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Design Notes


Randor the Red

December 13, 2013

Friday 13th Returns (Again!)

Happy Friday the 13th Again!

Items have returned along with a few new ones (Crow Wings for only a Limited Time). Also, we have a Battle Wedding shop to celebrate the the Wedding of Artix!

Wonderp Bread the Monster and Shop are leaving this weekend. Yergen will be around for another week as we are fixing some quest bugs. Then, it  will be replaced with SMASHmas!

Tags: Randor the Red Friday 13th


April 13, 2012

Friday 13th!

Even with the warmth of spring over the horizon, today the wind feels a little bit colder. That is the signature of the return of the Cirque du Muerte and its insane proprietor, the man known only as Zazul. 
Come and see the freakish delights that Zazul has in store for you. These items are specially crafted by Zazul and those in his employ to entice even the most strong-willed of heroes, so be careful you don’t fall in too deep. The Cirque only opens on Friday the 13th, and the employees are rather mum about what happens in the interim...

In addition to the Friday the 13th seasonal items, keep an eye out for NEW items added to the PvP shop over the weekend courtesy of Polistar. Randor the Red has taken it upon himself to update the Lion Tamer whip, transforming it into the Flame Whip.You can find this and more in the PvP shop!

Battle Polls are wrapping up, so look for the winner in the Battle Poll shop, and PvP On to duke it out for the next special item!

Tags: Friday 13th Cinderella

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