Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Martial Artix

April 14, 2011

New Hero Stuff coming!

New areas, 60+ Monsters and 500+ Items

Galanoth (Erm... sorry. "Galanor") is either the best project lead of all time, or he is an insane super maniacal slave driver. Because he has the team creating an unthinkable amount of content for you in the short time we have before release. (Go team go!) There will be 4 more new areas than were originally planned, over 60 monsters and... *gulps* over 500 items! The best part is... some items are super powers. In HeroSmash you will be able to get super powers from: monster drops, in-game shops, and quest rewards!

New items!

Also, we are working on the NPCs for the 1st round of winners from the "Who wants to be an NPC" contest. We have room for just 1 or 2 more winners before Beta begins....

Tags: Artix Galanoth

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