Galanor | April 29, 2011 7 New Armors in Titanium Threads!Find the brand new Night Tech armor in Titanium Threads on MainStreet, along with 6 other armors including: Last Fantasy, Crystal Frost, Bone Manipulator, Three D, Kei Racer, and Static Electric!
| Galanor | April 29, 2011 Become an NPC in HeroSmash!Yes, you too could become a Hero or Villain NPC in HeroSmash! Right now, 4 HeroSmash players have already been immortalized in the game: Ninja Marksman, Steve, Useless, Mr. Maximum, Charries, Rock, and Antares!**** How might YOU become an NPC as well? There are 2 ways: 1) Play HeroSmash to the best of your abilities as a Hero or Villain! The HeroSmash team will always be on the lookout for exceptional players to become NPCs! 2) Take part in our amazing HeroSmash "Who wants to be an NPC?" YouTube Contest! Both of these are ongoing, so even if you haven't been chosen yet, there is always a chance you COULD be chosen at any time! Just keep playing. If you have already submitted a video to the YouTube contest, you can still submit more videos to showcase any other characters you have, too. ****All of these player characters were chosen last week, before Beta launch. SMASH ON!!
| Yergen | April 29, 2011 Why is my name blue green in HeroSmash?Everyone knows that Mods are gold. You see those little gold names and you say "Oh Look A Mod! I wonder if they can make ME a mod?" Well they can't. However, now in HeroSmash VIP Members get the celebrity treatment too. All VIP Members will see their names are now a blue green. Wear that badge proud, my friends. Then players can go up to you and say "Oh look a Member! I wonder if they can make ME a member?"
| Galanor | April 28, 2011 HeroSmash Beta is LIVE!Log in and play HeroSmash Beta now! In this launch, you will find a dozen new areas, daily missions, hundreds of new items and powers, and new features like Mentors and the awesome H.A.L.droid! We enjoyed building this for you, and hope you enjoy playing it! Right now, all special shops can be found inside the H.A.L.droid. These are the Dark Vengeance shop, Ultimate Good and Ultimate Evil shops, HeroSmash Founder shop, Alpha shop, and AQW Founder (Chaos armor) shop. SMASH ON!!
| Yergen | April 27, 2011 1 Day to HeroSmash Beta!!!!!Sneak Peek – Hero Spire Hovering over Super City is the floating city of Hero Spire. Inspired by Post Modern architecture this golden city is a tranquil inspiring location. Guaranteed to help you focus on being the best hero you can be. I worked hard on this zone. I wanted Heroes to have a cool place that they could go and meet other heroes. Get hero quests, and buy hero items, and powers. Armor Sneak Peek – Founder Armors That’s right – armors. PLURAL. Two different Founder armor rewards. I’ll give you a moment to appreciate the importance of that statement….
…… little longer…
BAM! See what I did there? Sneak Attack. This is the founder armor, made by Thyton. This is one amazing armor. Look at it. It’s just so… so…. Awesome! This next armor is a special reward for just AQW Founders. That’s right. So if you are an AQW founder you are eligible for this AQW inspired chaos armor. For those of you who know me you know that I intend to make HeroSmash a completely original, one of a kind game, So game to game crossovers will be EXTREMELY rare.
. HeroSmash Interview
Martial Artix, Galanor, and yours truly were asked some questions about Hero Smash. We had a fun time. Take a look and read everything I said. Wait. I mean see what we said… yeah.... we.
Tomorrow’s Design Notes will be the play be play from Martial Artix that you all are so familiar with. I will be too busy eating doughnuts and running around like crazy trying to get everything done.
| Yergen | April 26, 2011 2 Days to HeroSmash Beta!!!Members Zone Sneak Peek – Aquatian Ruins This undersea reef is absolutely breathtaking. Malandria, the leader of the Aquatians needs your help. Something has fallen from the sky and landed in her Ancient Garden. Watch out for Villonious. He may ask you to do something dastardly. If you are villain, you may be up for his special task. Jemini and I really wanted this to be a beautiful and fun zone that players can fight and swim their way through. Not only that, but it’s an intro to a bigger and more action packed storyline. Armor Sneak Peek You might have seen the Midnight Phantom before, however, that would be a surprise because it’s a bit of a ghost. Last is really kick butt number from Jemini – whoa, where did it go? That’s the silly thing about ninja’s. One minute they are there, and the next they are gone. The Viper Ninja’s are especially dangerous. This costume makes me think of the Cobra Kai. In a good way. SWEEP THE LEG! NPC Video Contest Character Slots - This is what you need to know Tune in tomorrow for another big update on what to expect for our HeroSmash Beta launch! Tomorrow is Wednesday. That rhymes with Smed-nesday.
