Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes



April 13, 2011

Beta Launches April 28th!

Thursday, April 28th is the big day when HeroSmash opens up for EVERYONE to play!  Along with launching this open beta, we will be raising the level cap, adding scores of new items, releasing several new areas, and populating the world of HeroSmash with many special missions that you will be able to search for and complete as you explore Super City.  Run or fly through: HeroSpire, HQ for the heroes of Super City; SkullDeep, the villainous subterranean base; the amazing undersea realm of Velonius and Malandra; the Corporal Building, being raided by Dr. Insecro; the treacherous underground secrets of the Chudlings, and more!

This will also be your chance to become a Founder in HeroSmash, so don't miss out!  Mark your calendars for Thursday, April 28th for the official HeroSmash launch!

Tags: Galanor

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