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Hero Smash

Design Notes



September 01, 2011

Day Four

Fo’ sho-ing off!

Yeah, I know that sounded WAY cool… but what’s EVEN cooler is today’s suggested item!

I have incredible upper body strength

Feast your eyes on the Contra Blade. Inspired by your fellow player Seraph, this massive tool of destruction can be obtained at the DTU Kiosks for just 20 DTs!

New Minigame uploaded to Kiosks

Well…not new new… unless you haven’t played through The Trials of Super Death…then yes, it’s new for you…but if you have, then it’s the Mad Smash Rampage minigame that you played in Tradertown. Make sure you accept the Kiosk’s missions first so that you can be awarded DTs for all your skill shootin’! And those DTs will let you buy all kinds of super stuff from their shops!

Smash on my friends!

Tags: player suggestion New Item Beleen

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