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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

May 31, 2013

The Price of Freedom

This past month we pushed out a lot of wares! More Cinco de Mayo items than before (plus a rare to be added this weekend (Sink o Da Mayo?). Also this Memorial Day shop was the first test of the new currency system we are trying; Member and Smashcoin items are now both the same (except the fact that SC ones not take up bank space). We increased the pricing range as many have been asking for and are currently working to make a better system format for different level gear, a long with multiple other projects.

If you have not sent in an application for the writer or artist positions you maybe missing out as we are soon getting ready to pick out some winners. Next is what we have all been waiting for, Randor the Red Birthday gear! This year the team have been designing some cool stuff. I also have been making stuff that will be going through final testing and tweaking (and yes there well be PERM rares among them!)

Once again enjoy your weekend and keep an eye on this page as we keep you up to date!

Tags: Memorial Day

Randor the Red

May 23, 2013

A New Direction

Hiya Smashers!

This week we updated the Cinco de Mayo shop with the updated Cinco De Mayo outfit (and have added a CC Version). Next update will include weapons and Memorial Day items, and then after that, I will be ending the 5 weeks of the Cinco de Mayo shop with special items I have personally made in the past year that have not yet been released (I have been saving them for a special occasion!)

Also this week I was promoted from Creative Lead to Project Lead (Yergen is still Game Lead). This will lead to new resources and a little more power in decision making. One decision I have made is to begin a revision of Fame and Smashcoins items and pricing; currently we have non-member gear (non-CC), member gear (CC - color customizable) and Smashcoin Items (partially CC, more likely animated). This has caused a lot of issues for the art team and has also made members feel they are not getting what theydeserve. Smashcoin items do not count towards bank space as the Smashcoins are actually paying for the space (Like buying extra bank/inventory space) for those items. So the planned changes once finalized and approved will hopefully make everyone much happier!

We will be making only two versions of items, Normal and Special versions. Normal will as always be basic non-CC items, while Special (CC, Animated and click-able options) will come in two pricing options (Fame and Smashcoins). The Smashcoin option will continue to take up no bank space. This will allow artists to just make two versions instead of three of each item, giving them more time to finish projects sooner. Members and Smashcoin spenders get the same items, but Smashcoin versions have the following advantages - Do not take up bank space and even if you are not a member it is still CC gear. Before this happens (will only affect new items once they have been approved) we need to work out the value of Fame to Smashcoins as we want to start making gear scale much more fairly in Fame price, but also at a fair rate for Smashcoin versions. A lot of players
have banked up Fame and many love to farm - we want all of you to be happy playing HeroSmash, so expect new ideas and changes (remember we still in Beta!)

New Battle Poll is up - Wonderp Bread will make a Wolf or Unicorn head based which side wins!

Have a great weekend everyone :)

Tags: Randor the Red Cinco de Mayo Battle Polls

Randor the Red

May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day


Thank you for all the birthday wishes last week :) Just like the update last week, we added more items to the Cinco de Mayo Shop onOverlook. Not only did we add the new event shop (Cinco de Mayo), but also the Faith NPC has been reworked. We hope to get all the NPCs on overlook better set-up as a quick tutorial spot for new players. We are currently working on correcting a strange bug that causes NPCs to disappear when you speak to them.

We are very close to fixing the bug and also, I have learned how the fact fonts are not being embedded in older maps is the reason some quest show 000 rewards. Now I know how to fix that I will be attempting to fix that issue, while updating older maps asap.

As for my Birthday gear, that will be added on the 5th week of Cinco de Mayo shop update. Each week we will be adding new items to the Why? Since my Birthday is May 5th and this is my 5th year at AE we decided to make it a bigger shop event! First gear that was added is the cactus gear with newer click coding on the armor (allowing for full body to activate on click, compared to having to click each part).

We are always working on new ideas and ways to make HS unique and better! Latest new gear is the Poncho (Click anywhere on upper body to equip the hand gun - Note: Back hand weapons are purely aesthetic) The Writer and Artist contest will soon have some winners selected.

A lot of great artists have submitted applications. We are doing our best to get that out of the way so we can start another (Never Ending Contest?), for those under the age of 18 to get there work directly into HS (More info coming on this soon).

Happy Mother's Day!

Tags: Randor the Red Mother's Day

Bug Slayer

May 01, 2013

Become a Bug Hunter

The BugMaster General Needs YOU!

Stratos, the BugMaster General, writes: Bug Hunters... unite!

OUR MISSION: To confirm every bug, mistake, glitch, hack, typo, and error in HeroSmash that other players report at! NOTE: We are Bug Hunters... not player support! We do not fix bugs other players' characters, accounts, or upgrades.

"The bigger the bug, the more satisfying the squish!"

If the line up there makes your fingers itch to grab a mallet and squash something, then keep reading, because you're just what Stratos is looking for! Read on for more details:

Please post the following on the HS forum:

1. A link to your HS character page

2. The languages you speak/write

3. A couple sentences about how long you've played HeroSmash, and why you want to help squish bugs.

Here are Stratos' requirements for joining the Bug Hunter crew:

1. You need to have Skype installed. This will let him contact you directly about any of the bugs you've encountered.

2. You must be age 13 or older to join the crew, but 18+ is preferred (as we can give you more responsibilities once you've gained experience)

3. Help when you can. We don't have set times for our Bug Hunters to be available, but we would like you to be available to help regularly. 

4. Must be able to follow directions... and ask questions! Stratos has a system set up, but if there's something you don't understand, ASK! He wants to help you squish the bugs as much as you want to squish them!

5. Good critical thinking skills are a plus. (Being able to see a problem and narrow down the source or reason can speed the fixing process up.)

(Please do not include your age, email address, or Skype name when posting. Stratos will be able to contact you without them. Thank you!)

So... What Now? How do I Start Squashing?

Stratos will contact you directly if you look like a good fit for this task. It won't always (or even often) be fun. You'll read reports, play HeroSmash until it breaks, then go do paperwork. But you WILL be helping the DF dev team improve the game!

Reading reports and duplicating bugs over and over again not for you? That's OK! But DO we need EVERYONE's help reporting the bugs on the Bug Tracker!

We can't fix HeroSmash unless we know there are bugs... and that's where YOU come in!


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