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Hero Smash

Design Notes



November 28, 2011

Cyber Monday brings the Cyber Knight!

Cyber Monday is upon us! I was having some trouble really feeling the right look for this SmashCoin item set. I knew I wanted the theme of Cyber Knight, but wasn't sure quite where to go with it. So I called up Thyton on Saturday, and asked him to come up with something really cool for me. Boy did he really hit a home run! This is one cool armor.

On this set, I went with an armor, helm, and I had to do a falcon like pet/cape thingy. They came out pretty sweet. So for all you heroes, this is your chance. Get this Super Mega Ultra Rare item while you can. Cause tommorrow around this time it will be gone for good!

Tags: Yergen Thyton Cyber Monday Rare Grapple


July 28, 2011

LightningCats are on the hunt - Join the Pride

Lighting! Lightning! Lightning Cats GOOOOOOOooooooo!

The Movie-Plex on Market Street is featuring a new theme. The Lightning Cats! True, the Lightning Cats are scheduled to be on TV only, but I don’t care. Cool is cool, is cool. Cool? Now YOU can defend yourself with the power of lightning… and kittens! There are plenty of LightningCats related items for you to stock up on, including HeroSmash’s FIRST hairs with CAT EARS! Cat ears people. There are also weapons galore for you to gear up with. So head on down to Market Street and visit the Move-Plex to get you super themed items. Tell them Yergen sent you, and they will probably not do anything!

THyton and Jemini cranked through these items. They really had a fun time with them.

What else are we working on?

Dumoose has been working something special to all new players, and future new players. It's a special tutorial mission, that will have you chasing down Mr Purple throughout the streets of SuperCity. It's a quick mission (with a strikingly fun cutscene) that will whow you the ins and outs of HeroSmash! I will reveal more info about it when it goes live on Friday.

Tags: Yergen Thyton Jemini Movie Release Quibble


June 30, 2011

The Second Trial Is Live - Along With A New Movie

Super Death is very pleased with the results of the first trial. It’s time to open the portal to his second trial. If you are up to it, you will be put into one sticky situation. An asteroid has landed in the middle of the Super City Mall. Slimy creatures have poured out, and you must stop them.

Lokos and Electina have shown up to guide you. Fully completing the missions will rank you up in Super Deaths Shadow Faction, unlocking new powers and items. This trial is filled with 20 items, 2 of which will go rare when Super Death opens the portal to the third trial.

30 missions and a minigame will test your strength and your ability to think under pressure. Remember Super Death is watching you. Seeing how you play his trials, in order to decide which team he will join.

New Mega Plex Release – It’s Robo-Tastic!

Robo Morphers – ROLL OUT!!

The Robo Morphers have just opened at the Market Street Mega Plex. Head over to Market Street to get your morpher robot action items. They are Robo-Awesome.

Wait That’s Not All

On Friday the Fairgrounds get something new to celebrate. The 4th of July! This Friday, head on over to pick up your 4th of July themed items. Get there quick – I heard chudling are attracted to the smell of gunpowder. The 4th of July celebration will only be around for one week. It’s going to be explosive!

Once again the HeroSmash team has made me proud. Jemini, and Thyton never cease to amaze me at the awesome stuff they crank out. Randor is a beast at his items. Dumoose and Llusion are an unstoppable force at making these missions something really special. Zheenx, and Polistar did a great job on all of this week’s items. This week we also added a new player to the HeroSmash team. Hizu has joined in as an animator. Way to go Hizu! Good job as always team! If I was wearing a hat I would take it off to you all. 

Tags: Yergen Super Death Trials Movie Release Market Sreet Jemini Thyton Festival Holiday waggery


June 23, 2011

The First Trial of Super Death Is Upon Us

Super Death finally arrived in HeroSmash, and Super City may never be the same again. The great grim one himself is looking to be a super powered fighter, but is unsure what team to join. Should he step up to Team Hero, and use his Shadow Powers for good, helping the innocent and protecting the streets? Or should his Shadow powers be best suited for Team Villain? Spreading fear and chaos throughout the streets? He needs you to help him decide. Play through his trials and help him choose what the strongest team is.

The First Trial Is Hot

Super Death has arranged for a Volcano to appear in the middle of Super City. Go through the portal take care of the situation. Look for a Hero and Villain NPC to help you along the way. This all new zone has 3 new monsters and one big boss.

There are over 16 new items that will be available through quests or drop n shop. 2 of which will go rare when the next trial opens up. PLUS, you will find 3 new super powers: Frozen Spear, Lava Storm and Molten Armor!

Jemini, Thyton, Randor, Zheenx, Polistar, Dumoose, and Llusion all worked their butts off to get this release together. Good job all around gang! The next zone is going to be juicy!

Faction, Faction, Who's got a Faction?

There has been a major update to HeroSmash. Now the Good and Evil alignments are opposing. So if you complete good quests your evil rep lowers, and evil quests drop the good rep. Now you can truley be a part of Team Hero, or Team Villains.

In honor of the new Trials of Super Death we have also added a new faction to the line-up. Super Death's SHADOW faction. Those that rise up the ranks of this faction will be able to recieve special items and powers that only belong to the SHADOW faction.

