Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes



April 29, 2011

Become an NPC in HeroSmash!

Yes, you too could become a Hero or Villain NPC in HeroSmash!  Right now, 4 HeroSmash players have already been immortalized in the game:  Ninja Marksman, Steve, Useless, Mr. Maximum, Charries, Rock, and Antares!****  How might YOU become an NPC as well?  There are 2 ways:  1) Play HeroSmash to the best of your abilities as a Hero or Villain!  The HeroSmash team will always be on the lookout for exceptional players to become NPCs! 2) Take part in our amazing HeroSmash "Who wants to be an NPC?" YouTube Contest

Both of these are ongoing, so even if you haven't been chosen yet, there is always a chance you COULD be chosen at any time!  Just keep playing.  If you have already submitted a video to the YouTube contest, you can still submit more videos to showcase any other characters you have, too. 

****All of these player characters were chosen last week, before Beta launch.


Tags: Galanor

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