Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

January 30, 2013

Player Suggestions Week

We've been adding your item suggestions to the Good and Evil Kiosks every day this week! If we see an awesome item that doesn't fit either shop, it goes into BOTH! Remember: when you submit your item, please let us know which faction you think it belongs in, or if you'd like us to decide. We want to make your ideas happen wherever possible, so just let us know! As always, the Hero or Villain suggesting the new gear will have their name in the description AND get that item added to their account.*
We can't use any art files submit for legal reasons, which is why we create what YOU imagine! Some slight changes may be made to your design, but we will always try to keep as close as possible to your concept. We're going to keep trying to include more player-suggested items in the future, too!
* That is why we ask you to include a link to your character page (but NOT your password! AE staff will never ask for that).

Tags: Randor the Red Player Suggestions

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