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Hero Smash

Design Notes



September 23, 2011

Welcome to Pleasanton!

Ahhh, Pleasanton. What a cute little town known for its quaint shops, friendly old ladies feeding birdies, and… MASSIVE Time Sentinel robots?!?

time sentinels in pleasanton

Something is making things a lot less pleasant in Pleasanton! And it’s up to you and your super buddies to figure out who—or what—is behind the onslaught of invading Time Sentinels. A very frightened citizen is waiting for you in Overlook Towers who will guide you to the troubled town.

Pleasanton is the first chapter in a 5 part storyline that we’ve dubbed “Story Zero.” In the weeks to follow, a new chapter will unlock, allowing you to progress further throughout the storyline in a whole new zone full of new monsters, minibosses, and missions. We’re calling this “Story Zero” because it will be our first main story that will set the stage for the manymanyMANY new adventures to come!     

Get Your Power ON!

What’s better than earning Fame, Experience, and Reputation for the Missions you complete? …Earning equipable Powers for all your hard work! Pleasanton’s Heroic and Villainous PNPCs—Hydraon and Darcron—will be awarding you with your choice of Powers after completing select missions: Slam, Flame Blast, Mental Blast, and Shock. All of these Powers are set to low levels so that every player, new or veteran, will have a chance at earning some free power abilities. Now that’s what I call SUPER!

New Items

Sure, Pleasanton may be the new home for Time Sentinels…but it’s also home to a handful of new items!

pleasanton items


Throughout your travels in Pleasanton, you will have the chance at getting the Mortal Coil blade, Anti-Blaster gun, Chron Blade, Hole In Time gun, Sentinel Soldier Helm, Time Sight gun, Time Sniper Helm, and the Time Stopper sword! Some of these items are buyable in the PNPC shops, and others drop off the baddies in the zone. But it’s up to you (...or the HeroSmash wiki!) to find out which! =D  

New Feature: Dossier

When you travel to Pleasanton, you will notice a little window pop up that looks something like:


That, my friends, is called a Dossier. A Dossier is a file that contains a detailed record on the perilous zone in which you are about to embark. The Dossier will enlighten you on some important facts to each zone, ranging from zone bosses to monster strengths and weakness to a preview of a few obtainable items in that area. How helpful!

Dossiers have also been implemented in each zone throughout the game. Make sure to check them out!  

New Player Suggestion Armor

Let’s give a warm welcome to the newest player suggested item: the Heat Manipulator!

heat manipulator

The Heat Manipulator armor was inspired by our fellow player Benyice and is available in both the HeroSpire and SkullDeep Kiosks for 45 DTs. It looks like the Lava Temptation armor might have a heated rivalry against the Heat Manipulator! Which one is your favorite?   

WHEEEW! That sure is a lot! Now, enough PINK… onwards into battle!

Smash ON!

Tags: Release new Pleasanton Dossier Player Suggestion Beleen


September 21, 2011


Today’s player suggestion is overwhelming with power… and has overwhelming requirements!

Your fellow player Packmaster inspired today’s suggestion: the Overwhelming Power!


When you use the Overwhelming Power, your body begins to surge with an overwhelming flow of energy. For 6 seconds, you will have an almost unlimited supply of energy, leaving you with a full energy bar afterwards. This power is especially super when combined with high-cost nuking powers!  

But before you fly on over to the HeroSpire Kiosk or blast your way to the depths of SkullDeep, be forewarned: the Overwhelming Power costs an overwhelming 150 DTs, is learnable only by Heroes and Villains of level 15 or higher, and requires a Shadow Reputation of Rank 6.

Such great power can only be used by equally powerful players! If you don’t have enough (…or any) Shadow Rep, you better stop reading this now and help Super Death on his ridiculously difficult trials. Best of luck to you, super dudes and dudetes!  

Spoiler Alert!

Want a sneak peek at tomorrow’s release? Well DUH!

time sentinel

WOAAAAH! That’s soooo cool! Buuuuuut…what is it?

That, my friends, is your first look at the first minion of HeroSmash’s first main storyline! Starting tomorrow, you will begin your journey on the first chapter of somethin’ we’re calling “Story Zero.” This is going to be HS’s first main—and complete!—storyline that will further develop in the passing weeks.

