Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

December 24, 2013

SMASHmas Evolving

SMASHmas has begun, but with a lot of changes this year. First off, is there no longer a War Meter, as they have caused issues in the past. War Meters will now only be used for special War events. Next year, the Main Street maps (East and West) will be updated with a setup like the Yergen Sewer Event (the map changes once you are on a quest). Some new items are already in the shop with much more coming later today. The rest are coming this Friday (and weekend). AE Staff were off Tuesday and Thursday for the Holiday season, but the Canadian staff are also off on Thursday (Boxing Day). To all I wish a safe Holiday season. With all the snow storms, we need to be extra careful. Be a true hero and help those in need of help.

Liberty Square map was changed from 'liberty' to 'libertysquare'. Map pads have also been updated. This is a part of the ongoing map changes and fixes.

Many have asked that items in promo badges be SC. This will no longer be the case (older SC items will remain as is), since once you unlock a promo/shop badge you can always get your items again if you accidently sold them.

We are also happy to say that while some artists are longer with us, some have returned. This keeps the number of artists at a needed level. We will post when and if we need more artists and writers here and on the forums.

Please also note to read about being a MOD before asking to be one (asking breaks rule #1)

Questions about account issues DO NOT go on Twitter. I use Twitter to keep players updated. You can find help here and info on the HS homepage.

New Years is coming next! After that, we focus on getting a new area done and updating older out of date maps.

So stay safe and Happy Holidays from all of us at AE and the HeroSmash team!

Tags: Randor the Red Smashmas

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