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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

February 08, 2013

Final Smashmas War Showdown

This week is Smashmas! Er... Smashing Season? How do you make a new word from Winter and Smashmas? Anyways, on with the Design Notes! This week, we're running one last test of the Smashmas War. Wonderp Bread created a new monster AND a rare set! The drop rate is much lower than before, because you guys are WAY too good at finding them lightning-fast! (Must be those superpowers you unlocked!) This test will help us balance the new monster and give Wonderp Bread a chance to flex his monster-crafting muscles (so beware... monster size and animation may change slightly as he tweaks them)! 

Next week is Hero's Heart Day! All's fair in love and war, but how fair will YOU fight your battles? Have a great weekend, Smashers!

Tags: Randor the Red Smashmas War

Super Excited!

August 25, 2011

Super Death’s Decision Tonight!

The Shadow War has nearly ended. Which side will Super Death choose?

This is it, super folks. The Shadow War is coming to a close tonight. And you know what that means (and if you don’t, I plan on telling yah anyway): Super Death will make his final decision whether or not to align with the Heroes or the Villains.

super death banner

But from the look of things, the Villain War Meter is pwning the Heroes… so one could make an educated guess if they so choose.

Find out tonight during The Trials of Super Death finale!     

Level Cap Increase!

How super is this?! You can now level up to 20!

New Shadow Powers

Helping Super Death through his trials has taken its toll on you. Trust me—it was super hard for me to complete, and I’m a Mod! Thus, you have undoubtedly earned Death’s respect.

And as such, you have earned the right—and the honor—to unleash Shadow Power!

  • Darkness
    Lvls 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 20
    Envelope your enemy in spontaneous darkness lowering his chance to hit while draining his health over time.

  • Shadow Blast
    Lvls 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 20
    Conjure the forces of darkness to blast forth from your eyes and destroy your opponents.

  • Shadow Bomb
    Lvls 14, 17, 20
    Blow up your opponent with an explosion of supreme shadow power.

  • Death Touch
    Lvls 14, 17, 20
    Summon the power of Super Death unleashing tremendous damage on a single opponent but gradually draining your own health for 15 seconds afterwards.

Speak to Astroman to get your new Shadow Powers!

11 Never-before-seen Shadow Weapons

This loot is never before seen ‘cuz it’s new…and ‘cuz all these items are blacked out! (Okay yes, that wasn’t my best pun, I know, I’m still a bit rusty =p But I’ll get there eventually, don’t you worry!)


See that HUGE gun up there? That’s Event Horizon. And Event Horizon will be going RARE next week, so if you want to own a piece of Shadow War history, you better get it tonight while you still have a chance! It costs 250 SmashCoins, so if you're running low, now is the perfect time to stock up!

Click here to purchace your SmashCoin bundle!

All these items require a good amount of Shadow Rep, so if you see something you like, you’re going to have to….

Grind for the Gear!

Following Super Death’s decision, new Missions will unlock under Twi's supervision that will allow you to grind Shadow Reputation. There are 3 repeatable quests offering 1500 Rep total, and one exclusive Member-only mission that awards a massive amount of Rep!

Sweet. Those Shadow Powers and Shadow weapons are as good as yours now!

If you are not already up to date on The Trials of Super Death, then you have some serious catching up to do! The only way to obtain everything you see here (and more) is to complete Death’s missions. It’s a lot of hard work, I know, but no one ever said being a super person was easy =D  

Good luck my friends, and SMASH ON!

+Oh and yeah, here's a super thanks to my Twitter friends for reminding me of how Beleen does things around here ^___^

Tags: Super Death War Decision new Tonight's Release Power Rare Beleen

Super Death
Future Bocce Ball Master

August 24, 2011

Shadow War Update

Greetings and Salutations, mortals.

The new season of Super Mega Extreme Bocce Ball is about to begin. And this whole Shadow War is seriously cutting into my practice time.

How can I call myself “super” if I am unable to win a little game of Bocce Ball?

I am glad you see the importance in this matter. Thus, I am converting 500,000 Shadow Beasts into Bocce Balls and leaving the others for you to defeat in the war.

