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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

October 31, 2013

PumpCON and AS Boo!

For the past week I have been under the weather (flu and cold season), but am working the best I can to get PumpCON updated and working. Last year, we removed the PumpCON badge code due to an error. This year, I was learning more about what causing our major bugs. We use Flash making software that keeps changing with each new version. Since HeroSmash was created, I have seen and used five versions of the software. The newest versions use AS3 (Action Script), but HS was originally AS2. Before I can replace and update the old AS2 to AS3, I have to learn more. That being said, Dumoose helped update the AS for the PumpCON badge to work. The new code does work, but it is still missing a few things. I really want to make it work better so we can get more badges up and running for events and bosses.

There was a mix up with the pricing on one of the PumpCON items, but that is now corrected.

Now that I'm feeling better, I will be working through the week to add the rest of the items the team sent in.

Question: What do Super-powered people wear during PumpCON?

As always, have a safe and fun night!

Tags: PumpCON

Randor the Red

November 16, 2012

Nightwraith and PumpCON are GONe!

PumpCON is now gone until next season. Nightwraith once again traveling the dimensions. His personal gear now PERM rare. Infact it is rare that staff allow players to have some awesome personal gear, so all give a BIG thanks to Nightwraith! His Npc will return again one day with new gear from EpicDuel. Ok with luck you will see a Thankgiving release begining of next week. The Super City Mall is getting major tweaks as we attempting to have a quest zone release as soon as possible. Have a great weekend! Also check out Oversoul BETA release!

Tags: Nightwraith PumpCON Randor the Red

Randor the Red

November 13, 2012

Smashdome and Sneek Peak!

This week Smashdome has been update to same level of code and features as that of Overlook. Mall is coming together with the expanded areas. The new areas are designed for different levels of difficulty.

Here a sneak peek of the zombies (still few more being animated). Next week Thankgiving items are coming! Also this Friday at noon Nightwraith gear goes rare and fair-well to PumpCON for another year.

Question? instead of an empty lot during the times between Friday 13th and PumpCON, should there be a perm theme park?

Tags: PumpCON Super City Mall Thanksgiving

Randor the Red

November 10, 2012

Overlook Again!?!

Woke up this morn thinking, so much to do but overlook is done... Until reports came in say that the menu was acting up. Bugs, Bugs and more Bugs! HeroSmash keeps evolving and so does Flash. Most of us updated to lastest flash making software which is a few generations from ones I started with. Each new Flash making software causes old coding to act up. This time it was my fault! Why? Well I wanted not only update Overlook with Faith but also throw in some of the new features we created. Sadly this made older layers go little crazy. Lucky for me I usually break alot of things and have Dumoose and Yergen look at me and *sigh*. But that how we learn, by understanding why things break you can understand how to fix and so was the case today.

As I was fixing people asked when Nightwraith coming? Well NOW! As of now Nightwraith is at Overlook until next Friday. This does not mean hes gone for good, just last time to get he awesome gear. We plan to bring back his npc in the future with new gear from EpicDuel (maybe Titan gear?). Also PumpCON leaves when Thanksgiving stuff(ings) releases. The Super City Mall is coming along good just waiting on some more monsters and items. The art for the monsters was done by Wonderp Bread and animated by Yergen. 

I off to get more things done as art is flowing into my inbox. Enjoy your weekend and as always be safe and have fun (playing HeroSmash)!

Tags: Randor the Red PumpCON Nightwraith

Randor the Red

October 30, 2012

PumpCON Returns!

PumpCON has returned to /fairgrounds once again with a few minor updates. There will be a few more items added on Wednesday.

Battle Polls is on once again this time its Samurai vs Ninja! As for last poll please note artwork is not completed until a winning is decided, then artist completes the winnning item(s) and the loser never gets made. Soon as Steampunk is finished it will be added to the shop.

Tags: Randor the Red PumpCON Battle Polls

Randor the Red

October 22, 2012

War is gone!

Hey SMASHERS! the war monsters have left the Super City Mall. But War Shop be around for another week. This now makes mall monster drops AE Aniversary RARES!

Super City Mall will now undergo construction for all new monsters and quests. PumpCON is coming this week once all tested and ready.

Tags: Randor the Red EbilCorp Super City Mall PumpCON

Happy PumpCON!

October 31, 2011

Cosplay Contest Winners!

Awarding handfuls of treats for costume creativity!

Happy PumpCON everyone! Are you enjoying the spookiest day of the year? Just wait until you gorge yourself on some delicious sugar-soaked candy! Omnomnomnom!

But you know what’s better than candy (…if that’s even possible)?

Here’s the answer: getting to award our awesome HeroSmash players with SmashCoins for their AMAZING cosplay contest submissions! 

Grand Prize Winner—5,000 SmashCoins



Runner Ups—2,000 SmashCoins



d-evil npc

D-Evil NPC





Winner’s Circle—500 SmashCoins










Everyone who participated in this contest did a SUPER job! We wish we could award everyone—but that defeats the purpose of a contest ^___^

(It would also make our jobs A LOT harder having to award 200+ entries! WOWZA!)