Story Zero is comprised of 5 areas, each having new NPCs, new missions, new art, items, cutscenes, minions, minibosses—the whole works! And, if everything goes according to plan (which, as we all know, always does), we will be releasing one new area per week for the next 5 weeks. The final week is when you will fight the main antagonist…and tomorrow night, you will find out who the big bad boss is during the second fully animated and voice-acted cutscene!

Oooooooh! I am sooooo stoked! Your friendly HeroSmash team has been working really hard on making HeroSmash better and better with each passing day, and we cannot wait for you to see all that we have done during tomorrow night’s release.

On behalf of the team, we are super excited and super lucky to have you by our side! So thank you, boys and girls and heroes and villains; we could not have done any of this without your help and support, and for that, we want to thank you in the only way we know how: by transforming HeroSmash into the most super MMO out there! =D

Smash On!

Tags: new Player Suggestion Spoiler Beleen


September 20, 2011

New Player Suggested Armor

Ready to unleash some megahertz on your enemies?

A new player suggestion has been uploaded to the DTU Kiosks: the Tech Freak armor!

tech freak

With the seemingly endless evolution of technology, your fellow player Reki has discovered a way to harness the power of binary, transforming you into a Tech Freak. Upgrade your look with the Tech Freak armor for 45 DTs at both the Hero Spire and Skull Deep kiosks!

….speaking of Hero Spire and Skull Deep… what is the proper way of spelling these cities, anyway? Herospire and Skulldeep? HeroSpire and SkullDeep? Hero Spire and Skull Deep? H3R05P1R3 and 5KU77D33P? (that last one’s perfect for the Tech Freaks out there).

I dunno the “correct” spelling—if there is one—so what do you super guys and gals prefer? Lemmie hear your thoughts on my Twitter!

5M45H 0N!

Tags: Player Suggestion new Beleen

Stalwart Lass

September 19, 2011

It be me favorite time ‘o yearrrrr!

Swashbuckling shenanigans and a new player suggested item.

me be a pirateToday be Talk Like A Pirate Day, me hearties! ‘Nd me even decked meself in me real-life buccaneer outfit that be smartly matchin’ the Scurvy Buccaneer in-game armor!

Make sure ye say Ahoy to Capn' Skampy on Market Street to get ye own seasonal rare Talk Like A Pirate Day booty! Ye can find out more by feastin' yer eyepatches on me previous TLAPD Design Notes post!

New Player Suggested Item

Another player suggestion has been added to the DTU Kiosks!

data dagger

Ye don’t need to be tech-savvy to wield the Data Dagger, inspired by yer fellow shipmate The Wambo. Ye can get yer hands on the Data Dagger at the Hero Spire ‘nd Skull Deep Kiosks fer a mere 23 DTs! A motherload o’ player suggested items already be waiting for ye in the Kiosks, ‘nd more be arrivin’ daily as the 30 Days of Suggestions continue! Yaaaaaaar!

Shiver me timbers ‘nd Swashbuckle On!

Tags: Talk Like a Pirate Day new Player Suggestion Beleen


September 16, 2011

Vampire Bite!

Today’s Player Suggestion is a power you can really sink your teeth into.

Ahh—good ol’ vampire humor that I used back in the days of Lore. But now that I’ve traveled to HeroSmash, I’ve traded in my hot pink armor for an even hotter pinker super suit—but the puns and play-on-words will live on forever! ^___^

Today’s player suggestion comes from Lady Zafara, and it’s called the Vampire Bite power: “From the shadows you attack, draining your opponents life force and replenishing your own.” Since it kind of goes against the Heroic code of honor, only Villains are able to learn Vampire Bite. Villains at level 13, 16, and 20 can learn Vampire Bite from the Skull Deep Kiosk.

vampire bite!

I hope you are enjoying all these new player suggested weapons and armors and powers =D It’s so awesome hearing all of your super ideas—and even more awesome when we can put your ideas in game!

Remember, you can post your super suggestions right here on the forums!  

Smash On and Brainstorm On!

*also, for those who noticed: yes, I remembered to change my text color to pink! Happy day!

