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Hero Smash

Design Notes



February 23, 2012

Package Supremo gets a MEGA UPDATE

The Package Supremo set was a huge success and you all look great in your SkyFrost set. But the time has come to update the package with a new set. And this set defines the word HEAVY METAL. Dage the Evil, of AQW fame, created another amazing set. This set included multiple stages of transformation to fully customize your character to the extreme. So if you have not yet purchaced the SkyFrost set, get it before it's gone for good.

Once you purchase the 6000 SC pack, the items will get immediately get put in your bank (you might want to refresh first), and get delivered to all your characters. You only get ONE set of the items. If you purchase the package again you will receive a special bundle of 15 PvP Tokens. Remember – you will only get ONE set per character. If you delete or sell the items, you will not get them again, unless you purchase the package again.

Tags: Yergen Rares Dage the Evil Spool


December 09, 2011

Package Supremo SmashCoin Package is available now!

The Package Supremo is a great new package avaialable for everyone. The bonus rare item set gets you the best of the best. Not only do you get 6000 SmashCoins to spend on some amazing items, and super powers in the game. But you get a special rare item set. The first set is designed by Dage the Evil, from AQW. As his first design for HeroSmash he created the SkyFrost set, which includes an amazing armor, a color custom helm, exciting cape/jetpack, and a matching gun. This item will only be around for a limited time, and then it will get replaced with a new item set, making it forever rare. This is an incredible item, and is not to be missed.

Once you purchase the 6000 SC pack, the items will get immediately get put in your bank (you might want to refresh first), and get delivered to all your characters. You only get ONE set of the items. If you purchase the package again you will receive a special bundle of 15 PvP Tokens. Remember – you will only get ONE set per character. If you delete or sell the items, you will not get them again, unless you purchase the package again.

Tags: Yergen Dage the Evil SmashCoins Rares Promotion Grunion


November 07, 2011

Big news on HeroSmash PvP

Hey power people; I have two really big announcements about HeroSmash PvP! 

The first announcement is that we are going to launch PvP for all players on HeroSmash’s Birthday! That’s right December 9th, will be smash time. I will announce some more of the new features as we get closer to the release, but mark those calendars!

Now so many people have been asking me if they can play, or try out PvP. Well have I got some news for YOU. This Thursday (11-10-11), HeroSmash members will be able to get in and TEST OUT HeroSmash PvP before everyone else! That’s right – You will be able to get in and test out what we have so far, let us know what you think, and if you find any bugs (Oh yes. There will be bugs). As an added bonus, for testing, members will have access to a special PvP rare shop, to get some cool items, and when the testing is over they will receive a special badge that states that they are PvP FOUNDERS! This amazing offer and opportunity is for members only. Our members are the best! This is our way of saying thank you.

We are making huge strides in developing it. Llussion is being a power house and making this one heck of a game. We are pushing the PvP beyond what so many of you are familiar with. It’s really going to be a blast. All of us who have been testing are having a lot of fun.  I look forward to having you all get in and beat the math out of each other.

~Yergen Out!

Tags: Yergen Llussion PvP Members Membership Rares


September 26, 2011

Ending Soon!

30 Days of Player Suggestions, Big Bad Barbarian Ultra Rares, and Talk Like A Pirate Day loot.

Happy Monday everyone! Get your Anti-Pink Goggles ready, grab a snack, and fill your caffeine-vessel with your favorite drink, ‘cuz there’s a bunch of stuff we are going to cover today =D

The first thing on the agenda: 30 Days of Player Suggestions. I can’t believe it’s almost been a full month! We have had sooo many awesome suggestions and it’s been even more awesome implementing these ideas in game. We have so many super talented artists out there!

Today’s player suggestion is the Dark Energy Ripper, inspired by our fellow player Paradoxies.

Dark Energy Ripper

The Dark Energy Ripper can be obtained at both the HeroSpire and SkullDeep Kiosks for 28 DTs. Even though this blade looks like something only the evilest of Villains would use… I couldn’t help but make it available to Heroes as well since I am a Hero and I reaaaallly liked the look of this weapon! So YES, the Dark Energy Ripper can be used by both Heroes and Villains! How super!  

After today, that leaves us with only 4 more suggestions. But don’t be sad if your idea hasn’t made it in game yet—every once in awhile, we will release more player suggested items, so keep your brain a’storming ‘cuz you never know if (or when!) you will see your own ideas in game.

Market Street Merch

Next thing you should be aware of is all the Rare Items leaving Market Street on Thursday!