I haven’t got all the time in the world, you know. Sure, I’m immortal, but I got things to do. Like winning Bocce Ball tournaments. And figuring out if I should side with the Heroes or the Villains.

So stop reading this and head back to the battlefield and show me what you’ve got. Shadow Cores aren’t going to turn themselves in, you know.         

Hugs and kisses,

Super Death

Tags: Shadow War bocce ball Super Death

Everyone is Super!

August 22, 2011

If Evil is never supposed to win…

then why are the Villains winning?!?

Super Death’s war has reached Day 4. Heroes and Villains alike are dukin’ it out on the battlefield against a flurry of shadow beasts from Death’s previous trials. Here’s the score so far:

hero side

Hero side vs the Villain side

evil side

It looks like the Villains are in the lead! But…but….but… I thought evil never prevails?

Or was that only true in AQWorlds? *pulls out hair* I have sooo much to learn about HeroSmash!

I guess there is only one way to find out which side Super Death will choose—and that’s to keep on kicking shadow monster butt! You and your super pals have until Thursday to show Death whether or not he should side with the Heroes or the Villains… so get your double click finger ready and head to the Fortress of Deathitude to settle the score!

What’s with the Ultra Rare Mega Movie stuff?bbarbarian

Any HeroSmash newbies here? Like me? Hehehe! Well, last week was my first official week on the HeroSmash team. And it was my first time seeing how HeroSmash releases play out. Needless to say, I was quite surprised and confused (well, more confused than usual) when I came across the Ultra Rare Big Bad Barbarian loot.

I was all like, “Heeeey Yergen… wats all dis Barbarian stuff, and why are dey Ultra Rares?”

Now here’s where it gets REALLY awesome, as if Ultra Rare items weren’t awesome enough: Yergen explained to me that every time a new blockbuster movie hits the big screen in real life, your creative HeroSmash team whips together a handful of movie-parody collectibles that are only available for a limited time!

lol not that kind of trailer
The trailer for Big Bad Barbarians.

Sadly, I missed out on the Pirate related stuff and the Harriet Popper swag =( But I didn’t know!

And now I do. And I’m all loaded up on Big Bad Barbarian gear! Aaaaand I’m going to make sure that I get my hands on the next batch of Ultra Rares when a new movie hits the big screen!

Prepare the popcorn for total domination! Omnomnom >:D

A Quick Glimpse into the Future

I know what you guys and gals love more than Ultra Rares and movie parodies: sneak peeks!

And do I have a treat for you. Next week is the start of a little something we’re calling

30days of suggestions
30 Days of Player Suggestions!

Yup. You guessed it. Just like the name suggests, HeroSmash is going to take your super ideas and suggestions and try our best to implement them into the game for 30 days straight! We are looking to release at least one new player suggested item every day for the entire month!

WOW. Can it be done? Well… we are ganna try our best to make sure of it! We’re stocking up on our coffee bean hoards as I type this.

Wanna get a head start at submitting your ideas and suggestions? Head to the forums and let your ideas be heard, seen, and admired!     

Seeing all of your wonderful ideas on the forums makes me soo happy—and seeing your wonderful ideas in game makes me even happier!  With double the smiley faces and triple the exclamation points!!! =D See!

Because you know what? This game was made FOR YOU, so YOU should be a part of making this game! It is because of Members like you that we are able to keep HeroSmash up and running for everyone to enjoy, and as the game grows stronger with each passing day, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can make it even better!

And what better way than with the upcoming 30 Days of Suggestions challenge! Heck yeah!

Although we are open to all kinds of suggestions, we do want to keep with the whole HeroSmash theme. Think modernfuturisticmilitarysomething that you would want your Hero or Villain to bring along with them during their super adventures. Or a special ability that you want to harness and master.

We wanna hear it all! So start thinking and get submitting!

Click this link when you are ready to submit your HeroSmash idea or suggestion!  

The entire team is super excited to see what super ideas you come up with. Don’t worry—you’ve got 30+ days to submit your ideas, so there really is no rush. Take your time, think your ideas out thoroughly, and we will all see sooner or later if your idea makes it into game.

