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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Super Death
Future Bocce Ball Master

August 24, 2011

Shadow War Update

Greetings and Salutations, mortals.

The new season of Super Mega Extreme Bocce Ball is about to begin. And this whole Shadow War is seriously cutting into my practice time.

How can I call myself “super” if I am unable to win a little game of Bocce Ball?

I am glad you see the importance in this matter. Thus, I am converting 500,000 Shadow Beasts into Bocce Balls and leaving the others for you to defeat in the war.

I haven’t got all the time in the world, you know. Sure, I’m immortal, but I got things to do. Like winning Bocce Ball tournaments. And figuring out if I should side with the Heroes or the Villains.

So stop reading this and head back to the battlefield and show me what you’ve got. Shadow Cores aren’t going to turn themselves in, you know.         

Hugs and kisses,

Super Death

Tags: Shadow War bocce ball Super Death

Everyone is Super!

August 22, 2011

If Evil is never supposed to win…

then why are the Villains winning?!?

Super Death’s war has reached Day 4. Heroes and Villains alike are dukin’ it out on the battlefield against a flurry of shadow beasts from Death’s previous trials. Here’s the score so far:

hero side

Hero side vs the Villain side

evil side

It looks like the Villains are in the lead! But…but….but… I thought evil never prevails?

Or was that only true in AQWorlds? *pulls out hair* I have sooo much to learn about HeroSmash!

I guess there is only one way to find out which side Super Death will choose—and that’s to keep on kicking shadow monster butt! You and your super pals have until Thursday to show Death whether or not he should side with the Heroes or the Villains… so get your double click finger ready and head to the Fortress of Deathitude to settle the score!

What’s with the Ultra Rare Mega Movie stuff?bbarbarian

Any HeroSmash newbies here? Like me? Hehehe! Well, last week was my first official week on the HeroSmash team. And it was my first time seeing how HeroSmash releases play out. Needless to say, I was quite surprised and confused (well, more confused than usual) when I came across the Ultra Rare Big Bad Barbarian loot.

I was all like, “Heeeey Yergen… wats all dis Barbarian stuff, and why are dey Ultra Rares?”

Now here’s where it gets REALLY awesome, as if Ultra Rare items weren’t awesome enough: Yergen explained to me that every time a new blockbuster movie hits the big screen in real life, your creative HeroSmash team whips together a handful of movie-parody collectibles that are only available for a limited time!

lol not that kind of trailer
The trailer for Big Bad Barbarians.

Sadly, I missed out on the Pirate related stuff and the Harriet Popper swag =( But I didn’t know!

And now I do. And I’m all loaded up on Big Bad Barbarian gear! Aaaaand I’m going to make sure that I get my hands on the next batch of Ultra Rares when a new movie hits the big screen!

Prepare the popcorn for total domination! Omnomnom >:D

A Quick Glimpse into the Future

I know what you guys and gals love more than Ultra Rares and movie parodies: sneak peeks!

And do I have a treat for you. Next week is the start of a little something we’re calling

30days of suggestions
30 Days of Player Suggestions!

Yup. You guessed it. Just like the name suggests, HeroSmash is going to take your super ideas and suggestions and try our best to implement them into the game for 30 days straight! We are looking to release at least one new player suggested item every day for the entire month!

WOW. Can it be done? Well… we are ganna try our best to make sure of it! We’re stocking up on our coffee bean hoards as I type this.

Wanna get a head start at submitting your ideas and suggestions? Head to the forums and let your ideas be heard, seen, and admired!     

Seeing all of your wonderful ideas on the forums makes me soo happy—and seeing your wonderful ideas in game makes me even happier!  With double the smiley faces and triple the exclamation points!!! =D See!

Because you know what? This game was made FOR YOU, so YOU should be a part of making this game! It is because of Members like you that we are able to keep HeroSmash up and running for everyone to enjoy, and as the game grows stronger with each passing day, we want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how we can make it even better!

And what better way than with the upcoming 30 Days of Suggestions challenge! Heck yeah!

Although we are open to all kinds of suggestions, we do want to keep with the whole HeroSmash theme. Think modernfuturisticmilitarysomething that you would want your Hero or Villain to bring along with them during their super adventures. Or a special ability that you want to harness and master.

We wanna hear it all! So start thinking and get submitting!

Click this link when you are ready to submit your HeroSmash idea or suggestion!  

The entire team is super excited to see what super ideas you come up with. Don’t worry—you’ve got 30+ days to submit your ideas, so there really is no rush. Take your time, think your ideas out thoroughly, and we will all see sooner or later if your idea makes it into game.

Good luck to everyone, and in the meantime… the Shadow War still rages on. C’mon Heroes, we can win this battle (and get our hands on that sweet Shadow rep gear too).

Battle Smash ON!

Tags: Sneak Peek Shadow War Barbarian player suggestion Rare Beleen

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