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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

May 10, 2012

Server Restart

Todays server restart was to correct a bug in the BP meter, which kept stopping after a server restart. Thanks to Llussion for his coding powers. Any problems please report on the AE Forums.

Tags: Randor the Red Llussion


December 16, 2011

Got bugs? Call 1800-Llussion!

PvP released last week and you players ate it up. And our engine said WHAAAAAATTTT?  We had made so many big changes since members had played on it, that when EVERONE jumped on it we found a ton of bugs. On Monday Llussion jumped in head first and started squashing bugs, and working on fixing lag.

LAG,  IT TASTES LIKE IT SOUNDS - The first big monster we tackled was the lag. We almost pulled out hair out when we saw the lag. There was sooo much lag! Llussion really scoured over the game and found some key areas to help ease the lag issues PvP created. When he explains what he did I kinda glaze over and imagine something different. It had to do with dinosaurs fighting space rhinos. But I am rambling. Let’s just say he fixed a couple of key things that should really help lessen the lag issues.

CANNED CHAT CAN OUTLAST A NUCLEAR BLAST – It’s the little things that you miss, but when you add them make everyone smile. For those that play in the canned chat server (Jemini) we have added PvP centric canned chat options. They should really help everyone communicate when it comes to PvP. If you can think of any we missed, let us know.

SHINEY - Medals are now arranged properly, and properly leveled. That is all.

YOUR HEAD IS STILL SHOWING – Not any more. In your player avatar you would sometimes see your head peeking behind head morphs. That’s been fixed.

STUN RHYMES WITH PUN – When you are stunned and try to use your super abilities, you will no longer start that cool down timer. It will just say that you are stunned, and can’t use that power yet.

STAT_TASTIC! - Stats now showing in all battles. Before, we were not showing ALL the stats, when they were not important to your score. Now, just for funzies we are showing everything. People like seeing everything.

Whats next on the snowy horizon?

Hermie and Doodie are getting ready for Smashmas next week. Something has gone wrong, and radioactive mutated snowmen are on the loose. This is going to be one messy Smashmas!

Tags: Yergen Llussion Bug Fixes Smashmas Holiday Gargantuan


November 11, 2011


After a long day of work yesterday (November 10), at the end of the day we encounter the gray screen of injustice (I just gave it that name). The gray screen of injustice was happening to everyone that join the queue for pvp and then enter a map. This was really beating me down since we had been testing all day and this bug never occurred before, but of course came release time and the ninja bug had to show up. After a long battle with my foe the gray screen ninja bug, I decided to get some rest and find a new strategy to defeat it. So after a good night sleep I woke up refresh this morning with energy to start battle again and with a temporary solution to fix the problem. Then while trying to implement my solution I finally got the right skills to finish the gray screen ninja bug once and for all! I found out that an old implemented code was the source of the problem and that I could do an easy fix to solve it and so I did! So now the gray screen ninja bug has been defeated and I can move on to smashing the rest of the clan (wish me luck!) So now onward and SMASH ON!

Tags: Llussion


November 10, 2011

HeroSmash PvP Member Testing Has Begun!

HeroSmash members (and those AQW VIP members) can now log in to HeroSmash, and have Dumoose take you to the Smashdome! There you can pick up your Ultra Rare PvP founder Armor and Sword, as well as some cool powers built with PVP in mind. Once you are itemed up – get in and start playing PvP!!!

Oh yes, there will be bugs

So the version members are going to be testing is most definitely a “work in progress”, but we are so excited that we had to let you check it out early. Remember that to make PvP we need YOUR input. Make sure you fill out all bug reports properly in the forums. Reporting to me or other team members via Twitter, will not make it get fixed any faster, Trust me, the forums is the most organized way to report PvP bugs.

Here are a list of know Bugs – just to keep an eye out for them and confirm them.

  • The Scores – Currently we are not tracking and saving your PvP score. The score system is working, and the score you are getting is correct, but we are just not tracking it… yet.
  • Some Map Issues – Sometimes the maps tend to not load up. It’s all right though – simply /join smashdome again and re-queue. Of course report the bug and let us know.
  • More Maps? – We will have more maps, but for the time being we just need to test the ones we have.
  • Leaving a Queue – If you leave a queue and then try to get back in – well, that’s a bug, and you won’t be able to. To fix this you can do two different things. One, Simply leave the Smashdome, and come back, and everything will be back to normal. Two, Wait a good 10 seconds after you leave the queue before you re-queue.
  • Always Say Yes - When you get asked to confirm loading into the match ALWAYS say YES. If you say no, then everyone gets lost in waiting limbo. If you really didn't want to play say yes, and then leave ove the match starts.
  • Death Gate Re-Entry – When you die in PvP you get sent to the Death Gate (obviously). Super Death has arranged a portal to get you back into the game. Running over the portal will get you back fighting, but the portal can be a little buggy, and may need a couple of tries running over it to make it send you.

What about the PvP founder Badge?

That’s going to get awarded when the Member PvP testing is over (December 8th). What happens if your membership ends between now and then? No worries, as long as you were a member and tested PvP at some point before your membership ended, you will still get your badge. If you become a member at some point between now and the 8th and test PvP, then you will also get your badge. See? We think of everything (or at least try to).


That’s all I can think of for now. So sit back, settle in, and time to get your Smash On!

