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Hero Smash

Design Notes



October 05, 2011

Bring on the PumpCON!

Join us for HeroSmash's first ever spooktastical festival, PumpCON!

PumpCON is making its way to HeroSmash next week! This spooky time of year is full of cavity-inducing candy, tricks and treats, frightful beasts, and heroes and villains dressed up as their favorite characters. So what better name for this event than PumpCON!

PumpCON 2011 preview

On top of scoring some PumpCON merch (like armors, helms, and weapons) that can only be found during this spooktastical convention, PumpCON attendees will have the chance to battle a big bad challenge boss, go on scavenger hunts to collect candy from all over the world, test their strength against waves of monsters, and even receive the exclusive PumpCON 2011 badge!

In addition to all that happening in game… a real-life contest has begun on the forums! This is the official all-call for super creative super powered players who love to draw AND who love to dress up in Cosplay!

Since it is called PumpCON, and conventions are renowned for Cosplayers, then this is the perfect time to host a Cosplay contest! Here's your chance to show off your super artistic talents as you draw your HeroSmash hero or villain dressed up as your favorite character!

The possibilities are endless. You could draw up your HeroSmash avatar as your favorite Anime character, or as a big bad video game boss, or maybe you want to wear the outfit belonging to your favorite trademarked super hero that we cannot affiliate ourselves with due to copyright infringement laws ^___^

So get your pencils, paper, tablets, and photoshop ready and prepare to bring on the PumpCON!

The Rules!

The rules are simple, but must be followed accordingly in order for your submission to be entered into the contest. The rules are posted on the Cosplay Contest thread as well, so make sure you actually read them before submitting your masterpiece! LOL!

  1. Your drawing MUST BE created by YOU. No co-creators, plz!
  2. You may only submit ONE (1) picture to be judged.
  3. Your drawing MUST have your HeroSmash Character Name written or signed somewhere on the picture to ensure that it really was created by YOU!
  4. Your drawing must contain your HeroSmash character wearing some sort of costume. Could be a costume from anywhere, any game, any anime, any movie, any book, anything! Endless possibilities here =D
  5. You may draw on any surface using any medium you so choose. Or paint. Or sketch. Or photoshop. whatever else you can think of to make a beautifully artistic masterpiece. Bonus points for creativity!
  6. Make sure to post a VALID link to your uploaded artwork, or else we can’t view it!
  7. And most importantly: have fun with your super drawing!

The Time Frame!

This contest begins Wednesday, October 5th, and will end at 11:59pm EST on Wednesday, October 26th. The winners will be announced that following Monday, October 31st!

The Loot!

The GRAND PRIZE will be a whopping 5,000 SmashCoins! Runner ups will receive prizes as well, up to 2,000 SmashCoins! Prizes will ONLY be awarded to your HS Character, so make sure you post and sign your HS Character name so that we can award you properly if (or when!) you win =D

The Template!

Since you're ganna be drawing your character in Cosplay, use this template to help get ya started!

The Link!

We cannot wait to see what artistic talent hides behind that avatar of yours. Head on over to the 2011 HeroSmash PumpCON Cosplay Contest and post your drawing today! Or tomorrow. Or the next day. But definitely before Wednesday, October 26th!

Best of luck to you all! I simply LOVE contests, and cannot wait to see who or what you dress your character up as!

…even though I'm not qualified to enter… and even though my drawing-skillz are DERPY at best… I still think I'm going to draw-n-dress myself in Cosplay anyway! But who should I dress up as? Hmmm… let me hear your thoughts on my Twitter!

PumpCON on!

Tags: PumpCON contest SmashCoins Beleen

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