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Hero Smash

Design Notes



November 29, 2011

Birthday Items Sneak Peak

Things have been going great since I created those clones! Birthday preparations have increased 200%. The clones are working so great, I might need to make more. Speaking of clones- How do I know that this isn’t one of the clones writing this? How do I know if I am not currently one of the clones? Hmm, this is going to take some serious thought. Well, while I ponder my own existence I’ll leave you with a sneak peek of some birthday items.


You’ll notice a certain aviary weapon. Yup – for reals, it’s coming to the game. There is also a mutant yergen in a jar head morph, as well as the sword I would like to call the Yergen Sword of Yergen.

Tags: Yergen Birthday Sneak Peek Sludgiest


November 28, 2011

Working hard, or hardly working?

Man, getting all this stuff ready for my birthday is really hard work. I’ve got maps to paint yellow, items to create, other items to paint yellow. I guess what I’m saying, is I need more of me, and I need a WHOLE lot more yellow paint.


More of me….. More of me. That’s one heck of a good idea. Hm. If I get the boys at the lab (no, the other lab) to whip me up some clones, then I could quickly make even MORE birthday decorations. What an amazing idea! Why didn’t I think of this years ago? What could possibly go wrong?

~Yergen Von Shmergenbergen

Tags: Yergen Birthday Rockery


November 28, 2011

Cyber Monday brings the Cyber Knight!

Cyber Monday is upon us! I was having some trouble really feeling the right look for this SmashCoin item set. I knew I wanted the theme of Cyber Knight, but wasn't sure quite where to go with it. So I called up Thyton on Saturday, and asked him to come up with something really cool for me. Boy did he really hit a home run! This is one cool armor.

On this set, I went with an armor, helm, and I had to do a falcon like pet/cape thingy. They came out pretty sweet. So for all you heroes, this is your chance. Get this Super Mega Ultra Rare item while you can. Cause tommorrow around this time it will be gone for good!

Tags: Yergen Thyton Cyber Monday Rare Grapple


November 25, 2011

Black Friday Items: Villain Fantastic!

It's Black Friday, and while some stores are offering crazy deals on just ok stuff, I figured I would offer a once in a life time oppourtunity to buy a really cool set. I decided to run with the "black" them of the day and make a villain centric set. I give you Villain Fantastic!

This is one scary set. I think there are enough skulls in this set, but I'm pretty sure Artix would want some more... and on fire. Now for the fun part. In honor of this being a special day these SmashCoin items have been tagged SUPER MEGA ULTRA RARE! How often does that happen?! Actually I dont really know, but I would think it's not that often.

You may be wondering if these items are faction specific? In the end I thought long and hard on it (about 2 minutes or so). And I came to the conclusion that everyone should get them, if they want. There could be some heroes that use fear to intimidate their enemies, and a skull faced armor is just what they need. The three items can be found in the SmashGiving shop! Have fun with it!

~Yergen Von Shmergenbergen

Tags: Yergen Black Friday Holiday Villain Brine


November 23, 2011

SmashGiving is HERE!

SmashGiving is here! The time to be thankful for the things you have, and smash those who try to take them from you! We have a fun set of items to help celebrate the festive time!

And remember to be nice to everyone this week, or they may just smash you in your face.

All the items are available in Overlook. Look for the SmashGiving button in the main nav window!

Sneak Peek of a Special Birthday Yellow Item


I told you there would be yellow. MuHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!

Tags: Yergen Birthday SmashGiving Holiday Protuberance


November 22, 2011

A lesson on SmashGiving

People always ask me – “Yergen, What is the story of SmashGiving?” Well grab a pillow, and settle in, because story time is about to begin.

Once upon a time, about – oohh – seventy-five years ago, there were early settlers in our great Super City. Of course back then it wasn’t known as Super City, it was called Ye Olde Tyme City. The people of Ye Olde Tyme City were a nice bunch of people. Yet one dark and stormy night a band of roving Yeti’s entered the town. They destroyed everything, and ate all the Ye Olde Tyme City’s food. The next few months were hard for the people. They did what they could to bring their town to the wonder and beauty that it was, but their hearts were broken, and they couldn’t bring themselves to finish. It was a sad sad time, and the people of Ye Olde Tyme City.

