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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Gettin' ready to plunder some booty

September 15, 2011

Avast me hearties!

Arrrrr ye ready to plunder some booty, me super scallywags?

Yo ho yo ho! It be Talk Like a Pirate Day all week long!

yohoyoho its talk like a pirate day!

That old sea dog Capn’ Skampy be waiting fer ye and yer crew on Market Street. Raise thee anchor and plunder his shop full of TLAPD Seasonal Rares! Yaaaaaaaar!

tlapd booty

What we’ve got there be thee Pirate Royalty armor, thee Royal Cutlass, thee color custom Pirate Bandanna, ‘n thee Jolly Roger Paint (and one be color custom, too).

more tlapd booty

‘nd up there, me be showin’ ye thee Octo Inker gun, Scurvy Buccaneer armor, thee Cursed Royal Cutlass, ‘nd thee fishy Rapscallion morph!

Some of these Seasonal Rares are fer every swashbuckler while others be suitable only fer Upgraded Hearties, and some require a handful of SmashDoubloons. So ye better make sure ye get ye hands (or hooks!) on this rare TLAPD booty ‘cuz ye never know if they ganna be offered ever again!

New Player Suggested Power!

Since today is Day… um….day…. hrm, how many days has it been since we started the 30 Days of Suggestions…? *thinking* AH YES! Day 16! …me hopes =p

Today’s player suggestion is the Selfless Gift power, inspired by your fellow player Novarian Prince.

selfless gift

Selfless Gift allows you to sacrifice your health to heal another player by a great amount over 6 seconds. Such a noble and selfless power can only be used by equally great Heroes. As such, Heroes at level 10, 15, and 20 can learn Selfless Gift from the Hero Spire kiosks.

On behalf o’ thee HeroSmash crew, we hope you enjoy thee release ‘n continue to Smash On!    

Tags: Talk Like a Pirate Day TLAPD Seasonal Rares Player Suggestion Power Beleen


September 14, 2011

Power to the Players…

…from the players!

Seventeen player suggestions have already been implemented in game: Mystic Blade, Supreme Commander armor, Attack Gloves, Wonderped Bread Helm, Wonderped Bread Armor, Riprap Hook, Cold Blooded, Bionic Cleaver, Shades of Vanquish, Electric Guitar, Bitter Cold, Fiery Wrath, Contra Blade, Aura of Power, Final Blade, Inverted Justice, and the Pulse Crossbow.

So we’ve done weapons and gloves and helms and armors… but what about Powers?! Hehe, well… considering the title of this post…and the screenshot pictured below…I am sure you can guess what player suggestion we are putting into the Kiosks today ^____^

reality rend power
The Reality Rend Power!

Reality Rend was inspired by our fellow player Lord Thursday. This power rends reality, shattering your opponent's mind into splinters, causing Insanity. Opponents suffer mental damage and reduced mental resistance for 15 seconds.

This power is available in both the Hero Spire and Skull Deep DTU Kiosks, and is learnable by Heroes and Villains at levels 13, 17, and 20.

Get your Smash On and start rending some reality!

Tags: Player Suggestion new Power Beleen

Super Excited!

August 25, 2011

Super Death’s Decision Tonight!

The Shadow War has nearly ended. Which side will Super Death choose?

This is it, super folks. The Shadow War is coming to a close tonight. And you know what that means (and if you don’t, I plan on telling yah anyway): Super Death will make his final decision whether or not to align with the Heroes or the Villains.

super death banner

But from the look of things, the Villain War Meter is pwning the Heroes… so one could make an educated guess if they so choose.

Find out tonight during The Trials of Super Death finale!     

Level Cap Increase!

How super is this?! You can now level up to 20!

New Shadow Powers

Helping Super Death through his trials has taken its toll on you. Trust me—it was super hard for me to complete, and I’m a Mod! Thus, you have undoubtedly earned Death’s respect.

And as such, you have earned the right—and the honor—to unleash Shadow Power!

  • Darkness
    Lvls 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 20
    Envelope your enemy in spontaneous darkness lowering his chance to hit while draining his health over time.

  • Shadow Blast
    Lvls 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 20
    Conjure the forces of darkness to blast forth from your eyes and destroy your opponents.

  • Shadow Bomb
    Lvls 14, 17, 20
    Blow up your opponent with an explosion of supreme shadow power.

  • Death Touch
    Lvls 14, 17, 20
    Summon the power of Super Death unleashing tremendous damage on a single opponent but gradually draining your own health for 15 seconds afterwards.

Speak to Astroman to get your new Shadow Powers!

11 Never-before-seen Shadow Weapons

This loot is never before seen ‘cuz it’s new…and ‘cuz all these items are blacked out! (Okay yes, that wasn’t my best pun, I know, I’m still a bit rusty =p But I’ll get there eventually, don’t you worry!)


See that HUGE gun up there? That’s Event Horizon. And Event Horizon will be going RARE next week, so if you want to own a piece of Shadow War history, you better get it tonight while you still have a chance! It costs 250 SmashCoins, so if you're running low, now is the perfect time to stock up!

Click here to purchace your SmashCoin bundle!

All these items require a good amount of Shadow Rep, so if you see something you like, you’re going to have to….

Grind for the Gear!

Following Super Death’s decision, new Missions will unlock under Twi's supervision that will allow you to grind Shadow Reputation. There are 3 repeatable quests offering 1500 Rep total, and one exclusive Member-only mission that awards a massive amount of Rep!

Sweet. Those Shadow Powers and Shadow weapons are as good as yours now!

If you are not already up to date on The Trials of Super Death, then you have some serious catching up to do! The only way to obtain everything you see here (and more) is to complete Death’s missions. It’s a lot of hard work, I know, but no one ever said being a super person was easy =D  

Good luck my friends, and SMASH ON!

+Oh and yeah, here's a super thanks to my Twitter friends for reminding me of how Beleen does things around here ^___^

Tags: Super Death War Decision new Tonight's Release Power Rare Beleen

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