Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes



May 26, 2011

Movie Mega-Plex gets a kick to the solar plexus

Hey power people!


Pirates items have gone for good *tear. But they have been replaced by Super Cities newest movie release - HIYA! PANDA.

Get your kung fu and animal mash ups in the Market Street Movie Mega-Plex.  Jemini and Thyton had fun with these items. SO much fun, even Randor the Red wanted in on the party.

Remember ALL movie items are PERMA RARE! THey will be around for a week, and then the are gone for good.


This Friday the epic battle between the evil, yet determined Davinci and the heroic, yet misguided Demolicious comes to a epic climax. There is an action packed cutscene. that is different depending on which side you are fighting for. If that wasn't enough, there is also TWO bosses and a bunch of new war related item drops, including some Perma-Rare items. And because we just don't know when to quit we also include a new map for you to explore, complete with new quests.

Tags: Yergen Thyton Jemini Randor Panda Movie Turnip

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