Colors of Amazing Awesome
The color pallete got a huge upgrade thanks to Jemini and Zhoom. So many purdy colors. OOOOOOOOOOOooooooOooO. 


That's it for me, So tune in next time gang. Same Yergen Time, Same Yergen page.

Tags: Yergen Thyton Jemini Randor Super Death Pinnotheridae


June 16, 2011

Mega Plex Update and New Mentor Available

The Movie Mega Plex is seeing GREEN

Hey there power people. Make your way to the Market Street Movie Mega Plex. The current feature is the Lime Flashlight!

This super powered movie features special green energy items that will go perfectly with your official Lime Flashlight armor.  

Say the oath with me everyone:

In brightest rooms, in blackest streams,
No evil shall get away from my team!
Let those who kinda like evil’s scheme,
Beware my abilities… Lime Flashlights' beam!

A new mentor is available

The mentor system got a major upgrade today – A brand new mentor. The main four mentors that you know and love will always be there to guide all players through the game. However HeroSmash VIP Members will be able to have access to new mentors.

These new members will have special missions that only they can hand out. These missions will reward you with special items, or powers, or whatever they want to give you. The first of these new mentors is up now. There is a catch. You have to find out how to unlock the new mystery mentors.

It’s a secret. I could tell you but then I would explode. And I really don’t want to do that today. Here is a hint – Play the missions to unlock our first mentor. If you have played all the missions, then check and see if you have the new mystery mentor.

Tags: Yergen Thyton Jemini Randor Movie Release HALdroid Stegosaurus


June 13, 2011

I give you Super Death

Thyton just handed me this new drawing that I knew had to be shown. I give to you SUPER DEATH. Enjoy, but beware.

Tags: Yergen Thyton Super Death Sneak Peek Placebo


May 26, 2011

Movie Mega-Plex gets a kick to the solar plexus

Hey power people!


Pirates items have gone for good *tear. But they have been replaced by Super Cities newest movie release - HIYA! PANDA.

Get your kung fu and animal mash ups in the Market Street Movie Mega-Plex.  Jemini and Thyton had fun with these items. SO much fun, even Randor the Red wanted in on the party.

Remember ALL movie items are PERMA RARE! THey will be around for a week, and then the are gone for good.


This Friday the epic battle between the evil, yet determined Davinci and the heroic, yet misguided Demolicious comes to a epic climax. There is an action packed cutscene. that is different depending on which side you are fighting for. If that wasn't enough, there is also TWO bosses and a bunch of new war related item drops, including some Perma-Rare items. And because we just don't know when to quit we also include a new map for you to explore, complete with new quests.

Tags: Yergen Thyton Jemini Randor Panda Movie Turnip


May 19, 2011

Market Street Theater is Live - It's Pirate Time!

Hey there Power People!

Visit Market Street by clicking on the map, or go thru you HALdroid. Once there you can visit the Movie Mega Plex.

Get your movie themed items there. The Mega Plex is currently featuring a Pirate themed shop! The themed shop will only be open for one week only. After that all the items will disappear for good. That's right... All items in the Movie Shop are PERMA-RARE!

Jemini and Thyton really made some amazing armors for this release. Randor the Red rocked out a huge stockpile of pirate themed weapons. Even Polistar got in on this release. Yours truly even made a set of animated head morphs! 

Yea yea – Pirates, blah blah – What else is new?

We made some graphical changes to the engine to help game play, and stories a bit easier to understand.

Aquatian Ruin got an update and a corrected cut scene. Visit Malandra in Overlook and you can see her see the new cut scene for yourself.

Spear has moved to his new location – Professor Smash’s Power Academy in Liberty Square. That’s the place you want to go for all your super power needs.

Tags: Yergen Jemini Thyton Randor Pirate Swim Fins


April 27, 2011

1 Day to HeroSmash Beta!!!!!

Sneak Peek – Hero Spire
1days to HeroSmash Beta gang. ONE DAY! ONE FREAKIN DAY!

Hovering over Super City is the floating city of Hero Spire. Inspired by Post Modern architecture this golden city is a tranquil inspiring location.

Guaranteed to help you focus on being the best hero you can be. I worked hard on this zone. I wanted Heroes to have a cool place that they could go and meet other heroes.

Get hero quests, and buy hero items, and powers.

Armor Sneak Peek – Founder Armors

That’s right – armors. PLURAL. Two different Founder armor rewards. I’ll give you a moment to appreciate the importance of that statement….





…… little longer…





BAM! See what I did there? Sneak Attack. This is the founder armor, made by Thyton. This is one amazing armor. Look at it. It’s just so… so…. Awesome!

This next armor is a special reward for just AQW Founders. That’s right. So if you are an AQW founder you are eligible for this AQW inspired chaos armor. For those of you who know me you know that I intend to make HeroSmash a completely original, one of a kind game, So game to game crossovers will be EXTREMELY rare.



HeroSmash Interview


Martial Artix, Galanor, and yours truly were asked some questions about Hero Smash. We had a fun time. Take a look and read everything I said. Wait. I mean see what we said… yeah.... we.


Tomorrow’s Design Notes will be the play be play from Martial Artix that you all are so familiar with. I will be too busy eating doughnuts and running around like crazy trying to get everything done.

Tags: Yergen Thyton BETA Sneak Peek

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