But when everything looked darkest, from out of the stars came a gleaming space ship. The space ship landed, and from out of it came my great great great grandfather, Flergen Von Shmergenbergen. He said he was from the distant land of Shmergonia. Well as you can image the people of Ye Olde Tyme City were flabbergasted. But a little child stepped up to Flergen, and asked if he needed anything. Well Flergen was so touched, by the selfless geasture that he called his alien friends, and they brought all kinds of things for the settlers of Ye Olde Tyme City.

When the setters were back on track they had a great feast to thank the aliens, and Flergen. The aliens brought all kinds of wild and exotic foods to the table. The gelatinous Sneezlefobs introduced, Turkey to the settlers, who decided to roast it with stuffing. The hairy BobBeasts from Pleasior 9 brought mashed potatoes to the feast, and Flergen added some gravy to it. The seductive Swizzillians introduced a pie to the feast. This pie was made from something they called a pumpkin. Lastly, the dreaded Funderhounds brought Flunder Pudding. It was so terrible, that no one touched it, and the Flunderhounds were asked to leave.

Suddenly in the middle of the feast the yetis came back, and this time they brought robotic dinosaurs, and werewolves with them. Without a step, Flergen jumped from the table, and single handedly knocked the teeth out of every werewolf. Then he turned his attention to the robotic dinosaurs. With his bare hands he ripped apart each metal casing of those robotic rebels. Lastly, were the yetis. Flergen lunged towards the fury force, and with his entire might defeated every last one. As the smoke cleared, the settlers of Ye Olde Tyme City saw Flergen Von Shmergenbergen emerge victorious. They ran, cheering towards him, and lifted them on their shoulders.

Since then we have been celebrating SmashGiving, to give thanks for all the good things we have, and for all that aliens from other worlds have brought us.

And that’s the true story of SmashGiving, or at least how my grandfather told it to me.

What’s going to happen next week?

Well well, my power people. A certain adorable yellow mayor’s birthday is next week, so expect something yellow next week. Oh yes, there will be yellow.

Tags: Yergen Story Time SmashGiving Kaki


November 18, 2011

The Killer's Code and a PvP Update

A new movie has been releases in the Market Street Movie-Plex. This movie is about the hit game, Killer’s Code.

The items will make you part of an elite and mysterious group of killer assassins. Jemini, Randor, and Polistar really made some awesome items. Hope you enjoy them!

PvP Bug Update

Llussion has been working hard fixing some of the bigger bugs in the PvP matches. The first main bug he addressed was the helm bug. So that should be working again. The next big thing he tackled was lag. While there may still be lag, we have a better understanding of what is causing the lag. Your testing is telling us a lot, and helping make PvP better, and better!

On the PvP Horizon

Rolith has been helping us build the ground work for the leaderboards. Hopefully those will be up soon. I’ll keep you posted! Smash On!

Tags: Yergen Movie Release PvP Members Isostasy


November 11, 2011


After a long day of work yesterday (November 10), at the end of the day we encounter the gray screen of injustice (I just gave it that name). The gray screen of injustice was happening to everyone that join the queue for pvp and then enter a map. This was really beating me down since we had been testing all day and this bug never occurred before, but of course came release time and the ninja bug had to show up. After a long battle with my foe the gray screen ninja bug, I decided to get some rest and find a new strategy to defeat it. So after a good night sleep I woke up refresh this morning with energy to start battle again and with a temporary solution to fix the problem. Then while trying to implement my solution I finally got the right skills to finish the gray screen ninja bug once and for all! I found out that an old implemented code was the source of the problem and that I could do an easy fix to solve it and so I did! So now the gray screen ninja bug has been defeated and I can move on to smashing the rest of the clan (wish me luck!) So now onward and SMASH ON!

Tags: Llussion


November 10, 2011

HeroSmash PvP Member Testing Has Begun!

