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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

July 09, 2014

Changes to Membership and Battle Gems!

The HS/AQW 'VIP' system has ended. To clarify, the cross promotion between HeroSmash and AQWorlds has ended. Buying an AQW membership no longer gives you anything in HeroSmash.

SmashCoins are still available, so anything that is not for free players, can be bought with SC (SMashCoins). In the future, membership 'may' return as a HeroSmash only membership system (this depends on the player count and interest in the game).

So goods news for our loyal supporters! If you are currently a member (or had a membership), you get 50 more YEARS of membership for free.

On July 7th, all members received a one-time gift of 5,000 SmashCoins for each month of membership they had left (if they had 2 months of membership left, you got 10,000 SC).

Only the membership system has chaged, nothing else. This will not change items at all. Membership buttons will be removed from maps to avoid confusion and will be updating the pop-up menu for 'Redeem' button in HALdroid. New Promo gear coming soon!

PvP has come to Battle Gems! Read about buying gold and PvP HERE!

Tags: Randor the Red Membership Battle Gems


November 07, 2011

Big news on HeroSmash PvP

Hey power people; I have two really big announcements about HeroSmash PvP! 

The first announcement is that we are going to launch PvP for all players on HeroSmash’s Birthday! That’s right December 9th, will be smash time. I will announce some more of the new features as we get closer to the release, but mark those calendars!

Now so many people have been asking me if they can play, or try out PvP. Well have I got some news for YOU. This Thursday (11-10-11), HeroSmash members will be able to get in and TEST OUT HeroSmash PvP before everyone else! That’s right – You will be able to get in and test out what we have so far, let us know what you think, and if you find any bugs (Oh yes. There will be bugs). As an added bonus, for testing, members will have access to a special PvP rare shop, to get some cool items, and when the testing is over they will receive a special badge that states that they are PvP FOUNDERS! This amazing offer and opportunity is for members only. Our members are the best! This is our way of saying thank you.

We are making huge strides in developing it. Llussion is being a power house and making this one heck of a game. We are pushing the PvP beyond what so many of you are familiar with. It’s really going to be a blast. All of us who have been testing are having a lot of fun.  I look forward to having you all get in and beat the math out of each other.

~Yergen Out!

Tags: Yergen Llussion PvP Members Membership Rares


September 29, 2011

Lost in time, and a Timely Doctor - What a week!

Beleen has been writing the Design Notes for so long – Now it’s MY turn. MuHAHAHAHAHAhahahaha!


What Future Is This?

HeroSmash Members will get to see a special sneak of the future of Earth as it is in the year 2511. The Oblivion has almost decimated it, and now you are stuck there! Can you find the tools needed to create an Antimatter Mechanism to get you back to your time? Or will you be just one more morsel on the Oblivion’s Earth Buffet?

See what Pleasanton looks like in the year 2511, and bring back some intense Oblivion Technology from the future!


Is there a Doctor in the Mega Plex?

Say goodbye to Barbarian goods, and say hello to some a very unique doctor. Your favorite time traveling British TV program is hitting the big screen at the Mega Movie Plex. This popular show features an alien doctor who has the ability to travel through space and time. This doctor has traveled so much that he’s forgotten his name—along with the show’s title! Was it Doctor What? Doctor When? Doctor Huh? Doctor Whom? Who knows!

Fans all over should head immediately to Market street and pick up your doctor wares. Not a fan? Well they have a cool mop for sale.


Sneak Peek? Well I guess

This time twisting tale is not over yet power people. The people in Pleasanton Oaks are now seeing Time Sentinels. They have all hidden in their houses. The only thing roaming the streets is Cats and Dogs! Plus surprise guest voice will appear in next week’s cut scenes. Here’s a hint – it rhymes with Shmeorge Glowe. This next release is for ALL PLAYERS! Next week is going to be fun!

Tags: Yergen Movie Release Mega Plex Members Membership Ramark

Martial Artix

April 22, 2011


HeroSmash's Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity

This October, we will be celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the original AdventureQuest. It brings a lot of joy to my heart knowing that those players who supported us all that time ago are still able to enjoy a new release every week in that game. I will be honest... when we released our 2nd game, DragonFable, we were scared. The players were too. We had no idea what would happen. A lot of people said we would fail. (Thank you for proving them all wrong.) The people who believed in us and supported DragonFable during the 1st month by upgrading their accounts became known as "Founders." We were VERY grateful. Those who have the title of "Founder" for one of our games receive a massive amount of respect (and some very impressive exclusive rewards in-game.) Founder was a once in a lifetime opportunity in DragonFable. Those who missed it... would never be able to get it again. Ever.

HeroSmash Member and SmashCoin Logo
Membership Badge & SmashCoins

When we announced we were making our 1st MMO, AdventureQuest Worlds, again... there were many nay-sayers. Especially because we had to change how we priced the MMO due to the more expensive servers, bandwidth and costs of running the game. You believed in us and proved all the nay-sayers wrong... again :-) Those who supported us in that first month became the "Founders" of AQWorlds! ...and we went on to create the hottest Fantasy Flash MMO in the World together. If you have ever played, you know the weight the title Founder carries. Our brand new game, HeroSmash is just about to launch. Whether you are a Founder in our previous games, or have missed the previous opportunities... this is your once-in-a-life-time chance to gain the title of  "Founder" of HeroSmash! How can you become a Founder? Support HeroSmash and the team with an upgrade, re-newal, or SmashCoin purchase during the first 30 days of launch. Like Founder for our other games, this opportunity will never be available again.


Membership & SmashCoins

Like our first MMO, HeroSmash will have Membership and a secondary in-game currency called SmashCoins. 

Congratulations AQWorlds Members! (You are going to love this)

"Best news EVAR!" It is official (now that Captain Rhubarb has it 90% working and we are pretty sure it will be ready and tested before next Thursday) we are upgrading all AQWorlds Memberships to "VIP* Memberships" which will give you FULL Member privileges in both AQWorlds & HeroSmash!

* Very Important Player


Yes. You read that right. If you are a Member of AQWorlds *ding* you are a Member of HeroSmash too.


Really. Totally serious. Sure, you might think we are out of our minds. But look at it this way. 1.) No one wants to pay for BOTH  AQWorlds and HeroSmash Memberships at the same time. 2.) It is a cool way of saying thank you for supporting us!

WOW! How can I become Founder?

A pre-existing Membership will not get you Founder -- since the concept of Founder is for those who support the game at launch. The only way to become a Founder is to support HeroSmash with a new HeroSmash upgrade, re-newal, or SmashCoin purchase during the first 30 days of launch. (BETA LAUNCH begins next Thursday - April 28th) You can upgrade using any method available on the Artix Entertainment portal site: including pre-paid game cards from stores and even the current Netflix offer which would give you enough points to cover a $19.95 package. There will be a badge on your character page as proof that you are a Founder - The reason this game is possible. This will be the only opportunity to become a Founder of HeroSmash. Once it is gone, it will never be available again.

Tags: Founder Membership

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