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Design Notes



November 29, 2011

Birthday Items Sneak Peak

Things have been going great since I created those clones! Birthday preparations have increased 200%. The clones are working so great, I might need to make more. Speaking of clones- How do I know that this isn’t one of the clones writing this? How do I know if I am not currently one of the clones? Hmm, this is going to take some serious thought. Well, while I ponder my own existence I’ll leave you with a sneak peek of some birthday items.


You’ll notice a certain aviary weapon. Yup – for reals, it’s coming to the game. There is also a mutant yergen in a jar head morph, as well as the sword I would like to call the Yergen Sword of Yergen.

Tags: Yergen Birthday Sneak Peek Sludgiest

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