Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

October 18, 2013

A New Way!

This week we are hard at work rebuilding the boss quest system. Unlike other AE games, HeroSmash has the ability for players to fly! This has created a new issue with the current pad setup (they're like invisible worm holes). This not an easy task, as I literally have to learn how to do it. As an artist, coding is new to me, but Dumoose helping out!

Still some testing and tweaking on the new system to get it to work. Once it is ready we can finally add the cool bosses to the Movie-Plex and the Mall we been saving for a long time now.

Today, I added some new Cosplay heads that have that PumpCon feel. There are a few more to come, but they are now going into the new template system that was created this week.

Once a few more things are designed and tested, we can finally start on finishing the Mall and start the Mega Arena Dome.

Tags: Randor the Red Testing

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