Good luck to everyone, and in the meantime… the Shadow War still rages on. C’mon Heroes, we can win this battle (and get our hands on that sweet Shadow rep gear too).

Battle Smash ON!

Tags: Sneak Peek Shadow War Barbarian player suggestion Rare Beleen


August 18, 2011

Tonight’s Release is Live!

Well, technically, it’s dead, since Super Death has started a war!

This is just great. What kind of luck do I have? The moment I come over to HeroSmash… aaaand a huge war breaks out.

super death war

I didn’t sign up for this! Who’s in charge here?!

...Oh right. I’m part of that team now =D

So here’s what’s going on in tonight’s super release: For the past couple of weeks, Super Death has been sending you on his ridiculously difficult trials in order for him to decide which side to fight for. Should he be a Hero, or a Villain?

It appears that both factions are equally matched, so the only logical thing for him to do now is to start a war! Heroes will fight on one side while Villains man the other, taking down hoards of baddies that will earn you Shadow Reputation.

Oh and yeah, all that Shadow rep you get will let you unlock awesome gear in Super Death's shop. He is even releasing some brand new loot just for the war! Here's your chance to get your super hands on the Shadow Beast armor, Flames of Shadows, the Lights Out blade, Shades of Chaos, Shadow Knight Helm, Shadow Reaper axe, Shadow Beast Wings, and the Shield of Darkness!

me and my homeboy deathNow that's what I call a shady character!

Whichever side wins the war will be the final say to whether or not Super Death becomes a Hero or a Villain. Personally, I'm hoping he sides with PINK... but Artix insists that that's not an option... so I guess we will see which side wins at the end of the war!

Ultra Rares in Store Now

YAAAY! Brand new ultra rares have arrived at the Movie Mega Plex on Market Street! This week, Big Bad Barbarian is hitting the big screen and you can score some epic barbaric loot!

big bad barbarian loot

This is your only chance to get these ultra rares, so if you see something you like, you better snag it up before it's too late! Show off the Stygian Sorcerer armor, the Big Bad Barbarian armor, Assassins Mark, Barbarian's Curse, Barbarian Swipe, Barbarian Helm, Sword of Backonus, Sword of Teanna, The Hellenic Mark, Barbaric Buckler, Axe of Brofeeni, Gaul's Slayer, Chakram of Mlechcha, Nerfarious Mittens, Barbary Scimitar, Shiled of Barbaria, and the Barbarian's Conquest sword!

On a side note...

This has been my first week back to Artix, and my first full day working with the HeroSmash team, and I have had SO MUCH FUN so far! I cannot wait to brainstorm with the team tomorrow and start working on next week's release. School starts up again in a few days, so I am going to devote as much time as I can to working on (aka playing) HeroSmash. I have a lot to go through before I become a super master at the game!

Me and the team have A LOT of ideas for HS that we cannot wait to unleash. You and all your friends help make HeroSmash possible, so we want to make HeroSmash the most fun possible for you! =D

Thank you all for your support, and we are honored to have such super friends to play with. There's a lot of great things a'commin', and we are stoked to have you along for the ride!

Now, get out there and prove to Super Death why he should be a Hero or a Villain. Battle on!

Tags: Barbarian Super Death War Ultra Rares Beleen


May 27, 2011

War in the Park - The End

The war between DaVinci and Demolicios, over the control of the Pandorian Malachite, comes to a crashing end.

You have fought hard to help, but who will be the ultimate victor? Will the evil DaVinci complete his dastardly mission? Will the heroic, yet misguided Demolicious stop DaVinci? That's not all. The story continues after the smoke and debris has settled. Travel to the Franklin Street Apartments to continue the story. Look for a handful of new items being dropped and rewarded.

Randor and Jemini made a ton of items for this release, and they hope you like them. We even have a special cutscene made by yours truly. It's like a choose your path cutscene that will play out differently depending on who you are fighting for.

Tags: Yergen Jemini Randor DaVinci Demolicious War Cranberries

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