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Design Notes


Randor the Red

June 22, 2012

Summer is here!

Summer! Yes it’s officially so (by my calendar!),

This week Captain Mack’s got an overdue update. Since /marketstreet was one of the newer areas there was a lot of heads (morphs) still in older shops. Now head morphs can be found in one place for your convenience. Since it’s now summer we have added to the shop a Summer time shop which will not be staying for one to two weeks but a month! Maybe even two! Some items have gone permanent rare while some are back for the 2012 season. Some new items have been added and expect more to be added soon.

With the help of drDot and our new Assistant Developer Wonderp Bread, we are currently working on artwork for seasonal shops to celebrate Canada Day/ July 4th and Friday 13th. Cinderella showed me the new storyline script and it’s looking good and after the new artists begin to get a feel for the HS art style we can be heavily focus on the storyline.

Yergen (HS Game Lead and AQ3D Artist) revised the meaning of RARES and SEASONAL RARES so be less confusing:

Seasonal items are items that continue to return in seasonal shops year after year.

Seasonal rare (Has year suffix i.e.: '11, '12) are seasonal items that are also rare (may be removed, or have updated art).

Rare items are ones that are not season based, and can be permanently rare (not return, even with the year suffix)

Also, in Yergen-relevant news, last night during an AQW Puppet Show (yes it did happen!) the ongoing project AQ3D was officially titled AQ3D: Legends of Lore! More details at

Tags: Randor the Red Summer Shop 2012

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