Randor the Red | November 08, 2012 Overlook UpdateThis week Overlook got a new NPC - Faith! As many alreay know Faith runs our online AE shop HeroMart. With many of the items at HeroMart, each comes with a promo code that unlock gear inside our games. If you buy the HeroSmash T-Shirt or AE 10th Anniversary T-Shirt they come with a promo code that unlocks item in HS. The NPC Faith is one place (beside achievement badges) to access shops you have unlocked. Did Dumoose get a make over? Yes he did! Later we plan to add Red and Blue PvP team gear to the Pvp Shop. But this week we added a whole new shop (via Faith) the 50,000 Likes for helping us reaching our goal of 50,000 Likes on a popular social network. You need to click the HeroMart button to see the 50,000 Likes button. Super City Mall is still being worked on (will post some of the new monsters soon), but coming up next is Thanksgiving and a last chance to get the Nightwraith Set! There been alot of rumors that drDOT has stepped down from being an team artist. DrDot just putting school first, but will time to time help out, just not as much as before. Zheenx has been gone awhile to deal with life issues, we wish help well and hope he be able to come back one day again. Tags: Randor the Red |
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