Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

July 13, 2012

Friday 13th!

Its the last Friday the 13th of this year and we added alot of new goodies! drDOT and Wonderp Bread worked hard getting many things as possible done. Already they are working on Movie Plex items and so is Polistar who has been visiting the AE lab this week.

Next week we will be back to working on minor game fixes and Daily Shop updates. Question should we move the Daily (Ramdom) Shop to its own location "The Lost and Found Shop?

Many keep asking for RARES besides the seasonal and event rares. So for only for this Friday 13th and one more time during PumpCON can you get the cool Black Cat Outfit after which will be removed forever!

When the Summer Break Shop ends the Movie Plex will be updated. We have plans to add a perm shop and have Summer Blockbuster Hits seaonal shop (much like the Morph Head Shop and Summer Break Shop). So each Summer not one but many of the blockbuster hit movies will have items that can be found and unlike the Summer Break shop all items in the Blockbuster Hits Shop are perm RARE! Working on game fixes next week will give our artists more time to get many items done as possible. More details shall be explained in upcoming Design Notes.

As our long time players know that Postmaster General is a mod who helps alot with HS testing, but did you know he also loves doing artwork! As of now he will also be making items and learning along side the HS team.

As always enjoy the game and have fun!

Tags: Daily Shop Movie Plex Summer Shop


August 04, 2011

Mysterious Game Kiosks, Suggestions, and Sharks

A mysterious Kiosk has appeared in both HeroSpire and SkullDeep. They have on them, an addictive target game. It’s great for training your hero or villain skills. HeroSmash Members can play the game and complete the missions from the kiosk to get the special members only power that involves STRETCHING ATTACKS.

Dumoose went crazy on this release, setting up the minigame, and all the powers! Go Dumoose!


The kiosk will also be home to the first Suggestion Shop in HeroSmash. Not ONLY will there be items and powers available, but they will be GOOD and EVIL powers and items. That’s right! The first items based on your good and evil reps. Evil players can go straight to SkullDeep, and look for the Kiosk, while good players should make a bee line for HeroSmash, and do the same.

Also, Circe has been gracious enough to create an official thread in the forums for Suggestions(coming soon). Please follow the suggestion rules for submissions. We look forward to seeing your great submissions!

Randor and Zheenx worked hard to make the suggestions a reality!


In honor of Shark Week, the Summer Shop is getting a special limited time addition. Three new shark themed items have been added to the Summer Shop. Hurry, because these items will only be around this weekend. On Monday they will disappear forever.

Summer Shop you say? Yes, on Market Street look for Captain Mack’s Head Shop. Inside, the Platinum Surfer not only has some fun Head Morph items, but she also has the Summer Shop Items. The summer Shop will be around as long as Summer is here (Probably mid September).

Emotes and Canned Chat update

Thanks to Nytheria and Llusion, the emotes and canned chat have gotten a MAJOR upgrade. New emotes include ROFL, Dance, and Say WHAT? Btw – ROFL is my favorite. Also the canned chat now features *ahem* HeroSmash themed sayings.

Tags: HeroSpire SkullDeep Suggestion Shop Summer Shop Yergen Dumoose Spiffiest


July 07, 2011

Summer Shop, Captain Mack’s, Power Up, and Popper

Celebrate the summer at Captain Mack’s Head Shop

You’ve all wondered what the inside of Captain Mack’s Head Shop looked like, well now you can find out. It’s under new management and the Platinum Surfer is the new owner. She is a fun loving, free spirit who loves the fresh air and thrill of adventure. Summer is her time to shine, and she wants to share her love of summer with you. While you can also get all your head morph needs from the Platinum Surfer, she is also hosting the Limited Time Summer Shop.

There are over 25 items for beating your enemies while staying cool under the sun, including character surf boards, armors, weapons, and sunglasses.

What’s all this Hocus Pocus?

The Market Street Movie Plex is featuring the new movie Hocus Pocus Hijinx, and the star, Harriet Popper, has arrived on Market Street representing Swinescabs (the traveling Wizard Academy).

Before Sam and Dean could even get their Hocus Pocus Hijinx movie merchandise, Harriet Popper has appeared looking for help. Speak to Harriet to learn how to craft the 6 new magic powers, including the most powerful spell yet in HeroSmash: "Abra Cadavra!"

New magic powers are also available in Professor Smash’s Power Academy. We are magic CRAZY!


HeroSmash now has a power up button. Similar to the “rest” button this button (located next to the Fly button) will boost your regeneration power while not in combat. Hit Power Up and start that health bar rising.

Yet again, Randor, Zheenx, and Jemini have made some out of control items. Dumoose has done wonders with the new powers as well. Yay for us!

~Yergen out!

Tags: Yergen Summer Shop Engine Movie Release Adsorbent


July 06, 2011

Platinum Surfer Hosts Summer Shop

Hey power people! This Thursday we are having our own COMPLETELY ORIGINAL Limited Time Summer Shop. Once we release on Thursday Head to Market Street and look for the Platinum Surfer. She is the owner of the Summer Shop.

The Summer Shop will have armors, weapons, everything you need to look cool under the sun.

Tags: Yergen Summer Shop Wallaby


July 05, 2011

Limited Time Summer Shop - Good Vibrations

So I was hanging out with Super Death this weekend. Boy, can that guy party! I could tell that he was not going to be able to finish his third trial this week. I told him I had a completely ORIGINAL plan that no one has ever thought about. With this completely original plan I would save the day for him. He thanked me, and now I shall reveal my super amazing, COMPLETELY ORIGINAL, plan of awesome-ness! A LIMITED TIME SUMMER SEASONAL SHOP! That's right. All power people must have a matching swim suit weapon combo. Later this week, I’ll post a sneak peek of what to expect for this release, until then, TO THE LAB!

Oh, by the way, Super Death now owes me a favor. muHWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAW!

Tags: Yergen Summer Shop Seasonal Rares Beep

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