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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

September 02, 2013

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!

Once again Labor Day sales have returned! This year we have added a gear to allow you to be a fireman, construction worker and teacher!

The winning writer is... Wait for it... Hang on... Here we go... Hey I just found my watch!... Mr. Midnight!

There is no Dragon Khan this year in HeroSmash as we are now focusing on getting a bigger release done. Now we have a writer on board we plan to start getting quests out, which we all have been waiting for!

Happy Labor Day!

Tags: Randor the Red Labor Day Dragon Khan

Randor the Red

August 30, 2012


Remaining items (O'Scar the Dragon's Head and Dragon gun) have been added to the DragonKhan Shop. All players can get the Dragon gun for fame to celebrate our first ingame DragonKhan Shop. Next shop is Labor Day coming Monday next week.

Also the mailbox in /fairgrounds (only) is a test clickable object. plan was to have sound fx added but there is a bug we need work out first. Hopefully next test will have sound added.

Best of luck to all AE Staff that visting Dragon Con!

Tags: Randor the Red Dragon Khan Labor Day

Randor the Red

August 24, 2012

Another Crazy Week!

This week been a busy one as we plan and testing new features for the game like SMASHable (via mouse click) objects (trash cans, lamp poles, fire hydrant and mail boxes.. do all smashables have two words in them?). Another feature we have planned is the phone booth (still in concept stage) where you can change your appearance like at Beleen's shop.

Nulgath vs Dage Battle Poll ended with Tree Trunk of Klunk as winning item (Giant Rare version also in shop!). Join in the newest Battle Poll "Tech vs Steampunk"...winning item will be finished shaded and colored to be added to BP shop and other gone forever!

The HS team is working on different art projects all at once (we were working on updating Scamps Groceries to be a walk around room with food fighting items!). But I had forgot about Dragon Khan (that due to there was not one last year instead we had the 30 days of suggestions). I designed a Dragon Khan booth and assigned the team to start working on dragon themed gear for next week. Scamps is still on list for an update (just no release date). Also we will also be doing something for Labor Day!

While people start heading back to school we will be working even harder as the plan is to get storyline in motion. Since I started as Creative Lead I had not realized there were so many holidays in a year!

Tags: Randor the Red Battle Polls Dragon Khan

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