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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

October 31, 2013

PumpCON and AS Boo!

For the past week I have been under the weather (flu and cold season), but am working the best I can to get PumpCON updated and working. Last year, we removed the PumpCON badge code due to an error. This year, I was learning more about what causing our major bugs. We use Flash making software that keeps changing with each new version. Since HeroSmash was created, I have seen and used five versions of the software. The newest versions use AS3 (Action Script), but HS was originally AS2. Before I can replace and update the old AS2 to AS3, I have to learn more. That being said, Dumoose helped update the AS for the PumpCON badge to work. The new code does work, but it is still missing a few things. I really want to make it work better so we can get more badges up and running for events and bosses.

There was a mix up with the pricing on one of the PumpCON items, but that is now corrected.

Now that I'm feeling better, I will be working through the week to add the rest of the items the team sent in.

Question: What do Super-powered people wear during PumpCON?

As always, have a safe and fun night!

Tags: PumpCON

Randor the Red

October 18, 2013

A New Way!

This week we are hard at work rebuilding the boss quest system. Unlike other AE games, HeroSmash has the ability for players to fly! This has created a new issue with the current pad setup (they're like invisible worm holes). This not an easy task, as I literally have to learn how to do it. As an artist, coding is new to me, but Dumoose helping out!

Still some testing and tweaking on the new system to get it to work. Once it is ready we can finally add the cool bosses to the Movie-Plex and the Mall we been saving for a long time now.

Today, I added some new Cosplay heads that have that PumpCon feel. There are a few more to come, but they are now going into the new template system that was created this week.

Once a few more things are designed and tested, we can finally start on finishing the Mall and start the Mega Arena Dome.

Tags: Randor the Red Testing

Randor the Red

October 15, 2013

Need Account Help?

Use the Help Pages!

Player Support is the first line of defense whenever you have ANY issue, be it payment, account, technical, or game-related, and we personally read EVERY email sent to us. We’re a small team, but we are MIGHTY in our power to help solve your problems and make sure you enjoy our games as much as possible!

The Player Support team is made up of:

  • Nythera, head of Player Support
  • Zazul
  • Neveya
  • and Lady Tomo
  • Stratos helps too, when he has time!

Where Else to Get Help?

You should only email the Help Pages! For us to help you in the best and fastest way possible, we NEED you to use them, not Twitter, Facebook, or the forum!

If you post on Twitter, Facebook, or the forum, that just means our team members need to redirect you to the Help Pages anyways! (It's also very easy for our team members to miss your important posts on social networking sites, because sometimes they need to sleep.)

 Using the Help Pages right from the start means we can start helping you confidentially and directly as soon as we read your email. (Remember, because real people read each email we get, it may take between 1-3 business days to respond!)

Where ARE the Help Pages?

You can find them linked on each of our game websites!

Account Safety Tips

There’s nothing I enjoy less than a stolen account. I’m sure you feel the same way - who wouldn’t?! So here are some tips to help keep your account safe and out of the hands of thieves.

  • Never share your account with anyone! Not even a friend. Every person who knows your password makes your account less secure.
  • Use a secure password! Use oth letters AND numbers, use both upper and lower case, and make sure your password is at least 8 characters long.
  • Confirm your email with us! This makes sure your email can’t be changed without your permission.
  • Never enter your account name and/or password into any site or email that isn’t owned by Artix Entertainment!

We Don't Want to Ban or Mute You!

We have rules in place to help keep ALL our players safe and having fun in AQWorlds! Make sure you follow the rules so you don't have your account muted, banned, or disabled! Not sure if something's ok to do? Review the rules!

Tags: Randor the Red nythera Player Support Help Pages

Randor the Red

October 11, 2013

The Cosplay Shop

This weekend we say goodbye to the Friday 13th event (Next week TLaPD leaves. The cosplay shop is now open, as new art comes in it will be added to the shop asap. The movie poll continues on the forums and we now have a lot of great movies to inspire new gear. The popcorn item that dropped from monsters also changed into the Movie Plex token which is needed to buy cosplay gear. Those that saved the popcorn will have a major head start on their cosplay collection. We are also reducing the 
gremlins to see if it helps solve the bug issue. More quests are coming as we work on other mapelements (monster info menu, tweaks to smash-ables,  new monsters.

The art team are now focused on making PumpCON items. Friday 13th, PumpCON and Fairgrounds are planned to have a one day merge into a large permanent theme park with quests made up of mini games).

Also in the future to be able to add a badge for the Movie Plex boss (I am learning a lot about how badges work in maps this week).

Tags: Randor the Red Cosplay Shop

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