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Hero Smash

Design Notes



August 29, 2011

Got some Super ideas?

Here’s your chance to show them off!

It’s finally here! Today starts the highly anticipated 30 Days of Suggestions!

The whole thing is pretty straightforward. For the next 30 days, the HeroSmash team will choose a wide assortment of player suggested Armors, Weapons, and Powers straight from the suggestion forums. That’s right, super boys and girls: the items YOU wish to see in game just may become a reality!   

herosmash armor symboolClick here to post your Armor Suggestions!

herosmash wep symboolClick here to post your Weapon Suggestions!

herosmash power symboolClick here to post your Power Suggestions!

The rules to follow are pretty simple, but make sure you follow them accordingly! Here’s a checklist of the things to include in your post:

  • URL to IMAGE * see "Do not post images directly" under rules* - Original sketched, or chosen media for ideas must be a clearly visible image. (Stolen ideas/artwork, and blurred images will be over looked and NO CO-Creators [We want original ideas; not remakes by other artists])
  • Item Name and description [Optional] - Please do not name the items after yourselves as they are not MOD/personal items, the creator's name will be in description/credits
  • Link to HeroSmash Charpage - So creator can get the item free in their inventory

A Super Important Note: keep the theme of items to super heroes, modern and/or futuristic vs fantasy style… since this is HeroSmash, after all!

Where can I find the new suggested items?

Player suggested items will become available at the DTU Kiosk inside Herospire and Skulldeep. If the item is Neutral based, it will be available in both the Herospire and Skilldeep Kiosk. On the other hand, if the item is geared for Heroes, it will only be offered in the Herospire Kiosk. Likewise, if the item is only suitable for Villains, it can only be purchased at the Skulldeep Kiosk.     

herospire kiosk

All of the player suggested items will be selling for DTs, a type of winnable currency from the Kiosk minigame. You will have to earn enough DTs from completing the Kiosk’s missions if you hope to equip the newest player suggestion gear! Good luck =D

Day 1 Suggestion!

Yergen von Smerwhateverhisnameis is getting today’s Player Suggested Item(s??) ready for release! And as soon as I find out what it is… or what they are… you will find out too!

Hooray! The first Player Suggested item has arrived in the Herospire and Skulldeep Kiosks!


The Pulse Crossbow was inspired by your fellow player Askewen and can be obtained for 30 DTs. If you see Askewen, congratulate them on a job well done!

Can’t wait to see what item hits the shelves tomorrow!

Smash On!

Tags: player suggestion New Items Beleen

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