HeroSmash members (and those AQW VIP members) can now log in to HeroSmash, and have Dumoose take you to the Smashdome! There you can pick up your Ultra Rare PvP founder Armor and Sword, as well as some cool powers built with PVP in mind. Once you are itemed up – get in and start playing PvP!!!

Oh yes, there will be bugs

So the version members are going to be testing is most definitely a “work in progress”, but we are so excited that we had to let you check it out early. Remember that to make PvP we need YOUR input. Make sure you fill out all bug reports properly in the forums. Reporting to me or other team members via Twitter, will not make it get fixed any faster, Trust me, the forums is the most organized way to report PvP bugs.

Here are a list of know Bugs – just to keep an eye out for them and confirm them.

  • The Scores – Currently we are not tracking and saving your PvP score. The score system is working, and the score you are getting is correct, but we are just not tracking it… yet.
  • Some Map Issues – Sometimes the maps tend to not load up. It’s all right though – simply /join smashdome again and re-queue. Of course report the bug and let us know.
  • More Maps? – We will have more maps, but for the time being we just need to test the ones we have.
  • Leaving a Queue – If you leave a queue and then try to get back in – well, that’s a bug, and you won’t be able to. To fix this you can do two different things. One, Simply leave the Smashdome, and come back, and everything will be back to normal. Two, Wait a good 10 seconds after you leave the queue before you re-queue.
  • Always Say Yes - When you get asked to confirm loading into the match ALWAYS say YES. If you say no, then everyone gets lost in waiting limbo. If you really didn't want to play say yes, and then leave ove the match starts.
  • Death Gate Re-Entry – When you die in PvP you get sent to the Death Gate (obviously). Super Death has arranged a portal to get you back into the game. Running over the portal will get you back fighting, but the portal can be a little buggy, and may need a couple of tries running over it to make it send you.

What about the PvP founder Badge?

That’s going to get awarded when the Member PvP testing is over (December 8th). What happens if your membership ends between now and then? No worries, as long as you were a member and tested PvP at some point before your membership ended, you will still get your badge. If you become a member at some point between now and the 8th and test PvP, then you will also get your badge. See? We think of everything (or at least try to).


That’s all I can think of for now. So sit back, settle in, and time to get your Smash On!

Tags: Yergen Llussion PvP Smashdome Members Bonemeal


November 07, 2011

Big news on HeroSmash PvP

Hey power people; I have two really big announcements about HeroSmash PvP! 

The first announcement is that we are going to launch PvP for all players on HeroSmash’s Birthday! That’s right December 9th, will be smash time. I will announce some more of the new features as we get closer to the release, but mark those calendars!

Now so many people have been asking me if they can play, or try out PvP. Well have I got some news for YOU. This Thursday (11-10-11), HeroSmash members will be able to get in and TEST OUT HeroSmash PvP before everyone else! That’s right – You will be able to get in and test out what we have so far, let us know what you think, and if you find any bugs (Oh yes. There will be bugs). As an added bonus, for testing, members will have access to a special PvP rare shop, to get some cool items, and when the testing is over they will receive a special badge that states that they are PvP FOUNDERS! This amazing offer and opportunity is for members only. Our members are the best! This is our way of saying thank you.

We are making huge strides in developing it. Llussion is being a power house and making this one heck of a game. We are pushing the PvP beyond what so many of you are familiar with. It’s really going to be a blast. All of us who have been testing are having a lot of fun.  I look forward to having you all get in and beat the math out of each other.

~Yergen Out!

Tags: Yergen Llussion PvP Members Membership Rares


November 02, 2011

What time is it? PVP Adventure Time!

With PumpCON winding down, I have time to do a HSPvP update.

Llusion has got 1v1 working – it’s pretty sweet – but lately we have been testing the Battle Royal mode. Hatchi matchi what fun! A group of players in a no hold barred brawl against each other. It’s wonderful. We had a fun Battle Session while testing. Here are some screen shots Dumoose took.

As you can see, HSPvP is going strong. I’ll fill you in when I have some more cool stuff for you!

Yergen Out!

Tags: Yergen PvP Sneak Peek Brawl Rumpus

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