Thank you all for participating in this contest. We have some really talented artists out there and it was wonderful getting to go through and check out all of your hard work. Congratz to everyone who got a SmashCoin prize! If your entry was not picked as a winner, don’t be sad—we still loved being able to see your artist talents and we hope that you had a great time making them for us!

Smash On my friends, and happy PumpCON to everyone!

Tags: Costume Cosplay PumpCON contest Beleen


October 24, 2011

A PVP update, and new stuff for PumpCON

Hey power people! It's new day, at a new lab. How about some updates?

PVP secrets revealed!

HeroSmash PVP is going really good. Llusion has been cranking through it, and really doing a great job. He's made big steps, but we have a long ways to go. I thought I would fill you in on some stuff we have been talking about.

There are two main issues we have worked out. The first is that we are going to have scrollable maps in our HSPVP battles. There is no running and hiding in HeroSmash! It will help make the battles really feel like a battlefield that you can explore AND fight in. Speaking of battlefileds, is there any HeroSmash maps and locations that you would like to see turned into a HSPVP battlezone? Let me know!

The second big thing is we have determined what the main HSPVP playing options will be. There will be a 1-v-1 for battling a buddy. 3-v-3 for group battles. And then there is the one I am really excited about - BATTLE ROYAL!!! Imagine it. A mass group of heroes and villains fighting in one giant map. It will be utter chaos! Ahhhh - I love the smell of chaos. It's a mixture of cookies, and ginger. 

PumpCON secret unlocked!

That' it for the HSPVP updates. But there is going to be a game update this week. More PumpCON items will be arriving in the fairgrounds this week. Get yourself in the spooky mood! Keep sending in the PumpCON Cosplay contest entries. They are looking AMAZING! Well that's all not really a secret - but I was just sticking with the theme.

Tags: Yergen PumpCON PvP Llussion Grandeur


October 13, 2011

PumpCON on!

Tricks and treats and frightful beasts!

Happy PumpCON everyone! Tonight the is the opening night of the PumpCON festival, taking place right now over at the Fairgrounds. Here you will meet the hosts of PumpCON, Spook and Spiryt, who have handfuls of candy to give you…if you complete their challenging missions!

spook and spiryt

And all that candy you collect from Spook and Spiryt does a lot more than just cause cavities—you can trade the candy in for MUCH sweeter Armors, Helms, Weapons, and Shields in their shops!

But don't expect Spook and Spiryt to hand their candy over willingly. Their missions will test your strength, endurance, and super powers as you face off against the Wickedly Wild Wolfman and go against an onslaught of Pernicious Pumpkins. To the victor goes the spoils—or, in this case, the CANDY!

Will you be crowned the PumpCON PumpKING? ^___^

This ghoulish gang also has a Daily Scavenger Hunt Quest that awards more candy AND Good or Evil Reputation. Heroes ought to help out Spiryt while the big bad villains should assist Spook.

PumpCON Seasonal Rares!

When you've collected enough candy, you can trade your sugary treats into other spooktastical treats!


Nineteen PumpCON Seasonal Rares await your inventory slots. You can't have an awesome Convention without a BUNCH of merchandise, now can you? Just about every item in this shop requires a handful of different types of candy trade-ins, ranging from Bubble Gum to Licorice to Chocolate Bars to (my favorite) LOLipops!

pumpcon2Not fond of candy, are you? Don't worry—we've got you covered! Spook and Spiryt also have a sugar-free shop that sells FIVE more PumpCON exclusives for SmashCoins. This is where you get your hands on the Wizard Staff, the Bone Deadly sword, the Bare Bones armor, the Jack-o-Boom, and the Skell-o-lantern helm!

Speaking of Jack-o-lanterns…  

Did you see that pumpkin sitting in Overlook? Have you clicked on it yet?

pumpcon viral item

Clicking on the Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter buttons will allow you to post a link on your account, and whoever clicks on that link will given a free RARE gift: the Viral Jack-o-Lantern helm!  

And it gets much sweeter! Not only will you receive the free rapumpcon beleen re, you can ALSO upgrade your Viral Jack-o-Lantern into the Jack-o-Combustion!

Because nothing says "Happy PumpCON!" better than an ignited gourd covering your head!

One more thing…!

A bunch of you have been wondering where the other servers have disappeared to. Well, seeing as to how the GIANT AdventureQuest Worlds event with musical guests They Might Be Giants releases tomorrow night, HeroSmash donated a few of its severs to help AQWorlds out!

Because sharing is SUPER! And we know super =p

Happy PumpCON everyone! Smash on!

Tags: PumpCON Seasonal Rare Candy Spook Beleen


October 06, 2011

Pleasanton Oaks needs your help!

Pleasanton Oaks is under attack

You have cleared the town of Pleasanton of the Time Sentinels, but a new threat has emerged in the sleepy suburb of Pleasanton Oaks.

Journey to Pleasanton Oaks where all the citizens have gone into hiding from the Sentinels. Clock Blocker's Space Sentinels have overtaken suburbia and only pets are allowed outdoors. Here you will meet Deeoohgee the super good pup, and General Fluffles the super evil kitty cat!