| Yergen | April 25, 2011 3 Days to HeroSmash Beta!!Zone Sneak Peek – The Subway OMG! Did I type that correctly? 3 Days? Consider me officially freaking out. Anyway, you don’t care about that – you want to see cool stuff. Onto the stuff!
Super City wants to be more “green”, so they decided to build a subway system. The subway can take you anywhere you want to go. That is until it stopped working for some reason. Rumor has it the chudlings are involved. That can never be good. I even hear they have a Mama Chudling that is telling them what to do. Get ready, because Mama Chudling wants to have you over for dinner. Jemini did a great job on this subway/sewer system. They look distustingly great! New Interface Sneek Peek – HALdroid This is a special com center that you will receive at the beginning of the game. This high tech phone system will directly link you to the game. Most new missions, daily missions, and updates will be listed through this device. Through the app system you will be able to keep track of your missions, badges, and above all, you’re Mentor.
Mentor? Is that some sort of fresh breath mint?
Your mentor is your direct link to all of your missions. With the help of HALdroid you Mentor can keep track of your progress. Keep you informed of most of your current missions and daily missons.. Plus depending on what Mentor you have, can give you special Hero or Villain only missions. While we offer our own set of Mentor NPC’s players will have the opportunity to become a Mentor as well. See? I told you it’s awesome. I give you your starting Mentors - HOTTICA, LOKOS, GENERAL SMASH, and ELECTINA
The list of lists – What is going to be Alpha Rare? Here is the list that everyone has been asking about. Darkness Armor Alpha-letric Armor (release on the 28th) Alpha-letric Gun (release on the 28th) TentiHawk Reynolds Blaster Alpha Sword Brain Freeze Power
WOW that was an epic update. I'm exhausted. Tune in tomorrow for another big update on what to expect for our HeroSmash Beta launch!
| Yergen | April 24, 2011 4 Days to HeroSmash Beta! Happy Sunday gang. It’s time for the latest update about what to expect in the HeroSmash Beta launch. I, for one am getting extremely egg-cited (ugh I know. Bah, I had to throw one in). This beta release will be out of control. So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it.
Zone Sneak Peek – Skull Deep This one goes out to all Villains. Heroes turn away as the evil of this zone might just melt you brain. I give to you BUM BUM BUUUUUUM! Skull Deep. Skull Deep is found deep under the bowls of Super City. In skull deep you will find some of the Villain NPCs as well as get some cool Villain themed quests. This is the sweet and stylin’ hangout for all villains of Hero Smash. Inspired by Las Vegas, Thyton and I really went all out to give the villains a place to call home.
Armor Sneak Peek Since the beginning Randor the Red has been at the front lines making everyone amazing armors. This Sneek Peek features two armors made by the one and only Randor the Red, and they look awesome! Wait I already said awesome. Well then they look Double Plus Awesome!
First off is the Steampunk Robot armor. This heavy little number is perfect for those who want to outweigh their opponents. You supply your own coal though. As a note the heads in this will also be available to buy as helms
Next is a truly wild armor. This jungle inspired armor will have you swinging from the branches. This is one of my favorites because it’s so original and creative. Note - Swingning vine is not included in the armor.
That’s it for today’s update. Tune in tomorrow for another big update on what to expect for our HeroSmash Beta launch! What will you see tomorrow? No one knows! ...Well that's not exactly true... I know... So one person knows. Hmmmm... You know lets just say Most people don't know. There. That makes me feel better.
| Yergen | April 23, 2011 5 Days to HeroSmash Beta! Beta is approaching fast on the horizon, and as promised here is you next update of what to look for in HeroSmash beta.
