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Hero Smash

Design Notes



November 10, 2011

HeroSmash PvP Member Testing Has Begun!

HeroSmash members (and those AQW VIP members) can now log in to HeroSmash, and have Dumoose take you to the Smashdome! There you can pick up your Ultra Rare PvP founder Armor and Sword, as well as some cool powers built with PVP in mind. Once you are itemed up – get in and start playing PvP!!!

Oh yes, there will be bugs

So the version members are going to be testing is most definitely a “work in progress”, but we are so excited that we had to let you check it out early. Remember that to make PvP we need YOUR input. Make sure you fill out all bug reports properly in the forums. Reporting to me or other team members via Twitter, will not make it get fixed any faster, Trust me, the forums is the most organized way to report PvP bugs.

Here are a list of know Bugs – just to keep an eye out for them and confirm them.

  • The Scores – Currently we are not tracking and saving your PvP score. The score system is working, and the score you are getting is correct, but we are just not tracking it… yet.
  • Some Map Issues – Sometimes the maps tend to not load up. It’s all right though – simply /join smashdome again and re-queue. Of course report the bug and let us know.
  • More Maps? – We will have more maps, but for the time being we just need to test the ones we have.
  • Leaving a Queue – If you leave a queue and then try to get back in – well, that’s a bug, and you won’t be able to. To fix this you can do two different things. One, Simply leave the Smashdome, and come back, and everything will be back to normal. Two, Wait a good 10 seconds after you leave the queue before you re-queue.
  • Always Say Yes - When you get asked to confirm loading into the match ALWAYS say YES. If you say no, then everyone gets lost in waiting limbo. If you really didn't want to play say yes, and then leave ove the match starts.
  • Death Gate Re-Entry – When you die in PvP you get sent to the Death Gate (obviously). Super Death has arranged a portal to get you back into the game. Running over the portal will get you back fighting, but the portal can be a little buggy, and may need a couple of tries running over it to make it send you.

What about the PvP founder Badge?

That’s going to get awarded when the Member PvP testing is over (December 8th). What happens if your membership ends between now and then? No worries, as long as you were a member and tested PvP at some point before your membership ended, you will still get your badge. If you become a member at some point between now and the 8th and test PvP, then you will also get your badge. See? We think of everything (or at least try to).


That’s all I can think of for now. So sit back, settle in, and time to get your Smash On!

Tags: Yergen Llussion PvP Smashdome Members Bonemeal

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