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Design Notes



November 25, 2011

Black Friday Items: Villain Fantastic!

It's Black Friday, and while some stores are offering crazy deals on just ok stuff, I figured I would offer a once in a life time oppourtunity to buy a really cool set. I decided to run with the "black" them of the day and make a villain centric set. I give you Villain Fantastic!

This is one scary set. I think there are enough skulls in this set, but I'm pretty sure Artix would want some more... and on fire. Now for the fun part. In honor of this being a special day these SmashCoin items have been tagged SUPER MEGA ULTRA RARE! How often does that happen?! Actually I dont really know, but I would think it's not that often.

You may be wondering if these items are faction specific? In the end I thought long and hard on it (about 2 minutes or so). And I came to the conclusion that everyone should get them, if they want. There could be some heroes that use fear to intimidate their enemies, and a skull faced armor is just what they need. The three items can be found in the SmashGiving shop! Have fun with it!

~Yergen Von Shmergenbergen

Tags: Yergen Black Friday Holiday Villain Brine

Super Death

June 28, 2011

A message from Super Death about the second trial

Greetings and Salutations. As you may, or may not know, I am Super Death.

There have been some of you that have completed my first trial. Most of you were successful, however don’t get too excited. The next trial will be more difficult, I guarantee it. Expect to have your strength and your mind challenged. Those that make it through the second trial will rank up in my Shadow Faction, and will have access to many more of my Shadow items and powers.

These trials are proving to be most interesting. Based on what I have seen, I may be joining Team Hero, as they say. They fought valiantly and boldly during this first trial, however let’s see what the villains do in the next trial. Maybe their actions will sway me to their team. Then there is that yellow fellow with the red mohawk. He keeps promising some pretty fantastic things if I just join HIS side. And I must say. I look pretty good on that motorcycle. No matter. The trials are not yet over. I will always have my eye on you.

~Super Death

Tags: Super Death Trials Shadow Faction hero Villain

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