Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

February 09, 2012

New Daily Shop!

Greeting Heroes (and Villians)! Randor the Red here with the latest news in the world of HeroSmash!

First up is the Random Shop! This special shop contains many random and crazy things. Each day the contents will be randomly selected from our database, so be quick to get something you like because we don't even know when it will show up again.


PvP updates:

Next is the Battle Poll which already in progress but we will be lowering the total votes required, to speed things up this time around so do not be surprised when the total changes.

New and previous Smashdome Champions will now have a badge in their HALdroid and character page to prove their hard work and prestige. When will you earn yours?

Several new powers and balance changes have been made. Check out the full list here.

PS Always click on your items to see if they have hidden actions to them, you never know until you try!

Tags: Randor the Red Dumoose Smashdome PvP Champion Random Shop Daily Shop

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