Artix Entertainment

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Design Notes


Randor the Red

July 13, 2012

Friday 13th!

Its the last Friday the 13th of this year and we added alot of new goodies! drDOT and Wonderp Bread worked hard getting many things as possible done. Already they are working on Movie Plex items and so is Polistar who has been visiting the AE lab this week.

Next week we will be back to working on minor game fixes and Daily Shop updates. Question should we move the Daily (Ramdom) Shop to its own location "The Lost and Found Shop?

Many keep asking for RARES besides the seasonal and event rares. So for only for this Friday 13th and one more time during PumpCON can you get the cool Black Cat Outfit after which will be removed forever!

When the Summer Break Shop ends the Movie Plex will be updated. We have plans to add a perm shop and have Summer Blockbuster Hits seaonal shop (much like the Morph Head Shop and Summer Break Shop). So each Summer not one but many of the blockbuster hit movies will have items that can be found and unlike the Summer Break shop all items in the Blockbuster Hits Shop are perm RARE! Working on game fixes next week will give our artists more time to get many items done as possible. More details shall be explained in upcoming Design Notes.

As our long time players know that Postmaster General is a mod who helps alot with HS testing, but did you know he also loves doing artwork! As of now he will also be making items and learning along side the HS team.

As always enjoy the game and have fun!

Tags: Daily Shop Movie Plex Summer Shop

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