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Hero Smash

Design Notes



April 22, 2011

6 Days to HeroSmash Beta!

Ok Heroes and Villains. Beta is fast approaching. As I power through making mass amounts of stuff it occurs to me that you might want to see what we’ve been working on. This stuff is all so cool. It’s hard to pick just one thing to show. And then Martial Artix had an awesome idea. I’ll have apost every day until launch and highlight a few things each time. At first I was like “ARE YOU MAD?” But then I came to my senses and thought “Wow what a great idea.” So here it is in all its glory.

Zone Sneak Peak – Intro Quest


For new players this will be their first experience with using their new super abilities. This Intro zone lies outside the city limits. You can clearly see the big city in the distance. There you will battle an enemy that may look familiar if you have seen the promo trailer.


Armor Sneak Peak – Crystal Frost

Xyo literally just delivered this sweet armor to me. I expect everyone to play ICE in these new armors.


That’s it for the Beta sneak peak. Expect more tomorrow. There will be a new zone and more. I’m tingling with excitement.

Tags: Yergen

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