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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

September 02, 2013

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!

Once again Labor Day sales have returned! This year we have added a gear to allow you to be a fireman, construction worker and teacher!

The winning writer is... Wait for it... Hang on... Here we go... Hey I just found my watch!... Mr. Midnight!

There is no Dragon Khan this year in HeroSmash as we are now focusing on getting a bigger release done. Now we have a writer on board we plan to start getting quests out, which we all have been waiting for!

Happy Labor Day!

Tags: Randor the Red Labor Day Dragon Khan

Randor the Red

September 05, 2012

Labor Day Items!

Just added last of the Football themed items to the Labor Day Shops! Most will be returning and a few things are seasonal rares. Later we will be adding those football outfits as Red and Blue Team ones to the PvP shop. For Smashcoins you can also get Shadow versions of some of the gear while the Labor day Sale lasts. Next year we will thinking of new teams to add.

As mentioned before releases will be aimed towards Mondays instead of Fridays.

Tags: PvP Labor Day

Randor the Red

September 03, 2012

Happy Labor Day!

Greetings SMASHERS!

Happy Labor Day to all and wish a safe trip to my fellow AE Staff that survived DragonCon!

First major NEWS of the week. HeroSmash will be doing releases on Mondays instead of Fridays. This will be a major change for the team but will allowed the team to continued with school and such.

Blockbuster Event is now gone for another year (So all items from that shop are officially RARE!). Until then we will have a monthly poll on the forums.

Labor Day sale happening now at /mainstreeteast (Overlook has a button that will take you directly to the update). Giant Treetrunk of Klunk has been remove from the Battle Poll shop making it RARE! Tuesday the Labor Day items will include football themed gear.

Tags: Randor the Red Blockbuster Fest Labor Day Movie Poll

Randor the Red

August 30, 2012


Remaining items (O'Scar the Dragon's Head and Dragon gun) have been added to the DragonKhan Shop. All players can get the Dragon gun for fame to celebrate our first ingame DragonKhan Shop. Next shop is Labor Day coming Monday next week.

Also the mailbox in /fairgrounds (only) is a test clickable object. plan was to have sound fx added but there is a bug we need work out first. Hopefully next test will have sound added.

Best of luck to all AE Staff that visting Dragon Con!

Tags: Randor the Red Dragon Khan Labor Day

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