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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

July 01, 2015

Freedom Day!

Freedom Day!

Hiya SMASHers!

It's been a while since my last transmission to the people of the pretty blue planet!

I been away on my homeworld, Rouge, a planet with five moons recovering from my last battle! Now I am back to face my foes once again. Wow, my mailbox was full of birthday letters! Here on this planet, you celebrate the same day as my Birthday as Cinco de Mayo (and Happy Birthday to all, too).  I missed the party, but did pick up some items from these folks who bend forks with something they call the Force!

But before I unpack and put these items into the Cinco de Mayo shop, I am adding some new guitars to the Freedom Day shop! These guitars are painted in colors of the first 3 nations to sign the free travel pact. So show your pride for the day when the whole planet become one nation allowing the freedom to travel and visit (and battle) anyone in the world. This also made it so heroes and villains wouldn't be slowed down by toll booths!

But let's also hope one day it will become a day where everyone has the freedom to be whoever they want to be and to share their lives with whoever they wish . . . Happy Freedom Day!

Tags: Randor the Red Freedom Day

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