Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes



September 21, 2011


Today’s player suggestion is overwhelming with power… and has overwhelming requirements!

Your fellow player Packmaster inspired today’s suggestion: the Overwhelming Power!


When you use the Overwhelming Power, your body begins to surge with an overwhelming flow of energy. For 6 seconds, you will have an almost unlimited supply of energy, leaving you with a full energy bar afterwards. This power is especially super when combined with high-cost nuking powers!  

But before you fly on over to the HeroSpire Kiosk or blast your way to the depths of SkullDeep, be forewarned: the Overwhelming Power costs an overwhelming 150 DTs, is learnable only by Heroes and Villains of level 15 or higher, and requires a Shadow Reputation of Rank 6.

Such great power can only be used by equally powerful players! If you don’t have enough (…or any) Shadow Rep, you better stop reading this now and help Super Death on his ridiculously difficult trials. Best of luck to you, super dudes and dudetes!  

Spoiler Alert!

Want a sneak peek at tomorrow’s release? Well DUH!

time sentinel

WOAAAAH! That’s soooo cool! Buuuuuut…what is it?

That, my friends, is your first look at the first minion of HeroSmash’s first main storyline! Starting tomorrow, you will begin your journey on the first chapter of somethin’ we’re calling “Story Zero.” This is going to be HS’s first main—and complete!—storyline that will further develop in the passing weeks.

Story Zero is comprised of 5 areas, each having new NPCs, new missions, new art, items, cutscenes, minions, minibosses—the whole works! And, if everything goes according to plan (which, as we all know, always does), we will be releasing one new area per week for the next 5 weeks. The final week is when you will fight the main antagonist…and tomorrow night, you will find out who the big bad boss is during the second fully animated and voice-acted cutscene!

Oooooooh! I am sooooo stoked! Your friendly HeroSmash team has been working really hard on making HeroSmash better and better with each passing day, and we cannot wait for you to see all that we have done during tomorrow night’s release.

On behalf of the team, we are super excited and super lucky to have you by our side! So thank you, boys and girls and heroes and villains; we could not have done any of this without your help and support, and for that, we want to thank you in the only way we know how: by transforming HeroSmash into the most super MMO out there! =D

Smash On!

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