Zone Sneak Peek – The Corporal Building
The fiendish Dr. Insecro has chosen the bank inside the Corporal Bulding for his next dastardly plan. His army of Bug Bots are a dangerous bunch. Will you let him succeed? Or will you take him down? Join Llusion in this multi-story mega battle.
Head Morph Sneak Peek Beta will see the rise of the Head Morphs. These sweet items will be the talk of the town. I guarantee. Thyton and Jemini really made these Head Morphs rock!
Weapon Sneak Peek Your enemies won’t know what hit them. These weapons are top of the line and ready to do some damage. Big thanks to Thyton and Randor for these beauties.
Tune in tomorrow for another big update on what to expect for our HeroSmash Beta launch!
| Yergen | April 22, 2011 6 Days to HeroSmash Beta! Ok Heroes and Villains. Beta is fast approaching. As I power through making mass amounts of stuff it occurs to me that you might want to see what we’ve been working on. This stuff is all so cool. It’s hard to pick just one thing to show. And then Martial Artix had an awesome idea. I’ll have apost every day until launch and highlight a few things each time. At first I was like “ARE YOU MAD?” But then I came to my senses and thought “Wow what a great idea.” So here it is in all its glory. Zone Sneak Peak – Intro Quest
For new players this will be their first experience with using their new super abilities. This Intro zone lies outside the city limits. You can clearly see the big city in the distance. There you will battle an enemy that may look familiar if you have seen the promo trailer.
Armor Sneak Peak – Crystal Frost Xyo literally just delivered this sweet armor to me. I expect everyone to play ICE in these new armors.
That’s it for the Beta sneak peak. Expect more tomorrow. There will be a new zone and more. I’m tingling with excitement.
| Martial Artix Support-adin | April 22, 2011 FOUNDER StatusHeroSmash's Once-in-a-Lifetime OpportunityThis October, we will be celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the original AdventureQuest. It brings a lot of joy to my heart knowing that those players who supported us all that time ago are still able to enjoy a new release every week in that game. I will be honest... when we released our 2nd game, DragonFable, we were scared. The players were too. We had no idea what would happen. A lot of people said we would fail. (Thank you for proving them all wrong.) The people who believed in us and supported DragonFable during the 1st month by upgrading their accounts became known as "Founders." We were VERY grateful. Those who have the title of "Founder" for one of our games receive a massive amount of respect (and some very impressive exclusive rewards in-game.) Founder was a once in a lifetime opportunity in DragonFable. Those who missed it... would never be able to get it again. Ever.
When we announced we were making our 1st MMO, AdventureQuest Worlds, again... there were many nay-sayers. Especially because we had to change how we priced the MMO due to the more expensive servers, bandwidth and costs of running the game. You believed in us and proved all the nay-sayers wrong... again :-) Those who supported us in that first month became the "Founders" of AQWorlds! ...and we went on to create the hottest Fantasy Flash MMO in the World together. If you have ever played, you know the weight the title Founder carries. Our brand new game, HeroSmash is just about to launch. Whether you are a Founder in our previous games, or have missed the previous opportunities... this is your once-in-a-life-time chance to gain the title of "Founder" of HeroSmash! How can you become a Founder? Support HeroSmash and the team with an upgrade, re-newal, or SmashCoin purchase during the first 30 days of launch. Like Founder for our other games, this opportunity will never be available again.
Membership & SmashCoinsLike our first MMO, HeroSmash will have Membership and a secondary in-game currency called SmashCoins. Congratulations AQWorlds Members! (You are going to love this)"Best news EVAR!" It is official (now that Captain Rhubarb has it 90% working and we are pretty sure it will be ready and tested before next Thursday) we are upgrading all AQWorlds Memberships to "VIP* Memberships" which will give you FULL Member privileges in both AQWorlds & HeroSmash! * Very Important Player WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!Yes. You read that right. If you are a Member of AQWorlds *ding* you are a Member of HeroSmash too. WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!Really. Totally serious. Sure, you might think we are out of our minds. But look at it this way. 1.) No one wants to pay for BOTH AQWorlds and HeroSmash Memberships at the same time. 2.) It is a cool way of saying thank you for supporting us! WOW! How can I become Founder?A pre-existing Membership will not get you Founder -- since the concept of Founder is for those who support the game at launch. The only way to become a Founder is to support HeroSmash with a new HeroSmash upgrade, re-newal, or SmashCoin purchase during the first 30 days of launch. (BETA LAUNCH begins next Thursday - April 28th) You can upgrade using any method available on the Artix Entertainment portal site: including pre-paid game cards from stores and even the current Netflix offer which would give you enough points to cover a $19.95 package. There will be a badge on your character page as proof that you are a Founder - The reason this game is possible. This will be the only opportunity to become a Founder of HeroSmash. Once it is gone, it will never be available again.
