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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

December 21, 2012

Starting to look like Smashmas!

Today we updated Overlook with Smashmas snow. Also, Faith has added a shop for the "Are You Yeti?" t-shirt (HeroMart promotion item, the Yeti Head Morph! We are currently in the middle bringing Smashmas up to date with changes to the game over the past year. Still a lot to do, but soon as its ready we will let you know. One big change is the Upgrade and Get Smash Coins buttons are now gold and silver in color to stand out more from the general buttons on the pop-out menu.

Work is still ongoing to bring to you more new content.  There still is some bugs that need to be dealt with before we move forward. Our goal has always been the same, to make HeroSmash fun and great for everyone.

Originally for this week we wanted to release once again Smashmas PvP zones. Instead will be release later permantly to Smashdome giving more choices of places to battle! but the main menu needs to be redone to make room for the extra buttons.

The HeroSmash Wiki ( team continues to work hard to keep up with the changes. If you can help the Wiki team out that would be really awesome. Changes are to be expected in Beta as we work to put finishing touches on old areas and work on new areas and storyline ideas.

Have a Merry Smashmas my friends!

Tags: Randor the Red Smashmas

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