Both cuddly critters will send you on quests throughout Pleasanton Oaks as you get one step closer to blocking Clock Blocker's plans! Two, fully animated cutscenes help the story unfold, and include a special guest star. George Lowe! That’s right; AE’s favorite voice lends his to HeroSmash for the first time.

Oh, and don't forget to look for Ghouldo! Dumoose added him into the map, so you'll have to look close.

PumpCON 2011 Starts next week!

Now that we officially have a name for it, next week kicks off HeroSmash’s first ever PumpCON! Defeat Vile Vegetables and one Wicked Wolf man. Collect candy for the Boo brothers, and they will in turn reward you with some hauntingly good items.

PumpCON also starts with its first ever HeroSmash Cosplay Contest! The RULES are fairly simple. Use our template to put your HeroSmash character in whatever costume you want. The possibilities are endless. You could draw up your HeroSmash avatar as your favorite Anime character, or as a big bad video game boss, or maybe you want to wear the outfit belonging to your favorite trademarked super hero that we cannot affiliate ourselves with due to copyright infringement laws ^___^

So get your pencils, paper, tablets, and photoshop ready and prepare to bring on the PumpCON!

Speaking of Pumpkins…

AE’s third annual pumpkin carving contest is kicking into gear as well.

So all of you HeroSmash fans out there grab a pumpkin and get carving. Let’s see some HeroSmashed Squashes! Enter your submissions HERE.

Tags: Yergen Clock Blocker George Lowe PumpCON pumpkin Sanskrit


October 05, 2011

Bring on the PumpCON!

Join us for HeroSmash's first ever spooktastical festival, PumpCON!

PumpCON is making its way to HeroSmash next week! This spooky time of year is full of cavity-inducing candy, tricks and treats, frightful beasts, and heroes and villains dressed up as their favorite characters. So what better name for this event than PumpCON!

PumpCON 2011 preview

On top of scoring some PumpCON merch (like armors, helms, and weapons) that can only be found during this spooktastical convention, PumpCON attendees will have the chance to battle a big bad challenge boss, go on scavenger hunts to collect candy from all over the world, test their strength against waves of monsters, and even receive the exclusive PumpCON 2011 badge!

In addition to all that happening in game… a real-life contest has begun on the forums! This is the official all-call for super creative super powered players who love to draw AND who love to dress up in Cosplay!

Since it is called PumpCON, and conventions are renowned for Cosplayers, then this is the perfect time to host a Cosplay contest! Here's your chance to show off your super artistic talents as you draw your HeroSmash hero or villain dressed up as your favorite character!

The possibilities are endless. You could draw up your HeroSmash avatar as your favorite Anime character, or as a big bad video game boss, or maybe you want to wear the outfit belonging to your favorite trademarked super hero that we cannot affiliate ourselves with due to copyright infringement laws ^___^

So get your pencils, paper, tablets, and photoshop ready and prepare to bring on the PumpCON!

The Rules!

The rules are simple, but must be followed accordingly in order for your submission to be entered into the contest. The rules are posted on the Cosplay Contest thread as well, so make sure you actually read them before submitting your masterpiece! LOL!

  1. Your drawing MUST BE created by YOU. No co-creators, plz!
  2. You may only submit ONE (1) picture to be judged.
  3. Your drawing MUST have your HeroSmash Character Name written or signed somewhere on the picture to ensure that it really was created by YOU!
  4. Your drawing must contain your HeroSmash character wearing some sort of costume. Could be a costume from anywhere, any game, any anime, any movie, any book, anything! Endless possibilities here =D
  5. You may draw on any surface using any medium you so choose. Or paint. Or sketch. Or photoshop. whatever else you can think of to make a beautifully artistic masterpiece. Bonus points for creativity!
  6. Make sure to post a VALID link to your uploaded artwork, or else we can’t view it!
  7. And most importantly: have fun with your super drawing!

The Time Frame!

This contest begins Wednesday, October 5th, and will end at 11:59pm EST on Wednesday, October 26th. The winners will be announced that following Monday, October 31st!

The Loot!

The GRAND PRIZE will be a whopping 5,000 SmashCoins! Runner ups will receive prizes as well, up to 2,000 SmashCoins! Prizes will ONLY be awarded to your HS Character, so make sure you post and sign your HS Character name so that we can award you properly if (or when!) you win =D

The Template!

Since you're ganna be drawing your character in Cosplay, use this template to help get ya started!

The Link!

We cannot wait to see what artistic talent hides behind that avatar of yours. Head on over to the 2011 HeroSmash PumpCON Cosplay Contest and post your drawing today! Or tomorrow. Or the next day. But definitely before Wednesday, October 26th!

Best of luck to you all! I simply LOVE contests, and cannot wait to see who or what you dress your character up as!

…even though I'm not qualified to enter… and even though my drawing-skillz are DERPY at best… I still think I'm going to draw-n-dress myself in Cosplay anyway! But who should I dress up as? Hmmm… let me hear your thoughts on my Twitter!

PumpCON on!

Tags: PumpCON contest SmashCoins Beleen

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