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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

July 01, 2015

Freedom Day!

Freedom Day!

Hiya SMASHers!

It's been a while since my last transmission to the people of the pretty blue planet!

I been away on my homeworld, Rouge, a planet with five moons recovering from my last battle! Now I am back to face my foes once again. Wow, my mailbox was full of birthday letters! Here on this planet, you celebrate the same day as my Birthday as Cinco de Mayo (and Happy Birthday to all, too).  I missed the party, but did pick up some items from these folks who bend forks with something they call the Force!

But before I unpack and put these items into the Cinco de Mayo shop, I am adding some new guitars to the Freedom Day shop! These guitars are painted in colors of the first 3 nations to sign the free travel pact. So show your pride for the day when the whole planet become one nation allowing the freedom to travel and visit (and battle) anyone in the world. This also made it so heroes and villains wouldn't be slowed down by toll booths!

But let's also hope one day it will become a day where everyone has the freedom to be whoever they want to be and to share their lives with whoever they wish . . . Happy Freedom Day!

Tags: Randor the Red Freedom Day

Randor the Red

June 30, 2014

Freedom Day!

Hiya SMASHers,

This week, we are preparing for Freedom Friday (Canada Day + USA’s 4th of July), where both countries celebrate who we are and the liberties our freedom gives us.

As a Canadian working for an American company, Freedom Day has a great deal of meaning for me. I truly wish all countries of the world could enjoy the freedom to express themselves, enjoy life, and work together just like Canada and the USA.

But I think Freedom Day should include Mexico, too (let's hear it for North America united!) So, from this point on, I plan to have the art team incorporate some 'Mexican Independence Day' themed items for Freedom Day. 

HeroSmash is a fictional world in which we are all a part of its creation. My vision for HeroSmash is to be an example of a better world where everyone is a Hero (or Villain?!) with goals larger than the world itself.

Freedom itself is a major theme for HeroSmash. Artix Entertainment has promised to keep HeroSmash running for as long as possible. But, this is a difficult task for many reasons.

Due to the majority of games going mobile, AE has been forced to adapt in order to survive, resulting in many changes. Such changes caused AQ3D to be pushed aside for mobile projects like Battle Gems. When time allows, I hope that project comes back to life!

HeroSmash admittedly had a bad start. Combine that with all the team members being moved to the 3D project (then later onto mobile and other projects), it has not boded well for HS. It was decide that I would run HeroSmash. I am proud (and happy!) to be working on HeroSmash, but it is not my only duty at AE. Game promotion is an aspect I'm deeply involved in (wallpapers, web art, and ads), and much of HS still needs fixing before implementing a major storyline push.

Much of HS I have done on my own. The Art Team is made up of talented volunteers wishing to get hands-on experience in the gaming development sector. The team has changed many times since our inception, but I'm still fighting to make HS better.

Lately, the current team has been adapting to life (work, school, and health). But there is good news! All are ready to step up and have already started on new ideas for artwork. 

I want everyone to know HeroSmash is NOT dead . . . it's like an undead zombie clawing its way up from under the ground. One day, we will rise to stand in the moonlight, at which point you'll probably be punching us for trying to eat your brains (but we promise not to hold any grudges over that). 

Unfortunately, it will take time. And patience. 

The only thing that can change is you—our fellow players. Nothing drives progress as much as demand, and to give us the resources we need to speed things up, we need YOUR support. Show us you want to play HeroSmash. Show us that you want it to grow.

And it WILL!

No matter what life throws at you, be a real hero and help the world around you. Heroism isn't just what people see… it's the little things that you do even if you're the only one who will ever know. Not for vanity or profit, but because that what makes true heroes into super heroes.

Battle On!

Tags: Randor the Red Freedom Day

Randor the Red

July 01, 2012

Freedom Day Bugs

Today "Freedom Day" opened up at /fairgrounds, allowing you to see the updated seasonal shop. But we currently hit an unusual bug. The current bug is preventing monsters to be slained (Maybe they get holidays in their union?). We hope to have this bug fixed within the next 24 hours period. July 4th we are planning to add a few more special "Freedom Day" items.

Tags: Randor the Red Freedom Day


June 30, 2012

Freedom Day!

Hey there Hero Smashers! Or Villain Smashers, whatever floats your boat. Cinderella here with your weekly dose of Design Notes.

Things are very exciting for us North American types, as Randor the Red and the others are preparing to open (Sunday) the “Freedom Shop” which can be found in the Fairgrounds. Also, the Summer Shop has more awesome items for your summer fun!

This Battle Poll is now over- the winning side is “Battle armguard and belt” which will be made and added to BP Shop asap. The next Battle Poll will announced in a few days as we are waiting on artwork to be displayed and yes this will be a “special event BP”!

If you’re not too busy with the Battle Poll or new gear,  the Infernal Infiltration War in EpicDuel is (just about) LIVE (as you’ll recall, I’m also the staff writer for EpicDuel). Legion Administrator Silas Auer is facing off against his former mentor and sworn enemy John “The Lawman” St. Alban. Joining the war are several familiar faces- Nightwraith and Cinderella are both acting as Legion officers, while fan favorites Ulysses and Galatea are acting as Exile officers. We pulled an all-nighter trying to push this one out, so hopefully you enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Tags: Cinderella Freedom Day

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