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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

January 30, 2013

Player Suggestions Week

We've been adding your item suggestions to the Good and Evil Kiosks every day this week! If we see an awesome item that doesn't fit either shop, it goes into BOTH! Remember: when you submit your item, please let us know which faction you think it belongs in, or if you'd like us to decide. We want to make your ideas happen wherever possible, so just let us know! As always, the Hero or Villain suggesting the new gear will have their name in the description AND get that item added to their account.*
We can't use any art files submit for legal reasons, which is why we create what YOU imagine! Some slight changes may be made to your design, but we will always try to keep as close as possible to your concept. We're going to keep trying to include more player-suggested items in the future, too!
* That is why we ask you to include a link to your character page (but NOT your password! AE staff will never ask for that).

Tags: Randor the Red Player Suggestions

Randor the Red

April 27, 2012

Player Suggestions!

Hiya fellow gamers! Another week is pass and with that another DN update.

This week the plan was to release a bunch of player suggestion items, but unforeseen issues have caused a delay for at least another week. But I don’t want to leave you all empty handed so I picked at random 4 weapon ideas that fit well into HS. Hopefully next week we can get other types of suggestion in as well. One item I’ve been working on is a gun and blade (err... gunblade?) designed by Coolboypai: the "Dragon's Breath". This sword... gun... blade... starts as a sword, but transforms into a gun when attacking. Wow! More complex feats of code tweaking should allow more more interesting weapons in the future and hopefully inspire ever more cool suggestion ideas, so keep ‘em coming!



The battle poll is still going strong and so far it’s anyone’s game. Keep fighting, players!

In addition to updating the suggestion shops, next week is going to be pretty special. As you may know, next week is Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) which just happens to also be my birthday. So expect at least one crazy item as usual  Have a great weekend all.

NEW: In from Dumoose! "Ice barrage now propperly requires Team Veteran Medals instead of Veteran Defender Medals". thanks to CrownedPrince on the AE Forums for reporting the issue.

Tags: Randor the Red Player Suggestions

Super Pink

October 03, 2011

Mondays are Super!

Let me count the ways…

Where do I even begin? Oooohh ooohhh, I know! Let's start with something PINK!

Thank you Submeobi!

How could any day beat this?! Our wonderful player Submeobi sent me this super pink, super glittery, and super awesome mask in the mail! Thank you SOOO much, Submeobi—I LOVE IT! =D

But I cannot keep a gift this great just to myself. So Yergen worked his magic and crafted an identical Sparkly Cat Mask that is now available in Beleen's Beauty Boutique on East Main Street!

sparkly cat masks

MeeeeWOOW! It's puuuurfect! Hehe, cat puns. Gatta love 'em!

You know what else I love?

Infinite possibilities of color choices!

infinite color choices yaaaay!

Llussion made it possible to choose EVERY color imaginable with this super new color palate mixer! While you're at my Beauty Boutique getting your new Sparkly Cat Mask, take a seat at the chair and test out the HUGE selection of colors to customize your hair, skin, eyes, base, trim, and accessory colors!

30 Days of Player Suggestions

The end is finally here! Last week wrapped up the 30 Days of Suggestions, ending with the Pyrokinesis power inspired by Aftermath, and the transforming Solar Shield inspired by Coolboypai.

solar and pyrokinesis

So… after 30 days… you and your fellow players have helped add 31 weapons, helms, armors, shields, gloves, and powers into HeroSmash! WOW! We couldn’t have done it without you! Really—because they came straight from your ideas and suggestions! Check 'em all out at the HeroSpire and SkullDeep DTU Kiosks.

Did your idea not make it in game? Don't worry—every once in awhile, we will be adding more and more of your suggestions into the game. So one day you just might see your super idea being used by thousands of super players, too! =D So keep the ideas a'comin' and post 'em here!

Sneak-Peak Time!

I told you Mondays are super… and OMG super adorable too! Check out the newest and cutest NPCs coming this week to HeroSmash!

Deeoohgee and Fluffles

We humans aren't the only ones with super powers, you know. In this week's upcoming release, you will journey to Pleasanton Oaks where all the citizens have gone into hiding from the Sentinels. Clock Blocker's Space Sentinels have overtaken suburbia and only pets are allowed outdoors. Here you will meet Deeoohgee the super good pup, and General Fluffles the super evil kitty cat! Both cuddly critters will send you on quests throughout Pleasanton Oaks as you get one step closer to blocking Clock Blocker's plans!

Also! A surprise guest voice will appear in this week’s cutscene. Here’s a hint – it rhymes with Shmeorge Glowe. And here's a better hint: it's George Lowe!

That's right! This is HeroSmash's FIRST EVER George Lowe sighting! Make sure you log in this Thursday to witness the incredible voice-over talents of George Lowe as he makes his cameo appearance as a… well… you will find out soon enough!! =D  

This is going to be one exciting week! Hope you guys and gals are ready!

Smash ON! 

Tags: Pink Sparkly Cat Mask George Lowe Player Suggestions Sneak Peak Pet NPC Beleen

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