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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

February 08, 2013

Final Smashmas War Showdown

This week is Smashmas! Er... Smashing Season? How do you make a new word from Winter and Smashmas? Anyways, on with the Design Notes! This week, we're running one last test of the Smashmas War. Wonderp Bread created a new monster AND a rare set! The drop rate is much lower than before, because you guys are WAY too good at finding them lightning-fast! (Must be those superpowers you unlocked!) This test will help us balance the new monster and give Wonderp Bread a chance to flex his monster-crafting muscles (so beware... monster size and animation may change slightly as he tweaks them)! 

Next week is Hero's Heart Day! All's fair in love and war, but how fair will YOU fight your battles? Have a great weekend, Smashers!

Tags: Randor the Red Smashmas War

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