Big Bad Barbarians

The Ultra Rare Big Bad Barbarian gear at the Mega Movie Plex will be setting sail soon—and will NEVER be offered again. So for all those Rare Item hunters out there, now is your last chance to score this barbaric bounty!  

And while you’re on Market Street, make sure to pay that old sea dog Capn’ Skampy a visit! He’s right outside Captain Mack’s Head Shop and is loaded with a treasure chest of Talk Like A Pirate Day booty.

TLAPD booty

All of these items are Seasonal Rares, so no one knows if they will be back again next year or not. We cannot see into the future—nor are we on speaking terms with the Clock Blocker—so we do not know if these items will return during the 2012 TLAPD season.

But it’s better to be safe than sorry seasonal rare-less. So get your TLAPD items while you still got a chance! Yaaaaaaaarrrrrr!

Speaking of the Future…

October is nearly here! And that means that the spookiest time of the year is quickly approaching.

But there’s a slight problem. Okay—a BIG problem. You see, in AdventureQuest Worlds, they have “Mogloween.” Because they have Moglins. And that makes sense. But we don’t have Moglins in HeroSmash. Sooooo…..????? You see the problem!

Should we call it Octoween? Howl-o-tober? Super-Spooky-Candy-Eating-Pumpkin-Carving-Day? Howl*Con? Fright Night? Harvest Festival? Or what?

We just don’t know! And that’s why we need your help!

Feel free to post your thoughts on what we should call HeroSmash’s first spook-tastical holiday event on my Twitter or on Yergen’s.

Let the tricks and treats and great ideas commence!

Tags: Beleen Player Suggestion Barbarian Pirate Rares


August 18, 2011

Tonight’s Release is Live!

Well, technically, it’s dead, since Super Death has started a war!

This is just great. What kind of luck do I have? The moment I come over to HeroSmash… aaaand a huge war breaks out.

super death war

I didn’t sign up for this! Who’s in charge here?!

...Oh right. I’m part of that team now =D

So here’s what’s going on in tonight’s super release: For the past couple of weeks, Super Death has been sending you on his ridiculously difficult trials in order for him to decide which side to fight for. Should he be a Hero, or a Villain?

It appears that both factions are equally matched, so the only logical thing for him to do now is to start a war! Heroes will fight on one side while Villains man the other, taking down hoards of baddies that will earn you Shadow Reputation.

Oh and yeah, all that Shadow rep you get will let you unlock awesome gear in Super Death's shop. He is even releasing some brand new loot just for the war! Here's your chance to get your super hands on the Shadow Beast armor, Flames of Shadows, the Lights Out blade, Shades of Chaos, Shadow Knight Helm, Shadow Reaper axe, Shadow Beast Wings, and the Shield of Darkness!

me and my homeboy deathNow that's what I call a shady character!

Whichever side wins the war will be the final say to whether or not Super Death becomes a Hero or a Villain. Personally, I'm hoping he sides with PINK... but Artix insists that that's not an option... so I guess we will see which side wins at the end of the war!

Ultra Rares in Store Now

YAAAY! Brand new ultra rares have arrived at the Movie Mega Plex on Market Street! This week, Big Bad Barbarian is hitting the big screen and you can score some epic barbaric loot!

big bad barbarian loot

This is your only chance to get these ultra rares, so if you see something you like, you better snag it up before it's too late! Show off the Stygian Sorcerer armor, the Big Bad Barbarian armor, Assassins Mark, Barbarian's Curse, Barbarian Swipe, Barbarian Helm, Sword of Backonus, Sword of Teanna, The Hellenic Mark, Barbaric Buckler, Axe of Brofeeni, Gaul's Slayer, Chakram of Mlechcha, Nerfarious Mittens, Barbary Scimitar, Shiled of Barbaria, and the Barbarian's Conquest sword!

On a side note...

This has been my first week back to Artix, and my first full day working with the HeroSmash team, and I have had SO MUCH FUN so far! I cannot wait to brainstorm with the team tomorrow and start working on next week's release. School starts up again in a few days, so I am going to devote as much time as I can to working on (aka playing) HeroSmash. I have a lot to go through before I become a super master at the game!

Me and the team have A LOT of ideas for HS that we cannot wait to unleash. You and all your friends help make HeroSmash possible, so we want to make HeroSmash the most fun possible for you! =D

Thank you all for your support, and we are honored to have such super friends to play with. There's a lot of great things a'commin', and we are stoked to have you along for the ride!

Now, get out there and prove to Super Death why he should be a Hero or a Villain. Battle on!

Tags: Barbarian Super Death War Ultra Rares Beleen

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