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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

December 20, 2013


Happy Holidays!

We're aiming for Monday to release SMASHmas! Artwork is still flowing while gift making E.L.F.s are working overtime. Unlike humans, the E.L.F.s (Engineered Life Forms) are genetically engineered for labor. Sadly, they are often mistreated and for long time have secretly (not to the MARShals!) been planning to take over the world. Who's not trying to take it over? Once again, Major Yergen hopes you all can keep SMASHmas a safe holiday from Doodie the Dark Elf.

Until then, we're adding a new Irony Mark III Helm and Armor to the cosplay shop! As we count down to the New Year, I hope all are having a wonderful holiday season.

Tags: Randor the Red Smashmas

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