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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

November 26, 2012

Cyber Monday!

We continue from the weekend RARE Set for Black Friday with a new RARE Set Cybermancer for Cyber Monday (will be removed from game on Wednesday - this week). Friday Wonderp Bread planning to share some Birthday items if all goes well. Hope all had a fun Thankgiving weekend :)


Tags: Cyber Monday


November 28, 2011

Cyber Monday brings the Cyber Knight!

Cyber Monday is upon us! I was having some trouble really feeling the right look for this SmashCoin item set. I knew I wanted the theme of Cyber Knight, but wasn't sure quite where to go with it. So I called up Thyton on Saturday, and asked him to come up with something really cool for me. Boy did he really hit a home run! This is one cool armor.

On this set, I went with an armor, helm, and I had to do a falcon like pet/cape thingy. They came out pretty sweet. So for all you heroes, this is your chance. Get this Super Mega Ultra Rare item while you can. Cause tommorrow around this time it will be gone for good!

Tags: Yergen Thyton Cyber Monday Rare Grapple

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