Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

May 26, 2014

Happy Memorial Day!

We've added a few new (Limited Time) items to the Hero Memorial in the Park of Liberty City. Remember the Fallen!

Tags: Randor the Red Memorial Day

Randor the Red

May 31, 2013

The Price of Freedom

This past month we pushed out a lot of wares! More Cinco de Mayo items than before (plus a rare to be added this weekend (Sink o Da Mayo?). Also this Memorial Day shop was the first test of the new currency system we are trying; Member and Smashcoin items are now both the same (except the fact that SC ones not take up bank space). We increased the pricing range as many have been asking for and are currently working to make a better system format for different level gear, a long with multiple other projects.

If you have not sent in an application for the writer or artist positions you maybe missing out as we are soon getting ready to pick out some winners. Next is what we have all been waiting for, Randor the Red Birthday gear! This year the team have been designing some cool stuff. I also have been making stuff that will be going through final testing and tweaking (and yes there well be PERM rares among them!)

Once again enjoy your weekend and keep an eye on this page as we keep you up to date!

Tags: Memorial Day

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