Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

April 27, 2012

Player Suggestions!

Hiya fellow gamers! Another week is pass and with that another DN update.

This week the plan was to release a bunch of player suggestion items, but unforeseen issues have caused a delay for at least another week. But I don’t want to leave you all empty handed so I picked at random 4 weapon ideas that fit well into HS. Hopefully next week we can get other types of suggestion in as well. One item I’ve been working on is a gun and blade (err... gunblade?) designed by Coolboypai: the "Dragon's Breath". This sword... gun... blade... starts as a sword, but transforms into a gun when attacking. Wow! More complex feats of code tweaking should allow more more interesting weapons in the future and hopefully inspire ever more cool suggestion ideas, so keep ‘em coming!



The battle poll is still going strong and so far it’s anyone’s game. Keep fighting, players!

In addition to updating the suggestion shops, next week is going to be pretty special. As you may know, next week is Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) which just happens to also be my birthday. So expect at least one crazy item as usual  Have a great weekend all.

NEW: In from Dumoose! "Ice barrage now propperly requires Team Veteran Medals instead of Veteran Defender Medals". thanks to CrownedPrince on the AE Forums for reporting the issue.

Tags: Randor the Red Player Suggestions

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