Tags: new Player Suggestion Vampire Beleen


September 14, 2011

Power to the Players…

…from the players!

Seventeen player suggestions have already been implemented in game: Mystic Blade, Supreme Commander armor, Attack Gloves, Wonderped Bread Helm, Wonderped Bread Armor, Riprap Hook, Cold Blooded, Bionic Cleaver, Shades of Vanquish, Electric Guitar, Bitter Cold, Fiery Wrath, Contra Blade, Aura of Power, Final Blade, Inverted Justice, and the Pulse Crossbow.

So we’ve done weapons and gloves and helms and armors… but what about Powers?! Hehe, well… considering the title of this post…and the screenshot pictured below…I am sure you can guess what player suggestion we are putting into the Kiosks today ^____^

reality rend power
The Reality Rend Power!

Reality Rend was inspired by our fellow player Lord Thursday. This power rends reality, shattering your opponent's mind into splinters, causing Insanity. Opponents suffer mental damage and reduced mental resistance for 15 seconds.

This power is available in both the Hero Spire and Skull Deep DTU Kiosks, and is learnable by Heroes and Villains at levels 13, 17, and 20.

Get your Smash On and start rending some reality!

Tags: Player Suggestion new Power Beleen

Super Excited!

August 25, 2011

Super Death’s Decision Tonight!

The Shadow War has nearly ended. Which side will Super Death choose?

This is it, super folks. The Shadow War is coming to a close tonight. And you know what that means (and if you don’t, I plan on telling yah anyway): Super Death will make his final decision whether or not to align with the Heroes or the Villains.

super death banner

But from the look of things, the Villain War Meter is pwning the Heroes… so one could make an educated guess if they so choose.

Find out tonight during The Trials of Super Death finale!     

Level Cap Increase!

How super is this?! You can now level up to 20!

New Shadow Powers

Helping Super Death through his trials has taken its toll on you. Trust me—it was super hard for me to complete, and I’m a Mod! Thus, you have undoubtedly earned Death’s respect.

And as such, you have earned the right—and the honor—to unleash Shadow Power!

  • Darkness
    Lvls 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 20
    Envelope your enemy in spontaneous darkness lowering his chance to hit while draining his health over time.

  • Shadow Blast
    Lvls 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 20
    Conjure the forces of darkness to blast forth from your eyes and destroy your opponents.

  • Shadow Bomb
    Lvls 14, 17, 20
    Blow up your opponent with an explosion of supreme shadow power.

  • Death Touch
    Lvls 14, 17, 20
    Summon the power of Super Death unleashing tremendous damage on a single opponent but gradually draining your own health for 15 seconds afterwards.

Speak to Astroman to get your new Shadow Powers!

11 Never-before-seen Shadow Weapons

This loot is never before seen ‘cuz it’s new…and ‘cuz all these items are blacked out! (Okay yes, that wasn’t my best pun, I know, I’m still a bit rusty =p But I’ll get there eventually, don’t you worry!)


See that HUGE gun up there? That’s Event Horizon. And Event Horizon will be going RARE next week, so if you want to own a piece of Shadow War history, you better get it tonight while you still have a chance! It costs 250 SmashCoins, so if you're running low, now is the perfect time to stock up!

Click here to purchace your SmashCoin bundle!

All these items require a good amount of Shadow Rep, so if you see something you like, you’re going to have to….

Grind for the Gear!

Following Super Death’s decision, new Missions will unlock under Twi's supervision that will allow you to grind Shadow Reputation. There are 3 repeatable quests offering 1500 Rep total, and one exclusive Member-only mission that awards a massive amount of Rep!

Sweet. Those Shadow Powers and Shadow weapons are as good as yours now!

If you are not already up to date on The Trials of Super Death, then you have some serious catching up to do! The only way to obtain everything you see here (and more) is to complete Death’s missions. It’s a lot of hard work, I know, but no one ever said being a super person was easy =D  

Good luck my friends, and SMASH ON!

+Oh and yeah, here's a super thanks to my Twitter friends for reminding me of how Beleen does things around here ^___^

Tags: Super Death War Decision new Tonight's Release Power Rare Beleen

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