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Hero Smash

Design Notes



October 24, 2011

A PVP update, and new stuff for PumpCON

Hey power people! It's new day, at a new lab. How about some updates?

PVP secrets revealed!

HeroSmash PVP is going really good. Llusion has been cranking through it, and really doing a great job. He's made big steps, but we have a long ways to go. I thought I would fill you in on some stuff we have been talking about.

There are two main issues we have worked out. The first is that we are going to have scrollable maps in our HSPVP battles. There is no running and hiding in HeroSmash! It will help make the battles really feel like a battlefield that you can explore AND fight in. Speaking of battlefileds, is there any HeroSmash maps and locations that you would like to see turned into a HSPVP battlezone? Let me know!

The second big thing is we have determined what the main HSPVP playing options will be. There will be a 1-v-1 for battling a buddy. 3-v-3 for group battles. And then there is the one I am really excited about - BATTLE ROYAL!!! Imagine it. A mass group of heroes and villains fighting in one giant map. It will be utter chaos! Ahhhh - I love the smell of chaos. It's a mixture of cookies, and ginger. 

PumpCON secret unlocked!

That' it for the HSPVP updates. But there is going to be a game update this week. More PumpCON items will be arriving in the fairgrounds this week. Get yourself in the spooky mood! Keep sending in the PumpCON Cosplay contest entries. They are looking AMAZING! Well that's all not really a secret - but I was just sticking with the theme.

Tags: Yergen PumpCON PvP Llussion Grandeur

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