| April 18, 2011 Contest Winners: What is Dumoose?The Battle Cards are finally here. Your chance to duel your friends, punt some moglins, and slay dragon pets while riding a dragon, while on a frogzard, with a purified Necrotic Blade of Doom! And of course you will get the exclusive Card Clasher class for Adventure Quest Worlds! This contest was your chance to get the Card Clasher class for free! The contest is over and the winners have been picked. Thanks to all of those who entered. There were tons of great entries. It was incredibly hard to pick only 3. It took me all weekend to narrow it down and only seconds ago I finally made the final decision. A reminder for you all: the contest was to help design Dumoose's Hero Smash character. A neat way for the players to get a chance at crafting some of the world of Hero Smash. If you would like to see my full post about the winners, click here. THIRD PLACE: Plasma Charge for a motivational email from me telling him how much I like his submission and how awesome I think he is.
SECOND PLACE: mousedrag for 1000 Battleon Game Points. FIRST PLACE: Kain for a free code for the Card Clasher class in Adventure Quest Worlds and 2000 Battleon Game Points. By the way, I am totally going to make that hat Plasma Charge drew and wear it to Dragon Con this year. BATTLEON!
| Yergen | April 15, 2011 Behold the new Member Icon for HeroSmashFrantically finishing stuff for Beta release. There is so much! I just finished the icon for Members and wanted to let everyone see what it looked like.
Look for sweet members only items to have this kickin symbol next to it!
| Martial Artix | April 14, 2011 New Hero Stuff coming!New areas, 60+ Monsters and 500+ ItemsGalanoth (Erm... sorry. "Galanor") is either the best project lead of all time, or he is an insane super maniacal slave driver. Because he has the team creating an unthinkable amount of content for you in the short time we have before release. (Go team go!) There will be 4 more new areas than were originally planned, over 60 monsters and... *gulps* over 500 items! The best part is... some items are super powers. In HeroSmash you will be able to get super powers from: monster drops, in-game shops, and quest rewards! Also, we are working on the NPCs for the 1st round of winners from the "Who wants to be an NPC" contest. We have room for just 1 or 2 more winners before Beta begins.... | Galanor | April 13, 2011 Beta Launches April 28th!Thursday, April 28th is the big day when HeroSmash opens up for EVERYONE to play! Along with launching this open beta, we will be raising the level cap, adding scores of new items, releasing several new areas, and populating the world of HeroSmash with many special missions that you will be able to search for and complete as you explore Super City. Run or fly through: HeroSpire, HQ for the heroes of Super City; SkullDeep, the villainous subterranean base; the amazing undersea realm of Velonius and Malandra; the Corporal Building, being raided by Dr. Insecro; the treacherous underground secrets of the Chudlings, and more! This will also be your chance to become a Founder in HeroSmash, so don't miss out! Mark your calendars for Thursday, April 28th for the official HeroSmash launch!
| Galanor | April 06, 2011 The official HeroSmash t-shirt is now available at! The awesome shirt comes with a special code that you can redeem to unlock a special shop featuring Arctikiller's color-custom armor and head morph, and the Arctic Blast superpower!
| April 04, 2011 A New Contest!Dumoose needs your help so he has set up a contest. If you would like a chance for a Free Card Clasher Class check this out.
| Yergen | April 01, 2011 Prince/Princess of Fools!In honor of the April Fools we give you the Prince of Fools Armor. Simply head to Main Street and visit Titanium Threads. There you will find the new armor. Wear it proudly and tell everyone that you are the Prince (or Princess) of Fools.
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