Tags: Yergen Llussion PvP Smashdome Members Bonemeal


November 07, 2011

Big news on HeroSmash PvP

Hey power people; I have two really big announcements about HeroSmash PvP! 

The first announcement is that we are going to launch PvP for all players on HeroSmash’s Birthday! That’s right December 9th, will be smash time. I will announce some more of the new features as we get closer to the release, but mark those calendars!

Now so many people have been asking me if they can play, or try out PvP. Well have I got some news for YOU. This Thursday (11-10-11), HeroSmash members will be able to get in and TEST OUT HeroSmash PvP before everyone else! That’s right – You will be able to get in and test out what we have so far, let us know what you think, and if you find any bugs (Oh yes. There will be bugs). As an added bonus, for testing, members will have access to a special PvP rare shop, to get some cool items, and when the testing is over they will receive a special badge that states that they are PvP FOUNDERS! This amazing offer and opportunity is for members only. Our members are the best! This is our way of saying thank you.

We are making huge strides in developing it. Llussion is being a power house and making this one heck of a game. We are pushing the PvP beyond what so many of you are familiar with. It’s really going to be a blast. All of us who have been testing are having a lot of fun.  I look forward to having you all get in and beat the math out of each other.

~Yergen Out!

Tags: Yergen Llussion PvP Members Membership Rares


October 24, 2011

A PVP update, and new stuff for PumpCON

Hey power people! It's new day, at a new lab. How about some updates?

PVP secrets revealed!

HeroSmash PVP is going really good. Llusion has been cranking through it, and really doing a great job. He's made big steps, but we have a long ways to go. I thought I would fill you in on some stuff we have been talking about.

There are two main issues we have worked out. The first is that we are going to have scrollable maps in our HSPVP battles. There is no running and hiding in HeroSmash! It will help make the battles really feel like a battlefield that you can explore AND fight in. Speaking of battlefileds, is there any HeroSmash maps and locations that you would like to see turned into a HSPVP battlezone? Let me know!

The second big thing is we have determined what the main HSPVP playing options will be. There will be a 1-v-1 for battling a buddy. 3-v-3 for group battles. And then there is the one I am really excited about - BATTLE ROYAL!!! Imagine it. A mass group of heroes and villains fighting in one giant map. It will be utter chaos! Ahhhh - I love the smell of chaos. It's a mixture of cookies, and ginger. 

PumpCON secret unlocked!

That' it for the HSPVP updates. But there is going to be a game update this week. More PumpCON items will be arriving in the fairgrounds this week. Get yourself in the spooky mood! Keep sending in the PumpCON Cosplay contest entries. They are looking AMAZING! Well that's all not really a secret - but I was just sticking with the theme.

Tags: Yergen PumpCON PvP Llussion Grandeur


October 20, 2011

PVP Progress Update 1

Whoop! This is my first Desing Note ever and all I can say is that I'm really excited about my next projects. One of them being PVP for Hero Smash. I've been immersed in code all last week and I'm still reading it ... phew! But now, I have a better understanding of the way pvp works, and how can I use it to my advantage (Mwahahahaha, of course as long as the engine withstands it).

 At this moment I'm configuring the first arena for testing. It’s working up to the point when you defeat your opponent. I'm going to keep immersing myself into the code made by the astonishing Minimal (If I don't end up crazy - Oh wait I think I crossed that treshold quite a long time ago). Anyways things are looking good and we have some ideas on how to make this PVP experience a memorable one.

Tags: Llussion


October 19, 2011

Three little letters – P – V – P!

We here at HeroSmash have been reading your requests, and it’s apparent that you want one thing – PVP. AQW already has PVP, but we here at HeroSmash know we can do it way better, so I had an idea. Let’s take and make HeroSmash a massive multiplayer online PVP game! It just makes sense. What do heroes and villains like to do, but beat each other up! Actually it makes the trailer I made earlier on make complete sense.

So here is the plan. We are going to take our time, and have Llussion build HeroSmash into a high octane, action packed, super hero PVP game, in which you can battle with friends and enemies in various PVP battles. In the meantime, in order to make this new update the HeroSmash release schedule will take on a more spontaneous nature, releasing items and armors here and there. This will be similar to how Epic Duel handles their release schedule.

You probably have some question, and I have some answers. What will the PVP be like? Good question. Not sure. I have some really cool ideas, so it should be amazing. What about the Clock Blocker story line? I am working on that now, and will be included in the spontaneous release schedule. What is a spontaneous schedule mean? Well HeroSmash was never meant to have weekly releases, but being the awesome team we are, we just couldn’t help but release stuff weekly, if not daily. The spontaneous schedule will probably be kind of a surprise. It may be a week, it may be a month. I will update the design notes when there are new releases – so always check in. Will it be like Epic Duel? Good Question – Next! No really, will it be like Epic Duel? It will be its own thing. We will look at all of our great games, and create something that will be really fun, and “battle-tastic”! What about members? Members will always get excusive content that will make being a member completely worth it. Will there be leader boards? If I get my way, then you bet! Why is Yergen Yellow? What other color would you expect Yergen to be? Will you keep us posted on the PVP development? You bet! In fact – I would love to hear YOUR ideas for what PVP in HeroSmash should be.

That’s it from me power people! I’m headed off to HeroSmash PVP land! Smash On!

Tags: Yergen Llussion PvP Battle Pueraria

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