Randor the Red | November 29, 2012 Wonderp BirthdayThanksgiving shop now replaced with Wonderp Bread birthday shop! | Randor the Red | November 26, 2012 Cyber Monday!We continue from the weekend RARE Set for Black Friday with a new RARE Set Cybermancer for Cyber Monday (will be removed from game on Wednesday - this week). Friday Wonderp Bread planning to share some Birthday items if all goes well. Hope all had a fun Thankgiving weekend :)
| Randor the Red | November 22, 2012 Smashgiving and Black FridayLast of this years Smashgiving items have been added to the shop (via Oscar at Overlook) alon with the BlackFyre Helm and Armor Black. These Black Friday Rares will be gone this Sunday and NEVER return. I been asked again about RARES vs SEASONAL Rares. All Seasonal Events and Seasonal Shops are Label Seasonal. RARE - To be Removed from game after event (1 time only) Seasonal Rare - Tagged OR 1 time only. If an Seasonal item is not tagged ('12) then its 1 time only. If the item is tagged with the year then it can return atleast once more or have an update version. But seasonal Rares will at some point be gone where as... Seasonal Item - Always ingame but only during a seasonal event or in a seasonal shop. Happy Smashgiving and enjoy your weekend. | Randor the Red | November 20, 2012 Smashgiving!Happy Smashgiving everyone! This week is all about what the cat dragged in. The cat on Overlook has been revamped as an NPC named Oscar. Oscar always looking out to make friends (and money!). As a cat he loves to run around finding stuff, you never know what he will have at any given time and for how long. Players who know me have heard the name Oscar before. Fact is, Oscar was my first pet cat in real life. I did not adopt him; rather he showed up one day old and a large scar across the eye. Seeing that I like animals he decide to hang around (or was it my family hen coup?). I named him Oscar (short for Old Scar). His time with me was short as he decided to keep moving along to where ever it was he was headed to. In honor of this inspiring battle hardened feline (you should seen the size of rats he defeated!), he is now an NPC of HeroSmash. | Randor the Red | November 16, 2012 Nightwraith and PumpCON are GONe!PumpCON is now gone until next season. Nightwraith once again traveling the dimensions. His personal gear now PERM rare. Infact it is rare that staff allow players to have some awesome personal gear, so all give a BIG thanks to Nightwraith! His Npc will return again one day with new gear from EpicDuel. Ok with luck you will see a Thankgiving release begining of next week. The Super City Mall is getting major tweaks as we attempting to have a quest zone release as soon as possible. Have a great weekend! Also check out Oversoul BETA release! http://oversoul.artix.com
| Randor the Red | November 13, 2012 Smashdome and Sneek Peak!This week Smashdome has been update to same level of code and features as that of Overlook. Mall is coming together with the expanded areas. The new areas are designed for different levels of difficulty. Here a sneak peek of the zombies (still few more being animated). Next week Thankgiving items are coming! Also this Friday at noon Nightwraith gear goes rare and fair-well to PumpCON for another year. Question? instead of an empty lot during the times between Friday 13th and PumpCON, should there be a perm theme park? | Randor the Red | November 10, 2012 Overlook Again!?!Woke up this morn thinking, so much to do but overlook is done... Until reports came in say that the menu was acting up. Bugs, Bugs and more Bugs! HeroSmash keeps evolving and so does Flash. Most of us updated to lastest flash making software which is a few generations from ones I started with. Each new Flash making software causes old coding to act up. This time it was my fault! Why? Well I wanted not only update Overlook with Faith but also throw in some of the new features we created. Sadly this made older layers go little crazy. Lucky for me I usually break alot of things and have Dumoose and Yergen look at me and *sigh*. But that how we learn, by understanding why things break you can understand how to fix and so was the case today. As I was fixing people asked when Nightwraith coming? Well NOW! As of now Nightwraith is at Overlook until next Friday. This does not mean hes gone for good, just last time to get he awesome gear. We plan to bring back his npc in the future with new gear from EpicDuel (maybe Titan gear?). Also PumpCON leaves when Thanksgiving stuff(ings) releases. The Super City Mall is coming along good just waiting on some more monsters and items. The art for the monsters was done by Wonderp Bread and animated by Yergen. I off to get more things done as art is flowing into my inbox. Enjoy your weekend and as always be safe and have fun (playing HeroSmash)!
| Randor the Red | November 08, 2012 Overlook UpdateThis week Overlook got a new NPC - Faith! As many alreay know Faith runs our online AE shop HeroMart. With many of the items at HeroMart, each comes with a promo code that unlock gear inside our games. If you buy the HeroSmash T-Shirt or AE 10th Anniversary T-Shirt they come with a promo code that unlocks item in HS. The NPC Faith is one place (beside achievement badges) to access shops you have unlocked. Did Dumoose get a make over? Yes he did! Later we plan to add Red and Blue PvP team gear to the Pvp Shop. But this week we added a whole new shop (via Faith) the 50,000 Likes for helping us reaching our goal of 50,000 Likes on a popular social network. You need to click the HeroMart button to see the 50,000 Likes button. Super City Mall is still being worked on (will post some of the new monsters soon), but coming up next is Thanksgiving and a last chance to get the Nightwraith Set! There been alot of rumors that drDOT has stepped down from being an team artist. DrDot just putting school first, but will time to time help out, just not as much as before. Zheenx has been gone awhile to deal with life issues, we wish help well and hope he be able to come back one day again.
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