There are not enough exclamation points either!!!!!! This is just WAY TOO AMAZING!!!!Thank you SAMBA!!!!!


Tags: Yergen Samba Smashmas Pantry


December 16, 2011

Got bugs? Call 1800-Llussion!

PvP released last week and you players ate it up. And our engine said WHAAAAAATTTT?  We had made so many big changes since members had played on it, that when EVERONE jumped on it we found a ton of bugs. On Monday Llussion jumped in head first and started squashing bugs, and working on fixing lag.

LAG,  IT TASTES LIKE IT SOUNDS - The first big monster we tackled was the lag. We almost pulled out hair out when we saw the lag. There was sooo much lag! Llussion really scoured over the game and found some key areas to help ease the lag issues PvP created. When he explains what he did I kinda glaze over and imagine something different. It had to do with dinosaurs fighting space rhinos. But I am rambling. Let’s just say he fixed a couple of key things that should really help lessen the lag issues.

CANNED CHAT CAN OUTLAST A NUCLEAR BLAST – It’s the little things that you miss, but when you add them make everyone smile. For those that play in the canned chat server (Jemini) we have added PvP centric canned chat options. They should really help everyone communicate when it comes to PvP. If you can think of any we missed, let us know.

SHINEY - Medals are now arranged properly, and properly leveled. That is all.

YOUR HEAD IS STILL SHOWING – Not any more. In your player avatar you would sometimes see your head peeking behind head morphs. That’s been fixed.

STUN RHYMES WITH PUN – When you are stunned and try to use your super abilities, you will no longer start that cool down timer. It will just say that you are stunned, and can’t use that power yet.

STAT_TASTIC! - Stats now showing in all battles. Before, we were not showing ALL the stats, when they were not important to your score. Now, just for funzies we are showing everything. People like seeing everything.

Whats next on the snowy horizon?

Hermie and Doodie are getting ready for Smashmas next week. Something has gone wrong, and radioactive mutated snowmen are on the loose. This is going to be one messy Smashmas!

Tags: Yergen Llussion Bug Fixes Smashmas Holiday Gargantuan

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