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Hero Smash

Design Notes



June 30, 2012

Freedom Day!

Hey there Hero Smashers! Or Villain Smashers, whatever floats your boat. Cinderella here with your weekly dose of Design Notes.

Things are very exciting for us North American types, as Randor the Red and the others are preparing to open (Sunday) the “Freedom Shop” which can be found in the Fairgrounds. Also, the Summer Shop has more awesome items for your summer fun!

This Battle Poll is now over- the winning side is “Battle armguard and belt” which will be made and added to BP Shop asap. The next Battle Poll will announced in a few days as we are waiting on artwork to be displayed and yes this will be a “special event BP”!

If you’re not too busy with the Battle Poll or new gear,  the Infernal Infiltration War in EpicDuel is (just about) LIVE (as you’ll recall, I’m also the staff writer for EpicDuel). Legion Administrator Silas Auer is facing off against his former mentor and sworn enemy John “The Lawman” St. Alban. Joining the war are several familiar faces- Nightwraith and Cinderella are both acting as Legion officers, while fan favorites Ulysses and Galatea are acting as Exile officers. We pulled an all-nighter trying to push this one out, so hopefully you enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Tags: Cinderella Freedom Day

Randor the Red

June 22, 2012

Summer is here!

Summer! Yes it’s officially so (by my calendar!),

This week Captain Mack’s got an overdue update. Since /marketstreet was one of the newer areas there was a lot of heads (morphs) still in older shops. Now head morphs can be found in one place for your convenience. Since it’s now summer we have added to the shop a Summer time shop which will not be staying for one to two weeks but a month! Maybe even two! Some items have gone permanent rare while some are back for the 2012 season. Some new items have been added and expect more to be added soon.

With the help of drDot and our new Assistant Developer Wonderp Bread, we are currently working on artwork for seasonal shops to celebrate Canada Day/ July 4th and Friday 13th. Cinderella showed me the new storyline script and it’s looking good and after the new artists begin to get a feel for the HS art style we can be heavily focus on the storyline.

Yergen (HS Game Lead and AQ3D Artist) revised the meaning of RARES and SEASONAL RARES so be less confusing:

Seasonal items are items that continue to return in seasonal shops year after year.

Seasonal rare (Has year suffix i.e.: '11, '12) are seasonal items that are also rare (may be removed, or have updated art).

Rare items are ones that are not season based, and can be permanently rare (not return, even with the year suffix)

Also, in Yergen-relevant news, last night during an AQW Puppet Show (yes it did happen!) the ongoing project AQ3D was officially titled AQ3D: Legends of Lore! More details at

Tags: Randor the Red Summer Shop 2012

Randor the Red

June 15, 2012

Fixes and Rx for Destruction Axe!

Yo Smashers! (1. Much like the name HeroSmash! 2. Sounds cool & 3. “Power people” sounded like the people I pay a bill to LOL)

This week was a busy one indeed. Our Assistant Developers  Zheenx, Polistar and DrDOT have been hard at work. Cinderella is getting the storyline setup like a script.

While there is no release this week there were quite a few changes. On /mainstreeteast I made some shops faster to leave, and for the player to appear in front of shop that you exited. Llussion worked on fixing bugs in the /alley. Now that the artwork is building and storyline is planned expect work on that to be a priority. Next week comes the Summer Shop! Which soon after we be picking a summer blockbuster for ideas of the next movie plex.

CVS Gamecard Item

Write a Prescription for DESTRUCTION!

We've been getting a lot of questions about how to get your Prescription for Destruction after you purchase an Artix Entertainment CVS gamecard, so we'd like to clear up the confusion.


Once you've purchased the Artix Entertainment gamecard from CVS, follow these steps to receive your axe:

Redeem your card here: Get your Artix Points and CVS Axe

Check your Artix master account email for easy instructions on how to get your Rx for Destruction axe in any AE game.

You will need to use the code on the card to get your Artix Points, then you'll need to use it AGAIN to get the axe in AQWorlds.

Not sure what we're talking about?

Head to your local CVS Pharmacy because Artix Entertainment Game Cards are now in-stock at CVS locations across the United States! Purchasing an AE-branded CVS game card unlocks the Prescription for Destruction axe AND gets you Artix Points that can be used for any of our games.

Tags: Randor the Red Rx for Destruction Promo


June 08, 2012

Zheenx Bow Shop and DrDot!

Hey Smashers! Cinderella here again with your weekly dose of Design Notes.

Things have been crazy inside and out of Randor the Red’s mind this past few weeks (a location with which Randor is only transiently familiar). His mastery of typos almost equals that of Artix. Luckily for you, his insanity has been paying off as he has been slowly building a new HS team. In fact lets welcome DrDot to the team! drDOT will be joining us as an artist and (possibly) an animator, so hopefully that means bigger and better things. We are excited about him, and have the utmost confidence in his abilities.

Many of you have asked for more bows so Randor asked Zheenx to make a bunch. Which he did- so much so he made a whole new shop for it. You can visit Zheenx’s shop on East Main ( /mainstreeteast ,next to BOOM-ingdales) to pick up the latest projectile weapons available in-game!

I’m told other things have been happening but they are still classified as “under construction”. Or so it says on Randor’s door. I hear the occasional noise, so I assume he’s sleeping. Occasionally there’s an invitation to come in for cookies. Not sure I trust him, but then again, cookies...

The next big task is to get the team working as a unit and planning out the storyline. While we’ve known each other for a while, Randor and I have never worked as a creative unit before. This presents some unique challenges- from my perspective, I’ll have to adapt my writing style to a different storytelling medium, and adjust the existing framework to accommodate a smaller staff that’s already spread pretty thin (I’m also the staff writer for EpicDuel). But before we can handle a storyline release, the plan is to have another player suggestion release and a movie plex release in the upcoming weeks.

Hope you enjoy the latest gear, and thank you for your continued support!
Smash On!

Tags: Randor the Red Cinderella

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